City C is the northern part of China, and the climate is already very cold at this time.

However, Zhou Jiang's backpack still has the down jacket I bought last time, so I didn't feel much about it.

I've been here last time, so Zhou Jiang didn't bother to hang out, so he went directly to the wizard center.

After opening a room, I lay on the bed and rested for a while, then went to the gym.

According to the mobile phone prompts, Zhou Jiang quickly found the Lihuo Gymnasium.

Although it is already very cold here in City C, it has a major feature-volcanic hot spring bath!

There is a dormant volcano behind City C. At the foot of the mountain is the Burning Hall, and around it is a hot spring hotel.

In fact, every gymnasium will operate some industries more or less, like this Agni gymnasium, they also open a hot spring hotel.

In addition to the hot spring hotel, there is also a hot spring area specially set aside for the challengers who won the challenge to bathe, which is a small treat for them.

Due to its remote location and the cold weather, the city’s gymnasium is rarely warm. So in order to attract tourists and challengers, it will soon be developed into a tourist area.

However, the effect is also significant. The city gradually developed and became famous thanks to the tourism industry and hot spring hotels.

There are two types of hot spring hotel in the Lihuo Daoguan, one is for bathing directly, and the other is for accommodation. And the Burning Fire Hall is behind the hostel, so if you want to enter the Burning Fire Hall, you have to buy a ticket...

It can be said to be forced to buy and sell, but fortunately, Agni Gymnasium is also smart. It stipulates that after winning the gym, you can take a bath for free, which means that the "ticket fee" you entered before will be refunded!

In this way, even if some trainers complain, but because they have not done too much, the league will not take him seriously. After all, the "ticket fee" is just a little bit of money.

Lihuo Gymnasium is one of the most remote gymnasiums. After Zhou Jiang passed by, there was no trainer at the door.

The strength of the masters and apprentices of the Burning Fire Gymnasium can only be said to be mid-level in all the gymnasiums in China, and there should be a lot of people who will challenge you, but now there is no one outside...

Zhou Jiang shook his head and walked in after paying the "ticket fee".

"True pit..." Zhou Jiang mumbled as he walked inside.

To challenge a gym, you still need to take a forced hot spring bath, which is only once for 300...It's really expensive.

Fortunately, if you agree, you can return the money, otherwise Zhou Jiang really wants to complain about this stuff.

Not far after entering, a so-called staff member led him towards the fighting area.

Following the staff who turned around, Zhou Jiang looked at these houses and the small viewing hot springs that he could see from time to time, with some emotion.

This is the first time he has come to such a place.

But he is also familiar with this kind of place.

The style of these buildings is similar to that of Country R, ​​similar to the hot spring hotel in Zhou Jiang's anime.

Those who turned all around, finally came to the destination.

There is a continuous house there, and there is a big "square" in front of the house, and gym trainers and apprentices are practicing here, waiting for the challenges of the trainers.

Zhou Jiang followed the staff leading the way through the square and entered the room.

The room looked like that kind of old-fashioned house from the outside, but after a closer look, there was something else.

First of all, the interior decoration and so on are similar to modern reinforced concrete buildings, which are far from the old-fashioned wood-made buildings on the outside.

Then there is the middle.

The venue in the middle also looks a bit unusual, this venue is darker than the obvious color of the ordinary venue!

Ordinary venues are slightly earthy brown, and this one is a little reddish. Needless to say, it must have been filled with materials. It is estimated that the skill damage of fire elves will be higher.

In addition, this place is under the volcano, and the consumption of fire attribute skills will be much less. This really greatly increases the difficulty of the trainer’s challenge...

Really profiteers.

In order not to be refunded, he did such a "despicable" behavior!

Is this in the eyes of falling money?

"Ahuo, I brought the people, I'm leaving first." The staff leading the way shouted inside and then turned and left.

"Are you a challenger? Welcome!"

Zhou Jiang looked inside. Eight men in bathrobes, four on the left, and four on the right, were sitting on the futon and looking at himself.

Zhou Jiang walked into the room and nodded: "Yes, I am the challenger. When can I start the game?"

I saw a red-haired man sitting at the innermost position on the left stood up and looked at Zhou Jiang with a smile: "Don't worry, you can start fighting now."

Ah Huo stood up and nodded to the people around him, and then they all stood carrying their own futons, gave up their positions and walked off the battlefield.

"Okay, let's fight. The rules of our Agni Gymnasium are very simple. You only need 3V3 to win me and you can get our Agni Gymnasium badge and a free hot spring opportunity. No other problems, right?"

Zhou Jiang nodded: "There are no other questions. I just want to ask, if you win, you will be able to challenge the owner?"

"What? This kid actually came to hit the ground!"

"Does this look down on our boss, it's all about a kid who comes to challenge the gym, but he still wants to challenge the owner?"

"wishful thinking!"


As soon as Zhou Jiang's voice fell, the apprentices who stood by and watched the battle became angry.

At such a young age, he dared to challenge the master of the gymnasium. Do you think that the master of the gym is not good enough? If they come to someone who is a little older, they won't say anything, this one will come...

Ahuo listened to the words of his companions from time to time, and looked at Zhou Jiang, who was expressionless, frowning slightly.

"Yes, this is your right! But since you are going to challenge the boss, then I won't be merciful!"


Zhou Jiang nodded, then took out the Elf Ball to signal that he was ready.

"Ahuo, go, let him taste your power!"

"Don't lose, Ahuo!"


The people who were planning to eat melons now stood in line instantly, cheering on Ah Huo.

Although Ahuo briefly mentioned the rules before, this is a formal challenge, so the referee and the rules announced by the referee still have to be in place.

After the referee announced the rules, the game officially began!

In the sound of "begin--", the two people threw a poke ball toward the middle of the field together!

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