In fact, Zhou Jiang can guess the choice of Big Needle Bee.

  Sure enough, Big Needle Bee chose Hard.

   Zhou Jiang let the big needle bee fly to a place higher than the sandstorm tornado.

   Evolution is disturbed by other external forces. Zhou Jiang doesn’t know what will happen, but he doesn’t want to use his elves to try the consequences...

  If there are no consequences, it will not be good for Zhou Jiang. If there is any accident, it will really be a big blow to him.

   The big needle bee flapped its wings and flew towards the high altitude until the sandstorm tornado could not be hit. Ken Tello sensed that the big needle bee would not chase after it flew to a high place, but the thunder and lightning still had to smash it.

   A flash of thunder and lightning went towards the big needle bee as if without energy.

   When Zhou Jiang saw this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

   My big needle bees are flying high, you still don't stop... Shouldn't you wait for the big needle bees to come down, are you attacking?

   At such a long distance, how did your attack hit...

   Even if it is thunder, it can be avoided at the speed of the big needle bee...

   Zhou Jiang didn't say anything, but just let the big needle bee continue to dodge, and wait until Kentello gets tired before evolving.

   is really... served.

   I want to face off in an upright manner, but you don’t cherish it...

   Ken Tiro has been hacking for more than ten minutes, but finally couldn’t help it before it stopped. Now even the sandstorm has dispersed...


   Ken Tiro turned around and yelled at the Wind Speed ​​Dog. It was now very angry.

   What about the battle? Big needle bee hiding from the sky for so long, you fight!

   Regarding Cantello's question, the Wind Speed ​​Dog didn't want to answer, he skews his head, stepped back a few steps and gave up the front.

   Zhou Jiang shrugged, who made you keep attacking...Is it okay if you can't stop earlier...

   But Zhou Jiang thought so in his heart, but he didn't say it. Instead, he told it the answer directly with actions.

  Mega evolution!


   With the energy response of the necklace on Zhou Jiang's chest and the evolution stone on the big needle bee, the big needle bee emitted a dazzling white light.

   Ken Tiro tilted his head in surprise and looked at the big needle bee in the sky, wondering how it evolved again in its final form?

   The white light dissipated, and the Super Needle Bee appeared!

   Big Needle Bee looked at Centello, who was still a little dazed below, and flew directly towards it without screaming.


   Ken Tello looked at the Super Needle Bee, his front body lifted up and stepped heavily towards the ground, then the orb on his head flashed, and the stout thunder and lightning struck the Super Needle Bee which came extremely fast from the sky.

   Looking at the violent thunder and lightning, the big needle bee did not dodge, raised the spear, and went directly towards the thunder and lightning from top to bottom.


   The golden Thunder Dragon was torn to pieces in an instant, and the Big Needle Bee continued to fly towards Cantello with unabated momentum.

   The big needle bee's flying speed is so fast that the air is pierced by it. In addition, it is from top to bottom, like a missile or a meteorite, heading towards Cantello.


   Watching the menacing attack of the big needle bee, Ken Tello was very excited.

   The eyes of Big Needle Bee are on fire, it's like love.

  Centero started to accumulate energy...



   The result is also very obvious. From Ken Tiro's exclamation, Zhou Jiang heard surprise, unwillingness, and pain.

   I don’t know who gave it the courage, so he dared to fight against the big needle bee...

   No, the half horn that fell in front of it was a lesson for it.

   As for the big needle bee?

   The big needle bee just numbs his arm.

   As for the spear? The spear in its hand has been strengthened twelve times. If it is broken...well, it can only be strengthened if it is broken. Then it is impossible for unscrupulous profiteers to compensate for anything...First issue https://https: //

   However, although the Big Needle Bee long spear was unbroken, the tip of the gun was also terrible, and it was smashed directly...The fastest mobile terminal of the new 81 Chinese network update: https:/

   The pointed tip of the gun flattened straight down...

   I don’t know if the system can be fixed. If it doesn’t, I can only go out and let a professional do it.

   Do not talk about the future.

   Now Ken Tiro is kneeling on the ground...

   At that moment, when two hard objects collided with each other at such a fast speed and with such a great force, no one could bear the vibration.

   Isn't this?

   Ken Tiro knelt directly, and it is estimated that his head is still shaking and dizzy now.

Ken Tiro knelt, and the big needle bee didn't get any better. His right arm was completely unable to exert his strength, and it was sore and numb, and the shock caused by the impact made its right wing slightly. Some frustrated, it is estimated that the flight will have some impact.

  ‘Big Needle Bee, come on! ’

   At this time, Centero was in no state at all, his mind was dizzy, even his energy was not mobilized smoothly, and he couldn't stand still. It was a good time to harvest.

   Now, Big Needle Bee doesn’t have any idea that “taking advantage of people’s danger is a villain’s behavior rather than a gentleman’s behavior”.

   The two elves are fighting each other, and each of them is injured by their own strength.

   Big Needle Bee can beat it like this, isn't it relying on its strength?

   If you take advantage of the danger of others, the big needle bee may also be disdainful to shoot because of its own pride.

   But this was hurt by myself, and if I hurt myself, then hit, what's wrong?

   This is fine!

   Although Big Needle Bee can no longer contribute with its right hand, its left hand is not bad!

   If Big Needle Bee can use his right hand very hard, then his left hand can use nine points.

   Although Big Needle Bee does not use his left hand for a long time, Zhou Jiang has not stopped exercising and developing his left hand.

   Ken Tello can't even stand still now, let alone avoid the attack of the Big Needle Bee.

   Big Needle Bee is also very proficient in playing with the left spear. Although the wings are slightly, it has no problems at all for Centero, who is the same as the target.



   With the sound of meat entering, Ken Tiro roared in pain, and even his unconscious mind began to wake up slightly.

   was stabbed by the big needle bee one after another. Although Ken Tiro could barely resist the luck energy and the original source behind, it still inevitably ended with the spear.

Centero was beaten and staggered to the side... Even so, but with perseverance, Centero still did not fall. Although it wanted to fight back, the physical injuries and the groggy brain were both Let it not fight back.

   However, these were all in vain. At the back, its resistance became weaker and weaker, until the "boom" sound, its huge body finally fell to the ground.

   It still breathes. Although the injuries on his body look serious and scary, they are all just skin injuries.

   Not a single fatal injury.

   After Ken Tello fell, an email popped up. Zhou Jiang saw that the points and the original fragments were also credited.

   Seeing that the opponent finally fell, Big Needle Bee took a long breath, then exited the Mega state and returned to the normal form.



   As Centero fell, the group of Centeros who were on standby rushed over in an instant, and the Big Needle Bee glanced at them, and then flew toward Zhou Jiang calmly.


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