Although this is the periphery of the forest, there are many elves.

Not only are the high-level ones, but there are also many low-level ones, and there are so many little Lada and Green Caterpillars!

Although the points are low, mosquito legs are also meat!

If you add up, you can always pile up.

Moreover, the daily expenses of this guy Guisi are not small, if he doesn't even take these extra money, sooner or later he will be eaten and bankrupt!

After thinking about it, Zhou Jiang released all the elves and let them go find the elves to fight.

Although the little fire dragon has been strengthened, it can't exert much power in the first stage, and this is a forest, so Zhou Jiang asked it to fight monsters with Menus.

The ghosts have to go too, but Zhou Jiang does not need to worry about it. It can be invisible and can fly, so it doesn’t need to worry about anything by itself. The same goes for Bibi Bird and Ivy Snake. group.

I exchanged six flares, and gave them a group of four, so that they would launch into the sky under any circumstances. Once they saw the flares, no matter what they were doing, they had to rush over as soon as possible.

With that said, Zhou Jiang fired a flare to let them remember their appearance and how to fire them before dismissing them.

Surrounded by the strongest Needle Bee and La Luras, Zhou Jiang expressed fearlessness!


A unicorn that jumped out was thrown directly by La Luras, hitting a tree and losing the ability to fight, and Zhou Jiang's two points were immediately paid...

Zhou Jiang hugged La Luras and walked aimlessly in the forest with the Big Needle Bee.

With the compass on the phone, Zhou Jiang doesn't need to worry about going in the wrong direction.

And even if you go in the wrong direction, you can make Bibi, Stylus, and Larulas fly up to see which side of the grassland is.

Anyway, in just one day, it won't go far.

Regarding the small bugs, the Needle Wasp was not interested in solving it. It was Laluras who controlled the collision with the tree with his thoughts, while some powerful elves were mostly solved by the Needle Bee.

Twenty times the gravity is on, and counting itself, under 21 times the gravity, the speed of the big needle bee is much slower, but this can increase its physical strength and strength sooner.

Although the physical strength is so abnormal now, it will not increase obviously even if you do this, but it will still improve more or less.

And now they are all abuse of food, and they don't need much strength to play.

Even if it is estimated that even if the gravity is added twenty times, it can still fight the quasi-tianwang. No, the quasi-tianwang in the early stage can still be beaten. If it is the later stage, it will be difficult to say when the control of the source becomes familiar.

There are many kinds of elves here, and I don’t know how to do it. It is reasonable to say that there should not be too many elves in an area. In addition, he saw the little brothers of Heluga and Hei Lujia in the Territory of Wind Speed ​​Dog before. There are almost 30 or 40 kinds of elves.

But this is also good, if there is a complete range, there may be some rare and powerful elves.

When he came out, he had eaten the energy cube. The elves of Zhou Jiang, it was only ten o'clock in the morning, and he could spend six or seven hours hunting in it.

Seeing the increasing points, Zhou Jiang couldn't help but feel happy.

Stepping over Dudu's "corpse", Zhou Jiang walked away.

Hope, there will be stronger elves.

It would be even better if it was a heavenly king...

"Tweet~ Bang!"


Turning his head abruptly, Zhou Jiang frowned as he watched the flare that exploded in the sky.

It's only more than 20 minutes. What happened?

However, Zhou Jiang quickly ran away.

This is my own elf, and if something happens, it won't be straightforward.

The location where the signal bomb exploded was not too far away. Zhou Jiang relieved the gravity on the Big Needle Bee and let it go first. At its speed, it should be able to arrive in the first time.

If there is any danger, Big Needle Bee can help.

Zhou Jiang ran under the guidance of La Luras, perhaps because he was too slow to run, La Luras directly wrapped Zhou Jiang with thought force and then dragged him away.

Zhou Jiang looked at the shadows of the trees passing by and couldn't help smiling.

Sure enough, super power is good...

Super power... I really want to learn...

The garbage system can't be exchanged for what you can use, garbage!

Eh... by the way, what about the live broadcaster?

Zhou Jiang turned his head to look, and found that the small plane was flying with them surrounded by purple light, and he was relieved.

This is a good thing, and it's still live streaming.

It's just that the number of people in this live room is still zero, which makes Zhou Jiang a little unbearable.

It's been a long time, no one has come in yet, it's really enough...

If no one comes in, aren't you buying these things for nothing...

Zhou Jiang expressed his grievances.

Originally there was a little guilt about this, but now...hehehe, I definitely want to play you around!

I won't let you cry and I will give you the title "Qiao Biluo"!

But then again Will this cause some infertility symptoms...


Who cares about him, who made them unable to control themselves, did I make them charge? No, I will just say more poems~

After all, the old man is not a devil~

It was getting closer and closer to the place where the signal bomb broke out, but Zhou Jiang was a little confused.

Because there was no sound of fighting.

If the opponent is weak, they shouldn't be able to sound the flare. Could it be too strong to directly solve their own elves?

But it shouldn’t be...unless it’s a champion or an elves in the late Heavenly King, otherwise even a ghost can resist a few times, and it won’t be gone so quickly, right?

And the big needle bee had already passed by and nothing happened.

What happened?

Seeing the light ahead, Zhou Jiang expressed his curiosity.


Through the grass, Zhou Jiang's eyes narrowed due to the harsh sunlight.

After I got used to it, I looked around, a little confused.

There is a small river here, and the big needle bee is flying not far away. Below is the group of Menus and the small fire dragon, and beside them are small pits. They also have these wounds and burnt black. trace.

The three elves all stared at each other. Zhou Jiang saw that a girl in a white t-shirt and denim shorts was sitting on the river bank, holding a fishing rod in her hand and looking at herself with embarrassment.

Next to the girl was a Qixi blue bird flying, Zhou Jiang looked at the level.

Good guy, level sixty-seven, high-level quasi-king!

Judging from the girl's appearance, she was probably about the same age as her. I didn't expect that the level of the elves was so high, and she was probably a child of a big family.

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