Life on the boat is not as interesting as imagined, especially in winter.

The weather is cold and many things can't be done, and Zhou Jiang and the others have not graduated yet, which means that they are underage and can't even enter the bar.

So there are not many places to play here.

You can't play in the swimming pool, you can't go to the garden, you can't go to the bar... These days, they can only go to the battlefield and the ice rink. These two places are their favorite leisure places.

But even in this case, you can't play often, and it's easy to be boring. It’s okay for the battlefield to be there. Although many people will not let the elves participate in the battle, they will come here subconsciously when they are idle. The total base of trainers is here, and everyone is also free. There is nothing to do, there will always be one or two who want to fight.

Elf battle is an addiction that many trainers cannot quit. You want them to "quit" as difficult as a smoker quitting. Some people started to fight, everyone is good, and the elves are naturally very exciting. The fight was wonderful, and the audience watched it with enthusiasm, and then there were many trainers who couldn't sit still and came to fight.

Zhou Jiang has no scruples. Some people naturally want to come down and play. After all, they can pass the time and earn points. Why not?

But the more people came to the back, the more people came down to fight, so he didn't play a few games a day, and he played less, but he was addicted, so naturally he would continue to fight.

As for the ice rink?

It was okay at the beginning, everyone was very excited, and it seemed to be very interesting, but after all, it was the first time, and I hadn't played it before, so there is no doubt that Zhou Jiang fell badly...At first I was interested Very good, even if you fell, it would be fine, get up and continue, but after dozens of falls before meeting, he gave up.

Like him are Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan.

The two of them were also out of balance and kept falling.

Zhou Jiang arrived is okay, thin and light weight, so falling is not very painful. The two of them are here with this tonnage. Although they are wearing a lot of clothes and protective gear, they are not a joke. It hurts after falling so many times!

So just don't play anymore.

The experience life of a luxury cruise ship ended in just four days.

In the early morning of the fourth day, Zhou Jiang and the others only discovered after they got up in the morning that they had actually reached their destination!

Standing on the deck, looking at the oversized artificial island in front of him, he couldn't see the edge of the artificial island. Thinking of the introduction of the artificial island on the official website, Zhou Jiang couldn't help but look forward to it.

On the deck where they were standing at this time, there were many trainers around.

The ladder has been lowered, and the flow of people is pouring out.

There are not many trainers, and there are only four to five hundred people if they are full. Even with those hired waiters, they are only six to seven hundred. Soon, the guard cruise ship was empty.

"Battle Island" is the name of this island. It is an artificial island created on the basis of a large archipelago by the alliance of many countries.

There are twelve standard league competition venues on the center of the island, each of which can seat 180,000 spectators. Surrounded by the residences of the players and tourists, the residences are built around the twelve competition venues. , In the middle of the two residential areas are commercial streets and other entertainment and shopping places.

Although "Battle Island" was built with the original intention of hosting the league tournament, this does not mean that it will not be used at other times except during the league tournament.

The outer area of ​​the commercial street is a real residential area. It is not the housing for contestants and tourists from all over the world like the inside. The outside area is full of houses that can be sold.

Just like the artificial island in District 13 built by Huaxia, in the end, this place will become a prosperous city, the only difference is that it is a place where citizens from various countries live together!

"Battle Island" was built by 13 countries, led by China, E, R, and M, and only residents of these 13 countries will be eligible to move up and settle down.

After getting on the island, Zhou Jiang and the others, led by a receptionist in a small suit, walked towards the tram.

"Battle Island" is in the tropics. At this time, everyone is wearing unusually cool. Zhou Jiang and the others have already changed into shirts and shorts. Zhou Jiang glanced at this side. There are many Eastern and Western uniforms. The beauty Yu Jie was introducing "Battle Island" to many tourists, and followed the blond and blue-eyed Yu Jie who kept explaining the characteristics of "Battle Island" to them, and they walked to the tram station.

The station is near the pier. There are still many people waiting here. However, the station is very large and there are eleven photoelectric light rail tracks, so there is no need to worry about congestion.

After sending Zhou Jiang and others here, and collecting tickets for them by hand, the Yu Jie went back and continued to pick up the guests, ahem...

Zhou Jiang glanced at the side. There were more than a dozen people on the platform where they were now. Before he could look at the platform behind him, their tram came.

Get on the tram and find a place to sit down in the empty carriage.

The tram started, Zhou Jiang turned his head and looked outside.

The tram travels in mid-air, just like the kind of Japanese in the past. The tram is half-hung on the track, which not only saves land, but is also fast.

Since the train is in the "sky", they can see long distances while sitting on the tram. At this time, they are not considered to have entered the "Battle Island". They are only in the outlying area at this time. Go to the checkpoint to register, and this train is going to the checkpoint.

At this time, you can see from the inside of the train that the outside is almost completely filled up wasteland. It is estimated that it hasn't had time to start, but it is just set up in important internal places such as the league competition venue. It is now open for the league competition.

Sitting on the tram, looking far away, you can still see the farthest trace of the sea reflecting the light, but as the tram drove, the last touch of sea disappeared.

I don't know if the tram is traveling fast or not far away, but soon they arrived at the station.

As the radio sounded, gradually, the tram slowed down and finally stopped at the station.

Zhou Jiang and the others got out of the car with the dozen or so passengers.

Zhou Jiang glanced at the tram that was empty after they got off the carriage, and he was slightly moved.

Really... Chartered car?

There is no time to sigh for him, they need to move on, and then go through the formalities to enter the "Battle Island".

From the underground passage guided by the staff, first of all, what came into view was... a high stone wall? !

On this day, human beings remembered...

Keke, I played.

And the stone wall is not one, but two, and there seems to be a door separated by an unclear material.

If you turn around, you can still see the station platform in the distance. Without crossing, this stone wall didn't suddenly change. I didn't even see it on the tram before?

Zhou Jiang looked at Zhou Nan and the others, and just wanted to ask them, and found that they were not surprised, their faces were calm, as if the stone wall was very common or not seen at all...

"……"and many more! After Zhou Jiang paused, he suddenly remembered. He seemed to have been looking towards the tail of the tram before on the tram, which is the direction they were driving over... Uh, no wonder I didn’t see it. There are ghosts when you see it.

There is an asphalt road leading to the opposite stone wall. There are cement platforms on both sides of the road. There is an unfinished bus station on the cement platform. Although the bus station has not been repaired, there is already a bus parked there. , And beside the bus, a uniformed bus driver with big sunglasses was waving at them.

"Hey~! Get in the car, the old driver is about to start!"

There are already a lot of passengers on the bus. After Zhou Jiang and his group passed, although there were still a few places, just like the old driver he said, it was about to start!

Sitting on the bus, Zhou Jiang saw the high wall this time. After all, it was right in front. The bus can only be seated facing forward. Unless you are blind, you can't see it.

The old driver is worthy of being an old driver. The speed of the bus is very fast. They immediately got under the corner. After reaching the corner, Zhou Jiang was able to estimate the height of the stone wall. It was about three meters high and one floor high.

Well, it's quite tall, but it still disappoints him. He thought he could be fifty meters tall...

Well, fifty meters is impossible to fifty Who is all right to build such a high wall, do you use farts? It seems that the materials do not cost money.

There is a vacancy between the two stone walls. They just need to register there.

After Zhou Jiang and the others got off the bus, the old driver drove his bus back there and waited for the next group of guests.

Zhou Jiang and the others walked inside along with the staff who came out of the security room.

Registration is very simple. The information form they previously submitted has been sent to the computer terminal here. Now you only need to hand over the ID card and swipe it.

Entry and exit registration went smoothly. Everyone took out their ID cards and asked them to scan them with a machine.

The scan was fast, and all registrations were completed in less than five minutes. The staff compared the staff sitting behind the console in the room inside, and then the two stone walls in the gap between the two stone walls blocked their sight. The door around meters slowly opened.

The door slowly opened to both sides, everyone was staring at it closely, and couldn't wait to know what it looked like inside. Everything about this "Battle Island" is fresh and interesting to them.

The world's most expensive artificial island, the longest starting time, the highest technological content, and the largest area in the world!

For the introduction of this artificial island, Zhou Jiang thought of Academy City again. When he went to the 13 districts before, he thought it was like a school city, but it was an ordinary artificial island city. If the name of artificial island is removed, then it will be no different from other cities. At most, the four seasons are Spring, and surrounded by the sea?

But it should be different here. After all, it was a multi-country alliance that took several years to develop and complete, and according to official news, the technology used here is at least ten years ahead of the outside world!

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