Cirulian ignored Zhou Jiang and Tian Zhengjie, and went back to sit on the sand to meditate.

"Eh, why are you back so soon?"

Zhou Jiang and Xu Feng heard Tian Zhengjie's voice and the three of them all looked over there and found Tian Zhengjie lying halfway on a beach chair, watching them with their elbows propped up.

Zhou Jiang and Xu Feng looked at each other, then Zhou Jiang smiled slightly and said, "What? We came up to take a rest, and we will leave later."

Hearing Zhou Jiang's answer, Tian Zhengjie nodded, and after instructing them to pay attention to safety, they continued to lie down and enjoy.

"What shall we do now, to hand in the task? Or wait?"

Seeing Tian Zhengjie lying back, Chen Yongan stabbed Zhou Jiang with his elbow and asked.

Xu Feng also looked at Zhou Jiang and told him to make up his mind.

Zhou Jiang thought for a while, and decided to play first. Today was originally used for playing. Take a good relax. Doing a task is already "tired". Submit or something, so let's go later.

Anyway, the amount needed by people who want medicinal herbs is not small, and the task has not been completed after three or four days. Of course, the most important thing is that even if the task cannot be submitted, the buyer does not want it. , They can also go to the drug store or Miss Joy!

Although the price is much cheaper, it is still acceptable, at least it is enough for them.

After listening to Zhou Jiang's words, Xu Feng and Chen Yongan nodded without refuting them.

Just play, they just didn't really play it before, whether they came to the 13th district or the diving on the way to do the mission, now they just can relax.

"Then we go down?"

Chen Yongan was uncertain.

Zhou Jiang nodded, "But don't go far, you must come back before twelve o'clock!"

Xu Feng made a gesture of "ok", and then pulled on the rope that lifted the rope with Menus, and Chen Yongan got into the water again.

Fortunately, they just went ashore, and they still haven't taken off their equipment. This is just right.

Seeing them entering the sea again, Zhou Jiang shook his head and sighed.


Menus looked at the two elves who got into the water, glanced at them with some envy, and yelled out unconsciously.

Zhou Jiang heard Meinas' voice, and Zhou Jiang could almost feel the envy contained in it. After looking at Meinas for a few times, Zhou Jiang thought about it and said to it: "Do you still want to go on?" "


Menus tilted his head, looked at Zhou Jiang curiously, and did not react for a while.

"Go!" Zhou Jiang smiled, touching his cold, smooth head: "Let's go down and play, it's okay anyway!"


Meinas wrapped around happily and kept rubbing against Zhou Jiang's face.

This scene was seen by Kirulian who was meditating.

The little guy opened his eyes abruptly, glanced at Menus, and then slowly closed his eyes and continued to meditate.

Zhou Jiang and Menus went into the water again, their disappearance did not attract anyone's attention, except for Kirulian...



A pale blue world.

The water flow wrapped around Zhou Jiang's body, surging in his ears, making a "gurgling~" sound.

This time, Menas did not swim very quickly, it slowly took Zhou Jiang to swim deep, where it was interesting.

Although there are swimming fish and elves on the offshore side, they are basically large claw crabs, crabs and some small fish, and the others are gone.

But it is a deep sea, but there is also a place that can be illuminated by sunlight, not even a dark abyss even in broad daylight.

That place is not a place to play and appreciate the scenery, and Zhou Jiang's body is not resistant to that kind of place, so you can get the answer without thinking...

Being slowly involved by Menus, Zhou Jiang was watching the fish swimming under the water.

Although Zhou Jiang said that there was nothing pretty, but if he really wanted him to take a look, then he would not resist.

After all, this is the first time for him.

I haven't even been to an aquarium before, but now, it's more exciting than an aquarium.

Of course, there are no large animals here...

Basically they are ordinary elves like Carp King...

But the sea is worthy of the sea. There are many ordinary animals. The swimming fish is a group of groups. It is still very beautiful when swimming in the clear sea. It is very spectacular, like ribbons and long dragons. Zhou Jiang was taken aback. Dumbfounded.

It’s just that Zhou Jiang prefers the scene drawn in the two-dimensional animation...

He likes "beauty", but his aesthetic is different from ordinary people.

For example, in his previous life, more than one person pushed him like an anime like Little Hero, but he didn't watch it, and he wouldn't even watch it like Pirate and JOJO.

Suddenly, Zhou Jiang found pink coral bushes moving on the soft sand underground.

As soon as the system scans, the pop-up window pops up.

Sun coral!

Solar coral is a combination of water system and rock system, mainly water system.

In terms of restraint, it is only four times restrained by the grass elves, and there are only three double restraints, electric, ground, and fighting.

Speaking of this, I have to mention Zhou Jiang's cognition in his previous life.

When playing games like Pokemon Gold in the past, he grabbed a sun coral and practiced it. He thought that the rock type was restraining the electricity type, and then he went to fight Ma Zhishi...

Then there is no more, and the effect is overwhelming, and then the sun coral directly kneels!

Zhou Jiang was really dumbfounded at the time. He didn't have a computer at home at the time, and playing this was only playing on GBA, so he was really dumbfounded.

There is no restraint relationship between the electric system and the rock system?

Seriously, Zhou Jiang really doesn't understand this.

At that time, he was so stunned that he threw the water main sun coral into the warehouse and eat ashes. Since then, Zhou Jiang has never used the sun coral again...

Now he saw the sun coral and naturally remembered the past, and he also knew that in the original setting, the rock system and the electric system really had no restraint relationship.

Even so, Zhou Jiang is still a little bit grudged now, after all, the blow to him was really big...

But now that I know the reason, should I conquer one?

Sun Coral is actually very strong. In the previous life, he used spiked cannons and self-recovery to push through a lot of pictures.

But... Zhou Jiang looked at Menus and shook his head slightly.

Yes, there is a super water master, Menas, and what sun corals...

Self-healing is not the only thing that can happen, his Minas can too.

He patted Menus on the head, and Zhou Jiang let it take him out of here.

It's almost the same here, and the result is just like that. Except that Sun Coral gave him a little surprise, nothing else. When you have time, you should go to other places and visit. It is better to find some big crabs. You can eat it at noon...

Of course, the crab Zhou Jiang was looking for was not a large claw crab.

Otherwise, if someone reports it, then they will be over...

But if no one knows...

Well, in time, he wouldn't be able to spirit this kind of thing. In Zhou Jiang's eyes, except for the appearance, it was completely indistinguishable from human beings.

Understand people, have feelings, be loyal, know how to be grateful...

If you really eat this stuff, Zhou Jiang will feel like he will vomit...

In his consciousness, is this different from cannibalism?

Menas took Zhou Jiang around, during which they also encountered the combination of Lu Ran and Chen Qizhen.

The two of them were taken by the Gotha Duck to swim there. After they met, the two of them greeted each other and went to play their own games. It was no problem even if Zhou Jiang and the others went into the water before they disappeared.

Originally, Zhou Jiang wanted to find an excuse first, but if they didn't ask, that would save Zhou Jiang the time to make an excuse.

Moreover, to make excuses or something, to put it plainly is to lie to them, if one is not good, there are excuses to cover up, then it will be troublesome.

And now they are really good and comfortable without asking!

After that, Zhou Jiang, led by Menus, swam like this on the seabed.

After eleven o'clock, Zhou Jiang finally didn't want to and pulled the rope around his waist to signal that Menus should go back.

Although Minas was disappointed, he nodded obediently.

It is worth mentioning that on the way back, Zhou Jiang asked Menus to catch more than a dozen crabs in the rock pile.

These are delicious!

And the key is not breaking the law if caught!

Well, this is very comfortable.

Back on the beach, Lu Ran, Chen Qizhen, Xu Feng, and Chen Yongan all returned, and now the four of them are still in the sea.

As soon as Zhou Jiang went ashore, Xu Feng and the others waved and shouted at him.

Zhou Jiang also waved to them, and then let Menus play by himself, and then walked towards them with a plastic bag.

"Hey, Zhou Jiang, what are you carrying?"

As soon as Zhou Jiang passed by, Chen Yongan, who was sitting on the sand, asked.

Hearing Chen Yongan's words, Lu Ran who was chatting about the sky and the others also looked over and found that Zhou Jiang was carrying a white bag, and there was something living in the bag moving.

Zhou Jiang took out a small yellow bucket under the umbrella, then carried the bottom of the bag and fell over it.

After a bang, the crabs in the bag were all poured out, of course, there was still a little water...

Although the bag was punctured by a crab, the water leaked a lot, and the bottom was not broken, so it did not finish leaking.

The five people with their heads out of sight found out that it was a crab, and they were all slightly surprised, especially Tian Zhengjie, who looked at Zhou Jiang with an incredible expression: "It's illegal to catch crabs in scenic spots, right?"

Zhou Jiang shrugged: "It's okay, I checked the information. As long as you don't catch the cubs in this sea area, you can catch everything else, but you can't be too exaggerated to catch too many, or you will be invited to drink tea. of."

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