After the original source was unable to protect effectively, the Wind Speed ​​Dog became more careful no matter how aggressive it was.

Like the scars on its face, if one is not careful, it does not doubt that the spear will directly poke its brain...

The wind speed dog is seriously injured, and the big needle bee is not better there.

After all, the big needle bee has been attacking, but the paper painting really cannot be used with the attack, or the big needle bee can't do that now, so it has also been wounded by the wind speed dog.

Most of them are scratches, and the burns are almost non-existent. After all, if the opponent gets a trace of the origin in the flame, the big needle bee may be cold.

If only the damage caused by the fangs and claws of the wind speed dog, it can still resist a few strokes.

After Mega evolved, the individual value and so on changed. The ability value added later in the system will not change, and its physical strength is not too much, so the physical strength is not bad.

Huh huh!

The Big Needle Bee can shoot its guns extremely fast, but the terrifying intuition of the Wind Speed ​​Dog and the excellent reaction speed can always avoid the attack, and then counterattack.

There are more and more scars on the bodies of Big Needle Bee and Wind Speed ​​Dog, and their physical strength is getting less and less.

Zhou Jiang looked at Big Needle Bee, worried.

Mega evolution is after all an external force. If you lose your physical strength, you will quit. Once you quit, the elves will lose strength in a short time. If the wind speed dog has not lost the fighting ability, then the big needle bee will be over...

But Zhou Jiang was a bit afraid to let Big Needle Bee use his finger gun with all his strength...

If you go down at once, maybe you will really be killed...

Since pointing a gun doesn't work, then...

"Big Needle Bee, full force!"


The Big Needle Bee flew back a bit, and after avoiding a pounce from the Wind Speed ​​Dog, the spear was held high, and it slammed directly at its dog's head without any time to accumulate energy.

boom! ! !

This is a bit like the strange power of the original Tsunade.

After going on like this, a large area of ​​mud was collapsing and flying, and a large hole more than half a meter deep appeared on the ground instantly!

The violent vibration made Zhou Jiang almost fall down. In the end, it was La Luras who took Zhou Jiang to fly with his thoughts to avoid the fate of falling.


Seeing more than a dozen big trees falling slowly, Zhou Jiang's mouth twitched.

Really awesome, now...

Is it because the Big Needle Bee has become too strong at once, or because it has been a long time since I let it use this trick with all its strength, or because the battlefield is too strong.

This shock... is big enough.

It can almost be regarded as a small earthquake in a small area.

Seeing the big needle bee flying out slowly, Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief.

There is no sound from the wind speed dog, is this he won?

After the super large needle bee flew out, a faint white light flashed all over his body, and then it retreated to the normal large needle bee form.

Zhou Jiang looked at the email sent by the system and heaved a sigh of relief.

Eleven original fragments and eighty-two points, not bad.

Now there are a total of 31 original fragments. If it is really a hundred fragments, doesn't it mean that it will be completed in about a week?

But it shouldn't be that simple...

The first is the wind speed dog, it may not be so simple to defeat it next time, and it is still a question whether the original fragment can be obtained repeatedly...

But now is not the time to think about this, even if you can't get it repeatedly, it is something that you should consider tomorrow. After all, what I think now is based on tomorrow's victory in the battle.

What if you lose?

And even if you win, there is no way to reward the original fragments that are out of stock.

The system is the boss, can he still fight with it?

And even if Zhou Jiang wants to fight with it, he can't do it... This guy doesn't even have a weapon. Although it's not why the system's intelligence seems to have improved recently, it hasn't changed much.

Let Laluras pull the Wind Speed ​​Dog out of the pit, and then took out the wound medicine to treat the Big Needle Bee first, and let it eat some blue oranges before Zhou Jiang went to treat the Wind Speed ​​Dog.

A good potion is powerful.

Applying it on the small wound will heal soon, and the chest of the wind speed dog, which is a bit severely injured, will also scab shortly after spraying it.

Sure enough, there are platelets in this thing?

Do you want to do this yourself and then...cough cough.

After giving the medicine to the wind speed dog, it didn't take long for it to wake up, shaking its head and looking at the big needle bee lying not far away with some bandages on its body.

The bandage on Big Needle Bee doesn't need to be tied. After all, it is not seriously injured. Zhou Jiang has used such a good potion. It is estimated that it will be completely healed by noon.

But Zhou Jiang still tied it up.

As for the reason~

Looking at the sturdy wind speed dog tied on his chest, Zhou Jiang nodded towards it.

"Would you like to eat?"

With that said, Zhou Jiang took out several energy cubes.

"... Wang!"

Looking at the wind speed dog with complicated Zhou Jiang smiled in his heart.

I know you can't stand it.

Zhou Jiang stepped forward and put his hand to its mouth. The wind speed dog stared at Zhou Jiang for two seconds before opening his big mouth and receiving the energy cube into his mouth.

Fortunately, it is lying on its stomach. If it is lying on its side, it is estimated that even the energy cube is not tasty.

Watching it click and eat, Zhou Jiang smiled slightly.

In this way, you won't reject the second match, will you?

Zhou Jiang planned to release the captain for the second time until the day after tomorrow.

Tomorrow, the wind speed dog may not have recovered yet. Although it has been given high-level medicine, the wound on its body is still not small.

Moreover, the day after tomorrow’s call was more than twenty-four hours apart, which would allow Zhou Jiang to "do an experiment."

If it is defeated and can still obtain the original fragment, then everything is easy to say.

If you can't continue to get...

Then Zhou Jiang could only find another way.

Shall we attack other territories?

Let the wind speed dog lead many younger brothers to occupy other territories, and then take the opportunity to defeat the opponent's leader and so on...

However, Zhou Jiang felt that Wind Speed ​​Dog would probably not do this, and Zhou Jiang was also a bit repulsive.

If you do this, you may be in danger yourself, and doing so will also cause the death of many elves.

Although they would die themselves, at that time their death had nothing to do with Zhou Jiang, and once Zhou Jiang confuses the Wind Speed ​​Dogs to attack other elves’ territories, then those elves who have died have half the responsibility. It's all on it.

So this road is half blocked, and I can only think of other ways.

As for why it was only half blocked...

If there are other elves and Black Rujia invading the Territory of Wind Speed ​​Dog...

It seems that this responsibility is not his, right?

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