"Zhou Jiang? What's wrong?" Lin Hai patted Zhou Jiang on the shoulder.

Zhou Jiang came back to his senses and looked up at Lin Hai and smiled awkwardly: "Uh... it's nothing, I just want to be fascinated by something."

After speaking, Zhou Jiang continued to drug the elf.

After applying the medicine, he got up and looked at Zhang Kai who was dispensing medicine to other prosecutors in the distance.

For the first time, Zhou Jiang felt that Zhang Kai’s back figure was not that tall...

He had always admired Zhang Kai before, just like a soldier in his memory, working hard to dedicate everything he has to the country.

As a result, think about it now, who is paying?

Is it Zhang Kai? Or is it his wizard?

Zhou Jiang knew that he was in a daze.

He has a very powerful skill, that is, being able to think and observe objectively from the third angle, and use the existing knowledge to think about the right and wrong of a thing.

Although when he made mistakes, it was often difficult for him to enter this mode of thinking in a short period of time, but at this time, he "goed in."

Zhou Jiang, who entered the "God's Perspective", judged the incident more fair than usual.

Like now, Zhou Jiang understood "everything" after a little thought.

This world is like this, elves and humans coexist, but humans dominate.

There is no way to distinguish right from wrong. After so many years, nothing bad has happened. On the contrary, both elves and humans have lived well, which is enough to prove that this development rule is not bad.

And the coexistence of elves and humans will inevitably have feelings between each other, which is one of the reasons why the trainer can make the elves stronger.


The elves' need for fetters is a must.

Elves in the wild are no better than those trained by trainers.

One is the gap between food and standard training, and the other is the bond between the elves and the trainer.

Like the prosecutors who are now roaring in front, they have a deep bond with their elves.

With "the blessing of fetters", the strength of the elves can be improved.

And Zhang Kai asked the elves to hold down the Rockets even if they damage the foundation. This may be a measure of the value of everything in his heart.

The elves must have a very important position in his heart, but the alliance is above the elves in his heart.

He can give up everything for the alliance, that is, his motherland.

Similar to this feeling.

Zhou Jiang is not a human being born and raised in this world, and now he uses a third-party perspective to think about problems, so he will not have any emotions.

Understand Zhang Kai, but will not join.

And the wizard.

After going through the ups and downs with Zhang Kai, Zhang Kai asked them to damage their foundation and drag the enemy, so they would not be afraid, and Zhou Jiang would not say anything.

This is their own choice.

They have already dedicated everything to their trainers!

Elves are right, and people are right.

Both sides are right, Zhou Jiang has no right to accuse Zhang Kai, nor does he have the right to help the elves seek justice.

After all, this world itself is like this...

When people all over the world say this is right, then it is right.

Zhou Jiang didn't have the interest and energy to get these things, and he knew what to do.

What does it mean to him?

Anyway, he is a human, and he is not on the side that suffers. If humans suffer, then he is still interested in doing it.

Zhou Jiang, who had figured it out in an instant, shook his head and chuckled, and then left these thoughts behind and walked towards Zhang Kai and the others.

At this time, only Lin Hai is beside Zhou Jiang, Miss Junsha has also gone up to fight, and the hostess and the camera brother have also gone up to take pictures of the battle, although they refused at first, but now...

Especially when the prosecutors energized and counterattacked, they became more unscrupulous and pressure-free.

Although filming prosecutors’ embarrassment will be hot, they will also be sprayed, but it is different to take pictures of prosecutors rising up. Not only will they be hot, but they will also not be said by others, even if they were bad before. Impression will also improve?

Zhou Jiang's elves were already on the medicine. Neither Big Needle Bee nor Ghost Stone lost their fighting ability, so Zhou Jiang didn't let them go back, but set aside for support.

In the case of Big Needle Bee, Zhou Jiang gave it a high-level wound medicine produced by the system. This thing can also restore physical strength, so Big Needle Bee can quickly enter the battle after taking a rest.

Ghost Stone doesn't need to fight directly, after all, the shadow restraint technique that he just replaced is still very powerful.

Zhou Jiang didn’t change it before, mainly because he felt that he was a little too dependent on the system. Apart from adding some points and origins, he didn’t think that the system would improve the power of the elves, so he just made it a resource station with unlimited resources. .

And even if you don't change your skills, it doesn't matter. The most important thing is that Zhou Jiang has no sense of crisis, and no one brings him any threats!

The Rockets didn't bother him, plus he himself was cautious not to die, so so far he feels that he is very strong and his attitude towards these skills is dispensable.

Although he made up his mind not to change skills, it didn't matter anymore. Anyway, Zhou Jiang was the kind of person who had an indifferent attitude towards breaking his own constraints.

His thoughts and the law of living are very simple-whatever you want.

If you want to restrain yourself, then restrain yourself and make a rule. If you are upset and want to break it? Of course it doesn't matter.

Anyway, just do whatever you want, how happy you are.

"Big Sting Bee, your injury is still not healed. You don't have to face the enemy. You should help other elves. It is best to start with the weak ones. Anyway, the others are the same. Just reduce the number of elves on the side. wuxiaspot.com~You are strong enough to harvest quickly."

"Ghost Stone, you go to fight with those quasi-kings and elves at the level of the kings of heaven, and use shadow restraint techniques to trap your opponents at critical moments. Even just one second can have a great effect."

Zhou Jiang can only be fortunate that there are many purples on the prosecutor's side, and there is more or less an elf at the level of a heavenly king.

As I said before, if you want to be promoted to the upper level, you must have at least three elves of the same level or higher, so it is also a quasi-tianwang trainer, and there are differences among them.

Some are six quasi-kings, while others have one or two elves reaching the king.

Although the superficial level remains the same, the strength is far worse.

There are extra elves of the heavenly king level, so they can resist, otherwise, they will be unable to hold the extra fifty or sixty elves.

The gap in team battles is like a snowball. The extra elves are the snowballs on the top of the snowy mountain. They help other elves beat the elves on the opposite side, just like snowballs rolling down the mountain.

After defeating the opponent and then supporting with your companions, it is like a snowball that is getting bigger and bigger.

Moreover, the speed is similar to that of a snowball. At first, it is slow, but it will soon fly up later.

If the gap is a little big, it will be over in two seconds, unless the top combat power of both sides is out of balance.

Now, the top combat power of the two sides is out of balance. There are a bit more elves and quasi-kings on the alliance side than on the opposite side, and the extra top combat power is like a piranha in a school of fish, invincible.

One side uses quantity to contain, and the other uses quality to oppress. The two sides are now in a stalemate until the arrival of Zhou Jiang’s elves...

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