Chapter 430 428. Copy

Yang Mi didn't care too much about the little girl's first-class experience and her inner thoughts that night.

But, to be honest, this little girl can indeed be punched in the face.

And the most important thing is...she can't find any traces of surgery. She is a pure and natural beauty.

Suddenly, she became more interested in girls from Northern Xinjiang.

I didn't notice it before... Looking at it now, their conditions are no worse than those of Jiangnan women.

What's more, he still has that natural gene for singing and dancing.

However, this kind of thing just made an impression in her mind. She really wanted her to search for beauties from Northern Xinjiang... We can't talk about it yet.

It's not like choosing a concubine for the harem, right?

She has something else to do right now.

Take this script for example.

"The TV series script?... Didn't Tianyu give it to them? Didn't you tell them that I don't want to take on the TV series for the time being?"


Xu Xin nodded, leaning on the sofa and playing the childish game of you clasping my fingers and I pinching your fingers with the girl.

"I told you that you are going to star in "The Grandmaster" and have no plans to take on a TV series for the time being. But they said they want you to watch it. If you are interested, everything is open to discussion. I have already made my attitude clear, and I can't say no. So you take a look, whether it’s good or bad, give some reasons for rejection, so I can shirk him next time I see him.”

Yang Mi understood what her husband meant.

After reading the script, give appropriate reasons for rejection. Although the perfunctory reasons given for rejection are different from not reading the script, the concept in other people's ears is different.

After reading the script, I can give a reason why "the heroine in this script is not compatible with me, and there are some points in her story (specific plot) that make me feel flawed", which is better than "Sorry, I don't want to accept a TV series for the time being." "This kind of rejection is definitely much nicer to hear.

You asked me to read the script, I read it, and I read it carefully before rejecting it. Everyone looked good on their faces.

So he responded:

"Okay. I'll take a look later."

"Well... how are you preparing for "The Grandmaster"?"

"Do not worry."

The ladies stretched out their hands and made a clenched fist gesture:

"No one understands Gong Er better than me. I can pinch him to death!"

"Mr. Gong Er is mighty!"

Xu Xin yawned.

"I went to take a bath."

"Go ahead."

"Director Xu, take a look."


Xu Xin sat in front of the computer and clicked on the video file of "Trading" on the screen.

The screen went black at first, and then a line of words appeared:

"Director: Xu Xin"

"Starring: Liu Yifei, Wang Junkai"

Then, in a cloud of smoke rising, Liu Yifei's side face was revealed.

Several consecutive scenes of smoking show off the temperament of a promiscuous woman with the wavy hair of a scumbag.

"Did you come to this place?"

In the slightly shaking picture, she lowered her head and asked someone...

He basically didn't worry much about the editing of "Deal" this time.

Lu Yang took over all the work.

This includes some of the soundtrack as well.

It's not that he didn't take it seriously, but it was because the film he made was too simple.

There are no tricks.

In the straightforward lens language, what everyone can see are techniques that are extremely simple.

And editing this kind of film can only be done by a qualified editor.

At the same time, he also wanted to test Lu Yang's ability in school. After giving the main ideas, he stopped caring.

Soon, 22 minutes passed.

He took off his headphones and nodded with satisfaction:

"It's very good. Just use this version. Just get the film source files to them from the company tomorrow and send them directly to the film festival."


Lu Yang showed a rare expression of relief.

It’s like having your graduation thesis drafted.

Seeing this, Xu Xin smiled and said:

"Why do you feel so stressed?"

"I'm sure... Although Director Xu's film is quite easy to edit, I'm afraid it doesn't reflect the flavor of the movie... If you are satisfied, I will feel at ease."

"Haha~ Isn't this movie quite simple?"

Xu Xin smiled and handed over a cigarette.

Lu Yang took it, lit it and took a deep breath:


Then, he thought for a while and said to Xu Xin:

"Director Xu, I have something to tell you..."

"Well, what's wrong?"

"...I have a script."

As he spoke, he pulled out a document from the shelf next to the table:

"I want you to see..."

"Hmm... ok."

Xu Xin took it and saw the name at a glance: "Cinema for the Blind"

""Cinema for the Blind"?"

He was momentarily confused.

His eyes suddenly became weird.

There is also a bit of dissatisfaction in the weirdness:

"You can't joke like that."

"No. Director Xu, please don't get me wrong."

Hearing this, Lu Yang quickly shook his head:

"I'm serious, there really is such a cinema. It's in Yanjing!"

“…The question is, how do blind people see?”

"They're not watching, they're listening."


This time, Xu Xin's brows furrowed even more tightly:

"What's the meaning?"

"I'll show you..."

Lu Yang grabbed the mouse and quickly opened one folder after another on his computer. Finally he came to a "Blind Cinema" folder. After opening it, there were several video files in it.

He clicked on one of them, and a shaky handheld camera image appeared in front of the computer screen.

This is a... not a big house.

There were about ten people sitting inside.

But they all had their backs to him, so they couldn't see what these people looked like.

But these people all have short sticks of different lengths in their hands.

At this moment, a color TV with a size of about 29 inches at best came into the shooting screen.

Judging from the situation on the screen, it turned out that "Farewell My Concubine" was playing.

Judging from the picture, Xu Xin knew that this should be the scene in the movie when Cheng Dieyi was still "Little Douzi" and sang in the palace of the eunuch.

At this time, Lu Yang increased the volume of the stereo, and Xu Xin heard a human voice coming from the stereo.

The voice was very flat, like... chatting with a friend.

It's not a professional reading, and there's no emotion at all.

Just said calmly:

"Xiaodouzi, whose makeup was still on her face, was taken to Eunuch Zhang's room. The room was very luxurious, surrounded by various antiques and so on. Eunuch Zhang was wearing a white inner-breasted coat, with disheveled hair. Look at Xiaodouzi..."

Having said this, Eunuch Zhang's voice sounded:

"What year is this year?"


"Twenty-one years of the Republic of China."

"No! It's the 24th year of Xuantong of the Qing Dynasty! Come here!"

After Eunuch Zhang finished speaking, the narrator's voice sounded again:

"Eunuch Zhang asked Xiaodouzi to go over. He raised his hands and walked towards Xiaodouzi step by step like a hungry ghost... Xiaodouzi was scared..."

After he said this, the sound of Xiaodouzi in the movie started again:

"I want to find my senior brother, I want to pee!"

"Xiaodouzi was very scared and trembling, while Eunuch Zhang stood up and ran quickly behind the bed. He quickly picked up a small tripod that looked like... made of crystal! His face was full of twisted expressions, Holding the cauldron..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Eunuch Zhang’s lines rang out:

"Just sprinkle it in here, sprinkle it in here..."

"His hands, which were adorned with various gemstones and rings, placed the tripod on the ground."

"Ding ding, ding ding."

"Did you hear it? This is the crisp sound of the jade ring on the tripod hitting. It sounds like the material of this crystal tripod must be valuable..."

The picture continued to play, but Xu Xin already understood what a "cinema for the blind" was.

He did not continue watching, but paused the playback, turned to Lu Yang and asked:

"The so-called cinema for the blind relies on talking? ... Like a cross talk? Through other people's descriptions, these blind people can understand in their hearts what the movie is about. They are responsible for describing the scene, environment, and pictures, and then matching the lines in the movie , so that everyone can "see" it?"


Lu Yang nodded vigorously:

"This is a scene I shot at the Mind Blind Cinema last year... Do you know the Mind Blind Cinema?"

"I don't know, this is the first time I've heard of it."

"It is a cinema run by volunteers. The format you just saw is how they show movies to the blind. Opened in 2005, it is the first cinema for the blind in China, located in Yanjing. And these people are volunteers , they are responsible for saying that the blind are responsible for listening... According to the curator, the heart is the heart of the soul, and the eyes are the eyes. When watching the movie, the blind people's soul is a blank piece of paper. Through the narration of the volunteers, in their Build your own movie scene in your mind..."


This time, Xu Xin's eyes became serious.

He stopped asking and just turned over the script.

"Story summary: Chen Yu, an unemployed young man, accidentally breaks into the "Cinema for the Blind" run by Lao Gao, and accidentally becomes a movie projectionist hired by Lao Gao..."

It took him four cigarettes and two cups of tea to finish reading the story.

In fact, the content of the story is not complicated. It is just like the outline of the story. Chen Yu is a seller of pirated CDs. In order to avoid the urban management, he hid in Lao Gao's movie theater. Lao Gao fended off the urban management for him. To thank Lao Gao, he left a pile of movie CDs.

Lao Gao asked him what kind of movies these were, and he picked out one at random and talked about it lucidly.

Lao Gao saw that this young man had talent. After all, the movie images that came out of his mouth were very strong, so he was hired as an assistant in the cinema.

Chen Yu had had enough of this kind of life, so he agreed.

Then in the movie theater, he met some of the theater's regulars, and through this job, he learned about this group that can be said to be on the margins of society...

The story is quite simple.

It's not complicated.

But... to be honest, Xu Xin was quite moved by such ordinary words.

Maybe it's because of the real-life video clip just now.

Or maybe he likes this kind of script that tells a story in a down-to-earth manner without any ostentation...

Although after reading the script, he knew that this drama was definitely not a commercial film. But especially for my own appetite...

This is a script that really tells a story!

Although there are some flaws in the second half of the film, it is really good.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"Are you planning to ask me to direct this play?"


Lu Yang's mouth twitched...

Seeing this, Xu Xin understood and said with a smile:

"Planning to do it yourself?"


Although he was a little embarrassed, Lu Yang still nodded:

"I want to...get some investment. Then I'll do it myself..."

"no problem."

Xu Xin agreed directly without asking how much it would cost.

Lu Haibo could be his literary consultant. Although it was not stated clearly... one of the basis for their cooperation was that the father hoped that Xu Xin could take care of his son.

In addition to the fact that the story was really good, Xu Xin agreed directly.

Lu Yang's mouth twitched again...

He really didn't expect Director Xu to agree so happily.

A lot of preparation was not used.


"Director Xu, I can't guarantee whether this film will make money..."

"I can't guarantee it either."

Xu Xin smiled and waved his hand:

"But it doesn't matter. Making movies is not just about making money. Besides..."

He recalled the content of the script and said:

"The investment for this story shouldn't be too big... In this way, you make a quotation and submit it to the company. Go through the process, and then send this copy to the factory to see if they like it. Is that okay? No need. Considering the revenue, not all movies are purely commercial.”

This sentence was like a reassurance, instantly making Lu Yang feel at ease.

This script... was the brainchild of him and Chen Shu.

In 2006, when he and Chen Shu accidentally learned from a foreign video that there was such a cinema, they searched for it in Yanjing City to see what kind of model it was. As a result, we found the first cinema for the blind in the country.

As volunteer docents, the two of them followed for a while, and were moved by the... somewhat alternative, but extremely pure movie atmosphere in the blind cinema, and began to write this script.

The script has actually been perfected for a long time, but due to some issues such as academics and lack of interest from investors, I have waited until now.

He was quite nervous at first, because including his father, he could tell at just one glance that this script was definitely not "money-making".

Director Xu could agree so happily, and for a moment he felt...indescribably moved from the bottom of his heart.

He is not a newbie.

He has tasted and seen the things in this circle.

In the director's circle, it is basically impossible for a young director to make this kind of film.

Only a great director can be so willful.

He has suffered hardships and seen difficulties, so he understands how difficult it is to make a film like this in his own hands.

But now when I heard Director Xu's words, I felt for a moment that a scholar would die for his confidant.

Especially the words "Movies are not just about making money" made him feel so warm in his heart.

So, he nodded vigorously:

"Well! I'll make my hair in the next few days!... Don't worry, there won't be many. I've talked with the curator of the heart, and they are willing to lend it to the cinema for free. Maybe the actors can spend some money... But overall The cost can definitely be reduced within two million!"


Xu Xin still didn't stutter.

Just two dollars.

His monthly salary is more than 7,000!

There’s no end to spending!

There’s simply no way to spend it all!

The young master's life is not hard at all. The young master still drives a Land Rover.

When we came out of Lu Yang's place, it was already the beginning of the lights.

"Deal" was finally changed by him to a somewhat title-worthy name: "Special Transaction".

It's okay, not crazy. Otherwise, according to the popularity of the past two years, this title must be "Special Deal: The Secret Story of an Escort and a Child" to attract enough attention.

Tomorrow Lu Yang will bring the source files to the company and send them to the College Student Film Festival. This cooperation will come to an end.

As for the opening of the College Student Film Festival, that will be in June.

It's still early.

Driving all the way back home, the meal was not ready yet. He walked around on the first floor and didn't find where Yang Mi was hiding, so he went directly to the second floor.

There are two study rooms on the second floor, one large and one small.

The big one belongs to him and is used to store books, materials, work, etc.

Small study room...


We are all on our own, so don’t do any foolish things.

Core I73.2GHZ processor priced at $999.

Nvidia's latest GTX500 graphics card.

Plus what Kingston memory, and the world's first SATA 6Gbps, over 300MB/S... what is it called?


It seems so.

As well as Siberian headphones, Logitech keyboard and mouse...

A computer in her house cost more than RMB 70,000.

It is said to be a study room, but it is actually no different from an e-sports room.

After going upstairs, he went directly to the small study.

The door is closed.

"Dong dong", the knock on the door sounded:

"Female donor, hey hey hey...yo?"

Xu Xin, who originally wanted to show off, was stunned. Looking at Yang Mi who was sitting at the table and not playing on the computer, but reading a script with a few books on the table, he asked unexpectedly:

"You're so promising. The sun is out in the west? You're not playing games?"


Yang Mi shook her head, but there was no hint of laughter on her face, but she said speechlessly:

"I'm almost disgusted by you."


Hearing this, Xu Xin was speechless:

"What did I do?...You checked my browsing history!?"


Yang Mi was stunned:


"...What did you say?"

"Script...what's in your browser history?...Wait!"

She "snatched the case", but Xu Xin's movements were faster than hers.

"Whoosh" was handed over to Flash.

When Yang Mi broke into his study, he was sitting in front of the computer and smiled at her mischievously:

"Hehehehe...just look at it."


Yang Mi was speechless.

You can tell with your toes that this bitch must have deleted all browsing history, maybe even the COOKIES!


Curse you for not being able to remember your account password!

Dog man! !

There is something good and you don’t even ask me to watch it together!

Angrily, she entered the house, closed the door, and turned on the house's separate air purification system.

Seeing this, Xu Xin happily lit a cigarette.


Then he asked:

"What did you just say? Why did I disgust you?"

"...The script."

Yang Mi sat in front of a separate tea table.

Seeing this, Xu Xin quickly started to boil water and make tea while holding a cigarette like a dogleg.

Then he asked:

"What's wrong?"

"Tell me everything before and after your contact with Tianyu's people that day, including your original words, tone of voice, etc."


Xu Xin was a little confused, but still thought for a moment and helped her restore the scene.

After hearing this, Yang Mi said:

"Are you sure that's all he said and nothing else?"

"No, just let me show you the script and reveal my intention to cooperate with you. Nothing else... No, what happened?"

"This script is plagiarized."


Hearing this, Xu Xin was stunned:

""Jade Palace Lock Heart"?"


Yang Mi nodded:

"And, do you know which two works it copied?"

"...Which two?"

"Meteor Garden, and..."Jingxin"!"


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

Then Yang Mi started to pull her fingers:

"Let me tell you about "Meteor Garden" first. Qingchuan is like Shancai, the fourth elder brother is Huazelei, the eighth elder brother is Daomingsi. The good concubine is Mrs. Daoming... the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother are Ximen Meizuo. Even that Baihe Qianhui has a substitute, that is, the maids next to Xi concubine are named Wan Yue and Xin Lian. The deposed prince Yin Rong seems to be the foreigner Thomas who was misunderstood to sleep with Shancai, and Nian Suyan seems to be Fujitang Jing..."


Xu Xin has not read this script, but he has seen "Meteor Garden".

I also know what the story of the show is.

But the problem is...

"So many? Isn't it too exaggerated? Don't the people from Tianyu know?"

"So this is where Yu Zheng's ingenuity lies... Hey, Yu Chao Chao's name is really not in vain. He copied "Winter Love Song" from "The Harem of the Qing Dynasty", "Suo Qing Qiu" copied "Hate Locks the Golden Vase", Forget it if "Beauty's Scheming" copied "The Rise and Fall of the Young"... His copying of this script is simply the essence of the essence. Because it is a Qing Dynasty drama, he copied the characters from "Meteor Garden". But because of the historical background It’s different, you really can’t say he plagiarized!”

"...What about "Bu Bu Jing Xin"? What did you copy?"

Xu Xin asked with a frown.

Then, Yang Mi gave an even more insane answer:



"But it's not that he copied it, but he followed the same routine as "Meteor Garden". It's just that he made all the content of "Bu Bu Jing Xin" younger. Do you know what I mean? The main line of the story must be Just follow the outline.

But he couldn't write such a delicate plot, so he directly changed to the idol drama route. Everyone will fall in love with Luo Qingchuan when they see her, just like Shancai... All the stories in it are based on the outline of "Bu Bu Jing Xin"! Exactly the same! Brother, they are exactly the same! "


Xu Xin has never watched "Bu Bu" or the script of "Gong".

But he believed his wife's words.

There is no denying that my wife is a long-time novel fan.

As a fan of novels, after reading online articles for so long, if I can’t even tell what is borrowed from, what is an outline, and what is plagiarism, then that is pure nonsense.

Since she said she was picking up the outline, she must not have run away.

Thinking of this...

He said:

"So, that is to say, people from Tianyu... gave you a copy of the outline of "Bu Bu Jing Xin", but the content was relatively younger, and they also copied the script from "Meteor Garden". I hope you will star in it. ?”


Yang Mi nodded:

"The problem now is, if they don't know "Bu Bu Jing Xin"...whether Yu Zheng didn't tell them, or they didn't see it themselves, then I can still understand. But if they know "Bu Bu Jing Xin"... The book "Jingxin" even knew that the copyright belonged to me, and even gave me the script..."


After hearing this, Xu Xin was happy.

He hoped it was the former.

And if it's really the latter...

You really think we two are easy to bully...right?

After thinking for a while, he said:

"Bring me the script and the book "Bu Bu Jing Xin"."

"you want……?"

"I'll take a look first. After that, I'll talk to Qian Pengcheng and see what they mean."

Narrowing his eyes, Xu Xin said.

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