This is not normal!

It’s too abnormal. I don’t have nightmares that I do twice in a row. Even if I have nightmares, it should be different.

In the end, whether it was the dream last night or today at noon, it was the same dream as when he fainted at the Rockets base.

Although somewhat different, the general direction is the same.

For example, Zhou Jiang ran in the cave looking for the researchers, but Zhou Jiang ran and ran, but he kept running in the silent cave, as if there was no end.

Just when Zhou Jiang was depressed, Zhou Jiang suddenly fell down and then found the hidden passage...

This is not right...

Could it be that the elves are messing with me?

Any elves use [Nightmare] tricks on themselves?

Ghost elves?

It's not right, even if it is a ghost elves who want to engage themselves among many elves, it is not so easy...

Is it a higher level?

After thinking of this possibility, Zhou Jiang did not hesitate, and directly learned the [See Through] skills for Laluras, Big Needle Bee and Bibi Niao.

If it's really a ghost spirit...

Hum hum...

Immediately in the evening, Zhou Jiang yawned and ate casually. After he set up a campfire, he entered the tent.

This time, there are three elves with the ability to "see through", no matter how you look at it, is it stable?

Although he slept for a while in the afternoon, he was entangled by nightmares, so Zhou Jiang not only didn't feel better, he was also more tired. In addition, Zhou Jiang was even more tired after driving for a while in the afternoon.

Lying in the tent, Zhou Jiang hugged the pillow of La Luras and fell asleep immediately.

After Zhou Jiang entered the tent, the three elves who had high hopes from Zhou Jiang immediately became vigilant.

The big needle bee flew to the tent and lay on his stomach. Bibi was standing on a branch not far away. Menus, the vine snake and the small fire dragon were lying on the edge of the tent, while the ghost was still hidden not far away. La Lulas holding in his arms is full of nets! stable!



‘It’s not good, the master has a nightmare again. Find out the enemy! ’

The voice of Laluras rang in the minds of the elves, and the elves were taken aback, and then they exploded!

Bibi Bird flew over the tent and hovered over the tent to check, while the Big Needle Bee and Guisi rushed directly into the nearby forest for frantic exploration. When they encountered an elf or something, there was nothing to say, and they had a fat beating.

The remaining three elves were alert when they hit the side.

Inside the tent, La Lulas looked at Zhou Jiang, who was gritted her teeth and frowned, with cold sweat on her forehead. She was suddenly in a hurry, but now she didn't dare to use [Sober Slap] to wake Zhou Jiang.

This trick La Luras learned in the afternoon by himself. It is not tightly controlled, and the damage can be high or low. In addition, it has double damage to sleeping creatures... If you are not careful, it is easy to cause huge damage. .

But just looking at Zhou Jiang's pain over there, La Lulaston became entangled.

‘You haven’t found it yet! ’

La Roulas can only pin his hopes on his companions.

Just find out the evil spirit, then she doesn't need to slap her face.

However, the time passed in one minute and one second. In La Roulas' perception of mind power, in addition to Zhou Jiang’s elves, there were some fainted bugs and the rest. No elves!

Those little bugs were all killed by the big needle bees, and it is impossible for them to learn the skill [Nightmare], which means that the Lord has not found it yet!

But I've been carpeted all around and there are no ghosts. Could it be that...

Not a strange elves but the master’s elves!

Excluding the impossible is possible.

Although La Roulas didn't understand, but after having some thoughts about it, La Roulas couldn't stop thinking about it.

Among the master's many partners, only she and Guisi can learn [Nightmare]!

And it is impossible for oneself to attack the master, that is to say...

When La Lulaston was tangled.

Is this really what the ghost did...

"Ah!!! Huh! Huh! Huh!"

La Luras, who was still thinking and entangled, was instantly frightened by Zhou Jiang’s shout, and Zhou Jiang’s voice was also heard by the elves outside. The elves guarding the edge of the tent quickly unzipped the tent. Then they rushed in.

The big needle bees who were searching also hurried toward the tent after hearing Zhou Jiang's screams.

With red eyes and panting, Zhou Jiang, who was panting for a while, found the many elves crowded in the tent looking at him worriedly, and barely pulled out a smiling face to them.

"It's okay, I'm okay, don't worry everyone..."

Although comforting many elves, Zhou Jiang's heart was not peaceful.

Can the three elves who have learned the skill of "See Through", plus Laroulas and the invisible ghost who have abnormal mental powers that can be used to find them with "Nen Power" find that wizard?

It will take a little more than a week to get to City B from here. Wouldn’t it be possible to stop sleeping in those few days...

‘Master, do you think it is possible that one of the ghosts and I did it...’

A timid voice sounded from Zhou Jiang's mind. Zhou Jiang subconsciously looked at La Roulas, and saw La Roulas's small face tense, looking at himself worriedly.

Zhou Jiang nodded insignificantly, and then glanced at the many elves present, especially the ghosts. Zhou Jiang stayed on its face for a second before moving away and looked at other elves.

The worried and nervous eyes were not like fakes, and Zhou Jiang didn't think it could approach him and activate skills under the protection of La Luras.

Of course, the most important thing is that Zhou Jiang did not find the skill [Nightmare] in its skill bar.

Anyone who does not believe must believe in the system!

Not to mention the system, among these elves, Zhou Jiang's favorite attacker is the Big Needle Bee, and his trusted defender is La Luras.

La Roulas is really versatile!

The power of mind and other perceptions are so powerful that it is difficult for other elves to sneak in and attack Zhoujiang. This is something that Big Needle Bee cannot do.

And La Luras will also [teleport] this supernatural escape skill, which is so easy to use!

After watching the many elves, Zhou Jiang touched Lalulas' little head.

"Well, rest assured, it won't be it, I believe it!"

After speaking, Zhou Jiang looked at the elves.

"Everyone has worked so hard, I'm fine now, let's go rest first."

Elves look at me, I look at yours, don’t know what to say.

The Qingteng Snake, who was standing by with his arms around his chest, looked at Zhou Jiang, then at La Luras, and finally stared at him with a dumbfounded look. Then he opened the tent without saying a word. Get out.

With the nod of the green vine snake, other elves also withdrew from the tent one after another.

"Okay, okay, I don't blame you. Just don't easily doubt your partner next time, you know?"

La Roulas wiped away his tears and nodded.

Zhou Jiang smiled and touched her head, before lying down again.

After lying down, Zhou Jiang's smile disappeared, replaced by an indelible solemnity.

Under such tight defense, he can still give himself [Nightmare]. Is it a champion-level ghost system?

But champion-level elves can't be here, right...

If it's really a champion-level elf, it's bad, if it's just using [Nightmare] on yourself, it's okay, if you attack yourself directly, it's really finished.

Zhou Jiang felt that this place couldn't be stayed anymore, and he would let Bibi Niao pull himself out of this ghost place tomorrow.

Although this forest is not small, it is not too big. Bibi Bird and Big Needle Bee take turns to pull themselves to fly for a day and they can fly out. These ghost things happen in this forest. As long as they go out, there will be nothing. Problem.

Zhou Jiang took out his phone and looked at the map, and found that there was a small village not far away.

Zhou Jiang looked at the information about the village. He didn't find any strange elves, nightmares and other rumors. In other words, did the elves really just live in this forest...

This is really good news, and Zhou Jiang's unusually exhausted spirit has also improved a lot.

But watching the time, Zhou Jiang's heart sank again.

It's just over six o'clock...

Mom, how can this make me boil!

Zhou Jiang threw the phone aside, put the back of his hand on his forehead and looked at the tent with a helpless sigh.

Finally, Zhou Jiang had no choice but to pick up the phone.

It's too sleepy, this won't work.

Zhou Jiang turned on his mobile phone and searched for interesting videos. Only if he found any interesting content could Zhou Jiang or he would fall asleep again...

However, there is no interesting fan in this world, and there is no vulgar but can effectively kill time, even if there is no novel!

Reluctantly, Zhou Jiang could only look for some popular TV shows and movies.

Although Zhou Jiang didn't like to watch these things very much, but the situation forced him to like it if he didn't like it.

Scrolling through the list of movies, Zhou Jiang found a good-looking urban police movie and watched it.

The first five minutes are free to watch. If you want to watch it after watching it, you can only open the VIP watch.

Zhou Jiang took a look at the beginning. It was okay. It was pretty good. Although it was not eye-catching, it was only the first five minutes and it was not bad.

Subconsciously opened Qiandu and looked for a movie, and found that there was no piracy, Zhou Jiang could only open VIP.

After an hour and a half passed, Zhou Jiang had watched the movie, but he was already sleepy, his eyelids were heavy, and he couldn't open them. On the contrary, he struggled more and thought of the comfort of sleeping, and wanted to sleep more.

At this time, even the fear of nightmares can't stop Zhou Jiang's determination to sleep...


Before long, Zhou Jiang fell asleep with the phone in his hand...




"Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Zhou Jiang in the tent woke up instantly again, his eyes widened and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.


Seeing Zhou Jiang's haggard look, La Lulas couldn't help crying while hugging his shirt.

"Okay, okay, I'm fine, don't worry~"

Touching Laroulas' little head, Zhou Jiang as always pulled out a smile to comfort him.

La Luras nodded, a trace of firmness flashed in his eyes.

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