Nothing to say.

As soon as Zhou Jiang entered the forest, he released Big Needle Bee and La Luras.

One flies around to monitor, and the other monitors by superpower.

Holding Laroulas, Zhou Jiang thought of Xiaozhi inexplicably...

Fortunately, La Roulas averaged only 6.6 kilograms. Even if the development of La Roulas in Zhoujiang was better, it would not exceed 8 kilograms.

Zhou Jiang said that this weight is simply drizzle to him.

After all, I don’t know my physique. I used to exercise this body. Even if I didn’t exercise after crossing over, my physical constitution was even better after such a long journey.

Zhou Jiang entered from the side. Naturally, there were no big roads. There were only small roads for villagers.

And Zhou Jiang didn’t even plan to leave the small road. After all, if he met someone later, he would probably persuade him to leave. After all, he looked petite... and he was just a person...

The first day passed. In the evening, Zhou Jiang found an open area to camp.

Having survived in the wild for so long, Zhou Jiang basically has common common sense.

After dinner, I was speechless all night.

Early the next morning, Zhou Jiang and the elves got up and continued on their way.

It's only the periphery of the forest, and the interior of the forest is far away.

With the guardian of Big Needle Bee and La Luras, Guisi was empty, and Zhou Jiang asked it to fight the elves.

Guisi is still convenient for Genggui. Guisi can't drill shadows, but Genggui can. If you can drill shadows, it will be much more convenient. (Set Geng Ghost to be able to fly, not to change later to fly and to float)

Zhou Jiang is not afraid that it will get lost. He spent 50 points in the system to get two simple positioning devices. If this is not possible, Zhou Jiang and others...

That Zhou Jiang could only have no F, but he asked La Lulas to find the ghost.

As for Larulas, he was lost too...

is it possible?

On the sixth day, Zhou Jiang looked at the map on his hand, and they finally came to the border.

Going further, there is a place that the Alliance has never explored.

Of course, this was revealed to the outside world, Zhou Jiang didn't know if it was true, and Zhou Jiang didn't ask Lu Ran, Shui Qingrou and others.

No need.

I haven't explored, Zhou Jiang only needs to know that there are quasi-Uranian or even Uranian-level elves inside.

However, Zhou Jiang needs to find a campsite and make long-term discussions.

After all, an elf at the level of a heavenly king in the wild, this must be a king!

It must have countless little brothers, let alone whether or not you can beat it, even when you meet Zhou Jiang, it is probably a problem.

Without thinking of this, after recalling Guisi, Zhou Jiang moved on.

In front of it is a large piece of stone ground and other plains, and the shadow of the woods can be seen far away.

These stones were piled up here, Zhou Jiang could not confirm whether there were any snakes, scorpions, venomous insects or the like inside.

Zhou Jiang is most afraid of those, if he steps on...

Although ordinary poisons can be detoxified even if they are not elves, Zhou Jiang did not want to be bitten.

Zhou Jiang directly asked Bibi Niao to fly over with him.

Anyway, it's not far away, and you can see it. It shouldn't be a problem for Bibi Bird to fly with her.

About half an hour, Zhou Jiang finally fell to the ground.

Four or five minutes ago, the ground was no longer stone ground, but grass. Zhou Jiang looked back at the rocky ground and the looming forest in the distance, sighed and retracted the panting Bibi, and then walked towards the forest.

Next, you must be careful.

To be honest, Zhou Jiang is really scared in this unknown place.

So Zhou Jiang hugged La Luras tightly...

It's a little dark in the forest, maybe it's dusk.

After letting La Lulas find a vacant place to rest all night, Zhou Jiang and the others continued on their way the next day.

No matter how you think about it, the edge area here will not be the core territory of the heavenly king-level elves, so they have to go deeper.

And the most important thing is that Zhou Jiang needs to find a cave or rock wall similar to the previous base.

Water is optional, after all, there is Menus, and if there is no existing cave, the elves can dig it.

Of course, Zhou Jiang would have to cut down trees and dig stones to build a house by himself if none of these were in the end.

Fortunately, there are many devices for repelling mosquitoes, snakes, etc., and even if the provided solar cells are not enough, they can be replaced by high-end ones from the system.

After walking for more than an hour, Zhou Jiang finally met the first fierce beast.

A circle bear!

Zhou Jiang took a look, the elite intermediate.

This is pretty good, but fortunately it is not a threat to them.

After seeing Zhou Jiang, the irritable creature, Huoquan Xiong, walked up with his heavy body to fight with Zhou Jiang. Instead of using the big needle bee to take action, La Lulas directly taught it to remake a wizard.

Looking at the points received, Zhou Jiang shook his head and walked forward after crossing it.

For wild elves who attacked him, Zhou Jiang would not heal them after the elves knocked them If his elves took the initiative to kill them, it would be nice to say, you are going to attack us, I It's pretty good if I didn't roast you guys!

Zhou Jiang hasn't eaten these orthodox elven meat...

Well, Zhou Jiang didn't dare to eat.

He wouldn't resist eating those creatures with no intelligence or low intelligence.

And these creatures with their unique wisdom...

Zhou Jiang really can't speak!

As if to eat people, I feel sick when I think about it...

After continuing to go deep inside, more and more elves were encountered, and those elves were also more irritable, and when they saw Zhou Jiang and his party, they rushed to see him off.

For their head-off behavior, Zhou Jiang raised his hands and supported his feet.

Why not give yourself points?

And they are so enthusiastic... Zhou Jiang is embarrassed.

Zhou Jiang met two dozen elves, big and small.

The general level is in the elite elementary to the middle, and there are very few high-level ones. Only one Alidos was encountered.

Although he was curious that the worm-type elves could be so strong, Zhou Jiang still sent a large needle bee to kill it.

There is no such thing as the origin, the existence of the king-level bee is completely easy to kill an elite high-level elf!

After a finger gun and a few random spears attack it, it will not work. This is due to the force of the big needle bee and the gravity ring on its hand is still ten times the gravity.

If the gravity ring is closed, I am afraid that it will be stabbed in the opposite direction...

If you don't hold back...

Don't say it is right, it is estimated to be broken and unstoppable.

After all, if you just stop a person and want it to practice for many years, it finally becomes a small fate...

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