After putting the backpack in the room and bringing only things like wallet and phone pokeball, Zhou Jiang and the others came out, um, locked the door.

  After meeting with Xu Feng and others on the deck, Zhou Jiang and the others visited the entire cruise ship, bars, restaurants, swimming pools, gardens, battlefields...

   After a morning walk, they haven't visited the entire cruise ship yet, maybe half of it hasn't been finished.

   At noon, lunch cruises will not be provided, because except for a few necessary employees on this ship, the trainer and a friend he brought up.

  If you have lunch, you can solve it by yourself.

   Zhou Jiang, they don’t have to worry, they went to Zhou Jiang’s room together.

   Zhou Jiang’s storage ring is still full of food, so there is no need to go outside to eat.

After eating something casually, they went shopping again. After all, if they don’t go shopping, they have to go to the battlefield to have a look. However, there is basically no one fighting now. Although everyone is surrounded there, there is no There is a fight.

   After all, the league competition is about to begin. If the elves repay at this time, it will still have a great impact on the subsequent games.

There have been a few cases of this before. A week before the league competition, I wanted to temporarily hug my feet and improve a little, and then go to fight with others. I didn’t know what happened. I just came out with a anger, and the main elves were beaten. Is hospitalised……

In the game, I couldn't catch up or I didn't recover completely. In the end, I could only lose miserably. I couldn't even achieve the results that should have been achieved. From then on, basically no one seriously played against others on the eve of the league competition, and basically acquaintances. Have fun or practice by yourself.

   After all, if someone wants to "retaliate against society", what should I do if I choose to injure the main elves at this time?

Of course, in fact, at this point in time, even if something happens, it is unlikely that the league will be delayed. There is still a week or so. As long as it is not too serious and requires ten and a half months of recuperation, the injury can be recovered. Here.

   It’s just that now the cruise ship has arrived, which makes all the contestants unconsciously nervous. In fact, think about it, unless you have hatred or something, otherwise, how can you not get out of bed for a week?

  So many people in the world are still fighting, and they are training in pairs. Why is there something wrong with so few people?

   is only a very high probability, and the existence of the Internet is to amplify all kinds of probabilities, but exaggerated things.

  In reality, everyone doesn’t touch too much. One thing may be okay, two or three of the same thing is okay, but when there are more than a dozen of the same things, it’s not right.

   And the network? It can gather all the information from all over the world and broadcast it to everyone!

   Then you look at it this way, wow, there are dozens, hundreds of people fighting on the eve of the league tournament, causing serious injuries to the elves, and the league games are unable to compete at full capacity.

   Hehe, yeah, it’s miserable, so many people in the world, billions, more than 10 billion? As a result, there were so many missing and dozens of people who had problems. As a result, most people still believed in the "setting" that they could not compete on the eve of the game...



   "Eh? Shui...Sister, why are you here?" Zhou Jiang decisively gave in as he watched the softly raised brows in front of him.

   Seeing Zhou Jiang succumb, Shui's two soft, curved eyebrows fell back, and a calm smile appeared on his face again. If it is matched with a white dress and a proper goddess fan, it is a pity that it is winter.

"I'm busy with work, I'm here to blow the hair." Shui smiled softly, and a wind with the breath of the sea blew by. In Xia, it should have been a scene that made people's heart beat faster. At this time, everyone couldn't help but beat A chill...


   The clothes are thick, but what about your face?

   Cheeky but not thick-skinned...

   "Let's go back inside, it's cold in the afternoon."

   "Hmm!" Everyone nodded quickly.

   There are a lot of people in the cabin, but they didn’t recognize Shui Gentle, because not only did she wear a scarf, she also pulled a toad mirror from her clothes!

   Although Dadong’s wearing these glasses is very strange, but the effect is still very good, no one recognizes it.

   Maybe even if he recognizes it, he dare not speak up.

   Dadong wears this big mirror, besides the meaning of not wanting to be disturbed and recognized, what else is there, is it because the sun is too big to shade?

   If you come up to strike up a conversation at this time, you will definitely have nothing to eat, everyone is smart.

   came to the rest area, everyone found a place where no one was sitting, the water gently took out a hat from the coat pocket, and then took off the glasses.

   At this time, wearing a hat is actually better than glasses.

   The hat on her head, as long as she lowers her head slightly, unless she is standing in front of her and looking at her specifically, she can't see her face. If you continue to wear glasses at this time, it will be too attractive. Before walking, there was no way. Now sitting, naturally you will change.

   Glasses attract attention, but hats are different.

   Dadong, there are more people wearing hats, although the hat on her head is still a bit strange, after all, it is the peaked cap that Xia wore...

   But compared with that big toad mirror, it must be much better.

   Resting area They sit here like a "private room", but there are no walls. The middle is separated by sofas and greenery. They sit together, and the middle is a long table with some fruits and nuts on it.

   "There is a party in the evening, are you guys here?"


   "Hmm." Shui softly nodded, "Is it a welcome party? The boat will leave at six o'clock in the afternoon. There will be a banquet at that time, and everyone can join in."

   "Tsk tsk, banquet, A Shui, you are also depraved~" Lu Ran smiled.

   "..." Zhou Jiang's mouth twitched, A Shui... Lu Ran seems to be softer and younger than Shui, right?

Shui Qingrou didn't care about the name, and smiled, "Laughs, this is sponsored by General Fang, otherwise, how dare we, after all, the people's eyes are discerning, if we are not just plain clothes, we will definitely be accused of embezzling public funds, right? , I'm not that bold."

   "Long time no see, Sister Shui would actually make a joke? Who dares to speak ill of our Sister Shui? The title of "Goddess" of our Sister Shui is not given for nothing. There are tens of millions of fans behind him, and a single spit can drown him!"

   "Sister Lu Ran laughed. Sister Lu Ran just doesn't want to be famous, she's showing her face like her sister, otherwise, because of her pretty face, the title of "goddess" won't be her sister~"


Lu Ran and Shui Qingrou were "fighting", Zhou Jiang and other men were sitting on the side shivering obediently, not daring to make any movement. As for Jiang Shui, Wang Qingyan and others, they looked at them with a little admiration. Of course, Chen Qizhen was not counted. Inside, she was a "immortal cultivator", gently holding up the tea cup and exhaling a breath of heat after taking a sip of hot tea. She did not pay attention to Lu Ran and the others from start to finish.

  Really, watching this posture, Zhou Jiang didn't know whether Lu Ran's relationship with Shui Qingrou was good or bad.

   But it should be good, right? Otherwise, how could Lu Ran talk to Shui Qingrou alone last night?

   Wait...Single call? She did not choose to stay there, but went to the bathroom after taking care of the hands-free, and there was no joy or sorrow after she came out?

   I didn’t feel anything before, but now I think about it, how come I feel something is wrong.

   Zhou Jiang's brain hole was wide open, could it be that Shui Qingrou used this to blackmail Lu Ran?

   Ha ha... It should be impossible, she is not such a talent, and if threatened, how could Lu Ran agree.

   When Zhou Jiang regained his senses and looked over, they were already smiling there, and the previous anger was completely gone? !

   Zhou Jiang was a little confused, shouldn't he be a woman? It's just hard to understand.

  Lu Ran, Wang Qingyan and the others are talking, while Zhou Nan and the others are eating fruits and melon seeds happily at this time, while sipping melon seeds while talking loudly.

   Zhou Jiang moved his position, sat down a bit, and grabbed a handful of melon seeds from the tray on the table.

   They didn't care about Zhou Jiang coming over, they continued and chatted.

   Zhou Jiang listened, feeling a little boring.

   They talked about this cruise ship.

   The name of this cruise ship is "Goddess of Dawn". It weighs tons, is 362 meters long and 63 meters wide, which is equivalent to three and a half football fields. It can accommodate more than 5000 passengers and more than 200 crew...

   There are so many, it is impossible to get rid of its owner, the Fang Group!

  Fang Group is a well-known big family in China, and it can be the richest man in China.

They are mainly engaged in industries related to elves. For example, the elven ball industry is entirely in their hands, which is extremely profitable. Although the space backpack is the first country E to discover from the ruins and successfully imitate But this kind of global profiteering industry cannot be eaten by a family member.

Like the poke ball, although it is all held in the hands of the Fang Group, it is only in the Huaxia region. If it is a foreign country, they can't reach it. After all, if even the poke ball industry is controlled by foreign companies, then That country is almost abolished.

   In this world, the comprehensive strength of the wizard trainer is military strength!

   And Elf, no, it should be Elf Ball, it is the most basic weapon!

  The sale of the space backpack on China's side is the Fang Group. The only money Zhou Jiang owes is the government, but it is actually the Fang Group.

   is the benefits released by the Fang Group, so the space backpack can be affordable by trainers in many ordinary families, otherwise it will be difficult for everyone to travel long distances.

   It was a bit crooked and returned to the topic. After Zhou Jiang sat over, he barely heard the conversation between them. What they were discussing now was a piece of news that they didn't know where they heard from.

   Zhou Jiang came here later, and I don’t know who started it. I only know that the news they discussed was about the son of the Fang group.

   It seems that the son of the Fang Group is also a participant in this league competition, so the Fang Group took out the "Goddess of Dawn" to the joint "transporter". Goddess of Dawn... it’s super luxurious and doesn’t cost much. The fuel consumption for transporting Zhou Jiang and the others to the competition venue, emmmm, is probably the kind that Zhou Jiang can’t afford to sell...

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