Big Needle Bee was teaching them there, while Zhou Jiang and the others sat down on the flowerbed next to them.

To be honest, it’s a little bit tricky, it’s the big needle bee teaching the elves, but they are thankful for themselves...


Well, this situation seems to be fine now.

Zhou Jiang gave Big Needle Bee the skills. Although Big Needle Bee also brought victory to Zhou Jiang, it couldn’t pass on skills to others without Zhou Jiang’s consent. Zhou Jiang allowed Big Needle Bee to teach them. They should really thank Zhou Jiang...

Zhou Jiang was sitting on the ground with his back leaning on the flower bed and playing with his mobile phone.

Away from the prosecutors and live broadcasts over there, Zhou Jiang could finally relax with peace of mind.

He didn't dare to be recorded live when he was playing on his mobile phone. Although he said that he didn't care about the eyes of others, he was still afraid of Keyboard Man.

He was afraid that he would get angry and get a 3D dragon to hack into the keyboard man’s computer to find their location and kill them...



Suddenly an unfamiliar portrait popped out, and Zhou Jiang entered in a bit puzzled. He hurriedly glanced at the chat log above and realized that this is the foreign girl from before?

After changing his name and profile picture, he almost didn't recognize him, but it was because of her message that Zhou Jiang remembered that there was still such a character. He also got the jade destroying death light skill she said last time. Now The money has been turned into a small amount of money into the pocket.

Just looking for me now?

[Yu]: Where is the little brother? ≯(?°.°?)≮


Where am i?

[Ke]: What's wrong? Want to come to Nianji? (?ˉ3ˉ?)

Zhou Jiang smiled slightly after sending it out carefully.

Unexpectedly, I also posted emoticons. Sure enough, sand sculptures are contagious...

[Yu]: Hey, I have come to China~ Where are you, I want to find you!ヾ(≧O≦)〃嗷~

[Ke]:? ? ?

[Yu]: Where is it?

[Ke]:...I don't accept Mianji, do your business, I am very busy and I don't have time to see you.

[Yu]: But I'm not here to do things, I just came to you specifically? (ó﹏ò?)

[Ke]: Then you can go back ㄟ (▔, ▔) ㄏ

[Yu]: 嘤嘤嘤~ big bad guy! ???????

[Ke]:? ? ?

After waiting for a minute, Zhou Jiang sighed helplessly when he saw no response from the other party: "It's really inexplicable..."

"What's wrong?" Zhou Nan asked, turning his head to look at him.

"Oh, nothing, just a netizen, a bit inexplicable, it's okay, it's okay, then I heard that the "Elves Alliance" has made a mobile game, let's come down to play?" Zhou Jiang said and looked at Xu Feng and the others.



The three of Xu Feng, look at me and I look at you, but no one said anything.

"What's the matter, it looks like a shit?"

"It's nothing, we are busy, so what? Come down and play by yourself, hahaha..."


Zhou Jiang looked at the three people holding the mobile phones, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"What are you up to? Bring your phone and show me?"


"Uh... what, this..."

Before Zhou Nan finished speaking, Zhou Jiang avoided the mobile phone in his hand.

On the screen, four people were lining up to match.

"Hey~ Fatty, Xu Feng, Yong'an, Jiang Shui, there are four people, why don't you call me five blacks?" Zhou Jiang threw his phone back: "You play this game first, and I will be five blacks together after I get off?"

"Okay... OK! Hahaha, we thought you didn't like to play, so we didn't call you. Come down, get down!"

Zhou Jiang checked the "OK" gesture, then sat down and clicked on the App Store.


Zhou Nan looked at Xu Feng and the others with a bitter face, his mouth moved, not knowing what he was saying.

"It's not my fault, I really don't blame me... QWQ"

Xu Feng and the others glared at him.

‘Isn’t it your fault or ours? You are so good to ask him what he does! This is good, don't even think about going up! ’

After a period of silent communication through facial expressions and eye contact, the four of them had no choice but to accept the hellish facts about to come.

Fifteen minutes later...

"Fuck! 666, Zhou Jiang, why are you so powerful! Five kills!"

"Brother Jiang is awesome~!"

"...So strong!"

Hearing the sound of constant pursuit from several people, Zhou Jiang snorted in disdain: "What is this, I will take you to the King of Heaven today!"

Well, the rank of the ranking is the same as the "level" of the trainer in reality, the highest world champion, the champion below, and then the king of heaven.

"Brother Jiang is awesome~!"

Listening to the five of you, I said every time, Lu Ran and the others also leaned over to watch.

Although they don't play, it is still good to relieve boredom at this time, especially Zhou Jiang seems to be on the hook, and he can play against each other in every round, which looks really cool.

Tian Zhengjie looked at Chen Yongan with a smile on his face, and couldn't help feeling a little...Is he old?


"By the way, what time is it..."

"nine thirty……"

"...Day! Time is almost here, haven't you found it over there?!"

Zhou Jiang was After taking back his mobile phone, he ran towards there and saw Zhang Kai and the others after turning a corner. They were all standing there, quite nervous, some were still there. Keep walking back and forth.

"Not found yet?!"

Zhou Jiang ran to Zhang Kai and asked him.

"...No." Seeing that the person was Zhou Jiang, Zhang Kai took a deep breath and then sighed.

He is tired now...

Very tired...

What if you beat the Rockets back? How many members and elves were captured?

In the end, the people were still not found, so they still lost!

"...How long will it be?"

"Less than ten minutes..."


Ten minutes... if it's long, it's not short.

If you don't find it, it's really over, and the league's reputation will definitely be hit.

They paid taxes every year, but after seven hours, people were tied up, and there was no other big obstacles. In the end, even a few people could not be found?

Zhou Jiang looked at the back, but did not see Chen Xi and the others.

"What about the two of the live broadcast? Can the live broadcast be turned off, if it is true..."

"It's okay on the live broadcast. The TV station has successfully rescued it, and the live broadcast has been closed. The two of them have already gone back to the TV station."

Zhou Jiang nodded and was finally rescued. It seems that the two can still make it...

To be honest, Zhou Jiang said before that the alliance is not good, and it was just a complaint after being angry.

Kidnapped here, if there is no elves, then you can snipe a bit, but with the elves, that can be difficult.

The super-power elves are also looking for hostages here. There is nothing superfluous. They can successfully capture the TV station. It is already very good. After all, it is an urban area and there are still people inside. It must not be stormed.

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