Lu Xun was right, the plan could not keep up with the changes.

Zhou Jiang's plan to take a nap and then go to the gym after dinner was broken by Kirulian Evolution.

Being dazzled by the bright light, coupled with the evolution of Kirulian into Xanadu, made him a little excited, and now he can't sleep...

Helpless, I can only go to the gym after eating.

But fortunately, although he was tired, he was actually mentally exhausted, not wanting to sleep.

After lying on the bed for a second to sleep, my spirit recovered a little and the state of excitement now, so the exhaustion was suppressed.

I ate something casually, then took out the machine and the tree fruit to start the energy cube.

Of course, it is not for Xanadu to do it now. Xanadu will wait as the main elf to challenge the gymnasium, and what she needs now is to master the newly acquired power.

But fortunately, Shanaido is strong in its own right, plus it is an elves with super power attributes. Normal attacks are carried out by thought power, and even if it evolves, it is the same, so it can quickly deal with new powers. grasp.

She only needs to move things or slowly release her skills through constant use of mind, and Zhou Jiang estimates that she will be able to fully grasp it when they set off.

Soon the energy cube was completed, and after giving the elves one by one, Zhou Jiang called to stop Xanadu and let her eat.

I definitely can't go to the fight right away after eating, and I have to take a rest to digest, so there was still time for her to practice at that time, and now there is no problem stopping it.

Shanaiduo nodded and slowly fell from mid-air, then put down the chair flying in the sky and used her mind to support her bowl with the energy cube and sat beside Zhou Jiang...


'Ok? What's the matter? ’


Zhou Jiang looked down at the right hand held by Shanaido, and looked up at Shanaido, who was "innocently" looking at him with his big eyes, a little speechless.

"What about you..."

Well, watching the energy cube wrapped in Nian Li flew to Shanaiduo's mouth, then she bit, chewed, swallowed, Zhou Jiang had nothing to say.

It can only be said that having superpowers can really do whatever they want.


Smelling the fragrance floating from Shanaido and feeling the soft touch from his arms, Zhou Jiang stiffened.

Obviously it's just an elf...



"Cough, Shanaido, can you let me go, I... I want to eat too..."

Feeling uncomfortable all over, Zhou Jiang could only weakly say towards Shanaido.

'eat? I can feed you! Come, ah~’

With that said, she didn't know where she took out a piece of beef jerky that was controlled by Nian Li and flew in front of her. Then she got up slightly, grabbed the beef jerky with her hand and pressed it towards Zhou Jiang.


Zhou Jiang was overwhelmed by Shanaido on the bed...

Female upper male lower...

"Come on~ah~"


"Sand... Xanadu?!"

As soon as Zhou Jiang wanted to, he resisted vigorously, only to find a gleam of purple light flashed in Shanaido's eyes, and then he felt that his strength was no longer available, as if he encountered a legendary ghost press...

Zhou Jiang knew that he was controlled by Shanaiduo's thoughts!

Suddenly he was shocked, what kind of operation, I treat you as a wizard, as a daughter, I didn't expect you to want...


Just when Zhou Jiang was about to "recognize his fate", a sudden burst of sound came from the side, and then Shanaido flashed away, and a green long whip passed through Zhou Jiang and hit the chair that Shanaido had put down... …


With a crisp sound, the entire chair was beaten into pieces of wood like paper paste. The leather cushion on the chair was punched through a big hole, and the legs of the other stools were beaten. Scattered on the blankets.

After Xanadu disappeared, it reappeared in the upper part of the room.

Without Xanadu's thought control, Zhou Jiang was able to get up, and then Zhou Jiang gratefully looked towards Qingteng Snake.


Qingteng Snake yelled proudly, then put his arms around his chest and turned his head away.


"Taga, Taga, Staga!"





Seeing Shanaiduo and Qingteng Snake who were quarreling, Zhou Jiang felt a big head.

Especially for Xanadu, Zhou Jiang really had a headache.

Evolving from La Lulas to Kirulian, she changed from a clever and obedient daughter to a proud girl. After getting acquainted, the tsundere girl ceased to be arrogant and became a reliable assistant. His right-hand man and right arm, but now after evolving into Shanaido again, she has actually become a "fish-seeking dissatisfaction" Shao woman!

Zhou Jiang only felt big for a while...

After calming the two elves staring at each other, Zhou Jiang was able to eat.

However, watching Shanaiduo who held his left arm and turned back to play a stare match with Qingteng Snake, Zhou Jiang was a little desperate.

I can only hope that she will correct as slowly as before.

While they were staring at each other, Zhou Jiang hurriedly hurryed to eat.

After eating, I don’t have to rest, and staying here to rest is simply a crime.

He decided to go out after eating, even if he went outside and strolled on the road in the cold wind, it was better than coming here.

Obviously, I was just their master, but in the end I felt that I had encountered the Shura Field...

Obviously he is still a pure little boy...

It's like a scumbag with two boats. Is this going to cause trouble?

The big needle bees are leisurely, taking a bite of the energy cube, and looking up at Qingteng Snake, Shanaido, and Zhou Jiang.

For this interesting thing to appear in the perennially boring team, Big Sting Bees are still very interested.

Of course, Katie and Ibrahimovic lowered their heads to take a bite, and then looked up suspiciously.

Regarding this scene, the two little guys don’t know what to say, but they are also learning from other elves. They look up after taking a bite. If they don’t understand, they can’t understand. Anyway, everyone else can see it with gusto. Looking at it like this, anyway, watching the excitement and no money...

"Okay! Leave after eating!"

After finally eating the fried noodles, Zhou Jiang suddenly threw the box into the trash can and then got up.

As Zhou Jiang got up, a red light passed through his hand. The elves present including Shanaido and Qingteng Snake were all hit by the red light, and then returned to the elf ball with the red light.

"Okay, everyone has finished eating, then go out to the gym!"

After Zhou Jiang finished collecting the elves, he shouted, then picked up the backpack on the table and left the room.

Fortunately, Zhou Jiang still had this prestige. After he took it back from the Elf Ball, neither Shanaido nor Qingteng Snake jumped out again.

Zhou Jiang didn't bring out the rubbish, and he didn't come back. There was just a **** bin in the **** bin, and he didn't bother to throw it away.

After going downstairs, Zhou Jiang went to the front desk with some embarrassment to find the young lady.

When she asked if she needed help, Zhou Jiang explained the situation in his room with some embarrassment.

The rattan whip used by the Qingteng Snake directly broke the chair. This must be compensated, and I can't hide it. After all, I have to check the room condition when I check out, so I just told them to go. Check and estimate to prevent dragging when you are going to leave later.

Seeing the young lady at the front desk looking at him with strange eyes, Zhou Jiang was a little embarrassed, and then the young lady called someone to check the situation.

Although I went up to see it now, Zhou Jiang can still go now. After all, he hasn't checked out yet, and he has the ID card information. Even if Zhou Jiang wants to run, he can't get away.

Zhou Jiang left after greeting the young lady at the front desk.

I'll talk about losing money when I come back, now I'm going to Ludaoguan!

Chong Chong Chong!

By the time Zhou Jiang came to the gym, twenty minutes had already passed.

Come on, let’s do it now, I don’t even need time to rest...

"Hello, I'm here..."

"Hello, you are Mr. Zhou Jiang, our curator is waiting for you, please come with me."


Familiar taste, familiar recipe.

Looking at the young lady at the front desk, Zhou Jiang shook his head helplessly, but he still followed.

Along the way, Zhou Jiang looked at the building of the gymnasium. To be honest, this grass-based gymnasium is the most "simple" gymnasium that Zhou Jiang has ever seen...

There are basically no decorations here, and their business is an orchard base, and the fruit trees in the orchard are still the most common and common...

Zhou Jiang is now walking towards the orchard with the young lady at the front desk, looking at the fruit trees along the way, a little bit distressed about this gym, and relying on this orchard for extra money, fearing that their income has not yet maintained this orchard. More...

Before Zhou Jiang was allowed to walk for long, he could see a piece of iron railing not far away as he walked in, and he could see the battlefield below as he walked in!

"Please wait here for a while, I'll go to the owner of the museum."

The receptionist sister brought Zhou Jiang to the stairs and then said.

"Well, trouble you." Zhou Jiang nodded, and then he walked down with the handrail, while walking, Zhou Jiang observed the site.

The venue is huge, but it's just like that...

The other six gymnasiums that Zhou Jiang had set up were not very large except for the fire system. The venues of the other gymnasiums were all the same size as the one in front of them, which was the highest scale.

And there are other things in other venues, such as nearby woods, rock venues, water venues, and so on, just the bare and most primitive venue here.

Well, although some of the previous ones are the most common original venues, they are well decorated!

At a glance, you know that you are not short of money.

It's like Jack Ma wearing big pants and flip flops. You would say that people are bohemian, but what if you wear them like this for a passerby who looks generally or even ugly?

The cliff will say he has no money, poor and so on, anyway, he will not praise him!

It's the same now. Look at the decoration of this gym...It's really poor!

Be an elf trainer in a parallel world

Be a wizard trainer in a parallel world https://

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