I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 284: The Calm Before the Storm

After Lan Shiruo and his party left City C, they headed for Shicheng, all the way north, instead of taking the original route, the first stop would be City O, Luzhou.

City O is the world's largest cotton and linen export city, with flat terrain, abundant sunlight, abundant water sources, and fertile land. It is also the largest sericulture breeding base in the country.

With the increase of the population, the various clothes and fabrics that Lan Shiruo collected from factories, shopping malls, waste recycling stations, and other places can no longer meet the demand.

The new clothing fabrics have been used directly, and the old and recycled clothing fabrics have all passed through the Aochengyi factory area, where they are washed, sterilized, pulped, synthesized, and finally made into ready-made garments. In the base, in the space, there are no more supplies of clothing and goods.

All finished products are made of summer clothes. When the severe cold and heat are over, new clothes will be needed. City O is a good place to look for them.

If they can't find finished clothes and cloth, it's better to find some cotton, linen and silkworm seeds and seedlings, so that they can be self-sufficient, and they don't have to worry about the next season after using up this season.

Along the way, there are fewer and fewer mutant carrion zombies encountered, and the big team is not happy about it. This shows that the powerful mutants gathered them together and formed a force. Sudden attack on human territory. When the time comes, it will no longer be a small fight like before.

But most people don't seem to be aware of this. Instead, they are glad that the number of mutants has decreased. They travel happily, and now they don't have to go out in groups or fear. Prosperity and freedom until the end of the world.

As everyone knows, this is just the calm before the storm.

Earthquakes have been going on all the time. After getting used to it, human beings don't take it to heart. They are used to it and even like this kind of shaking. The various high-rise buildings that collapsed on the street were ignored, and they were left as ruins. They did not have the ability to rebuild, and they felt that there was no need for it.

The big team has Lan Shiruo to do science popularization for them, and understand that the crisis is growing and growing. Seeing that human beings are so naive, I suddenly feel that the world has become like this is a good thing. Although I don’t know if I would have a sense of crisis and be as naive as them without Lan Shiruo’s warning in advance, but these people really healed their scars Forget the pain, don't know how to be prepared for danger in times of peace, teach a lesson, and then you can really grow.

It can be regarded as the survival of the fittest, this world is cruel, if you want to live, you have to do your best.

From City C to City O, after walking for nearly ten days, the average car can no longer accommodate a large group, and the car that is too big feels awkward, walking like an old scalper.

So the cubs all sat on their own contracted beasts, Lan Shiruo and Ao Chengyi sat on the back of the general, the general made it about the size of a little Pegasus, but could easily seat two people. As for the other friends, they could only sit on the electric horse with envy and hatred, and the two of them rode together, whining and driving along beside them.

Walking in the open air, I discovered one of the benefits of the ice toad. The little thing is no longer a lazy little guy who only sleeps in. It can also release air-conditioning within a controlled range. When a large group walks under the sun, it doesn't feel hot at all, and it feels cool. Comfortable, better than air conditioner.

In the eyes of others, this scene is a bit stupid. If there is an air conditioner and the sun is not blowing, it is something a fool would do.

But the appearance of a group of people is very cool. Riding a bicycle is not enviable. Now that solar energy is abundant, it is easy to get a small electric horse, and everyone can use it. But riding a white horse, riding a black panther, and riding a Tibetan mastiff, It is not the treatment that ordinary people can have.

Looking at the cute little white horse, the majestic big black panther, and the mighty Tibetan mastiff, what kind of fairy combination is this team?

Four large land animals, except for Xiao Feifei who looks soft and cute, the others are so fierce that most people dare not approach them. There is also a particularly fierce eagle, which is almost as tall as an adult man, staring at it like a torch. You are cold all over. What's more, the people in the team don't look easy to mess with.

Therefore, I received a lot of attention gifts along the way, but none dared to step forward to make trouble.

Outside the city gate of O city, it was noon when the big team arrived, the sun was very strong, the temperature was very high, and the earthquake was still shaking violently, and it was very uncomfortable at times.

The guards of the city gate were not active, so they closed the city gate, leaving two people to watch, while the rest slept, and made those who wanted to enter and exit the city wait until two o'clock in the afternoon.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves. Although everyone can't stand the bad weather outside, they don't dare to confront the guards head-on. Bear with it.

Find as much shade as possible and sit in the shade to rest.

The big team didn't do anything special. Although the formation was cool, they still kept a low profile as much as possible. They set up a simple tent, which was super large enough to accommodate everyone and beasts. With the ice toad, there is no need to use the air conditioner. I thought it was just a hard shell for self-protection, and it also has the effect of cooling the heat. The little friend was very happy.

After cutting off the sight of the outside, the big team happily sat in the tent eating barbecue, drinking cold beer, and enjoying.

But the people outside are greedy. In the last two years, simple vegetable cultivation has risen all over the world. Meat is hunted and killed by mutant beasts, and they are still available. As for fruits and various seasonings, they are luxury goods, they are based on their own resources and cannot be reproduced, and it is difficult for ordinary people to see them. Alcoholic beverages are legendary things, especially wine. Most people like it. Before the end of the world, who did not keep a few bottles? In the past year, I occasionally passed by the dinner table of the big man, and I could smell the smell of wine, but at other times, I could only dream about it.

Human beings who have been infested with gluttonous insects for a long time are particularly sensitive to various smells, and they can know what there is with just a little movement of their noses.

This is really fatal, I can bear it if I don't smell it, but when I smell it, I feel uncomfortable.

However, intimidated by the momentum of the big team, everyone could only sneak closer to the tent, hear more, and dare not make other moves.

The little friend ate very freely, his appetite was not affected by the outsiders, and he still sighed, "It's really sad, it seems to have returned to the era of wars, natural disasters and man-made disasters. At that time, production was low and everyone couldn't eat enough. , sallow and emaciated." Ding Jiajia ruthlessly licked a bunch of meat, chewed and chewed, opened his mouth and chattered.

Miao Miao couldn't help but dislike her, "Show off, it's as if you've lived through that era."

Ding Jiajia laughed, "If you haven't eaten pork, can you still see pigs running?"

Everyone rolled their eyes, can this sentence be used here?

Lu Chaoyang eats very politely, "It's much more bitter now than before. At least there were no mutants sneaking up on me in the dark before. Things can be grown in the ground, water can be drunk, and soil can be eaten. Now I don't even have to eat the soil. .”

The little friend shrugged, this is the truth, it is indeed difficult, but they also said very unkindly that they didn't feel how bitter it was. After all, from the end of the world to the present, they have always been able to eat and drink, and they have no shortage of water. , even more carefree than before the end of the world.

Although it is easy to be beaten up if you say this, but who will let them have a good life.

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