I’m The Aquaman In Marvel

Chapter 64 X-Men Uniforms

After watching the news, Charles stood up suddenly: "All this is Sebastian's trick, we must stop him and stop the outbreak of nuclear war!"

Eric got up: "Then what are you waiting for, let's go."

Seeing that everyone was fighting high, Han Shaoqing asked Charles to call Hank.

Although Hank has become a beast, he is still a member of the team.

Under Charles' [telepathy], Hank, who turned into a blue-haired beast, appeared shyly.

"Hank, it's more appropriate to call you a beast now, take out your battle suit."

Han Shaoqing gave Hank the title of 'Beast', and now Hank's appearance is really appropriate.

It looks like a human-shaped beast, with long blue hair all over its body, sharp teeth and sharp claws, and looks a bit naive.

Hank reluctantly accepted the title, and then took out the prepared combat uniform from the laboratory.

These combat uniforms are made of super strong fibers, all black, with a big "X" on the back, which looks trendy and cool.

Hank originally planned to use beige, but Han Shaoqing proposed to use black, which means "in the dark, but with the light in mind".

In fact, Han Shaoqing thinks beige is ugly. To be a superhero, whether he is strong or not is secondary, and the most important thing is to be handsome.

The combat uniforms of the X-Men are all customized according to the characteristics of each person.

For example, Magneto King Eric, his combat uniform is mixed with metal, which is convenient for him to control.

Sean the Siren's combat suit has hang glider added to allow him to fly through ultrasonic waves.

Angel Salvatore left a gap behind her battle uniform, allowing her wings to open and close freely.

Alex the Devastator, his battle suit is accompanied by the most equipment and the most complex.

There are energy regulators on the gloves and the chest, and when necessary, the devices on the back and under the feet can also assist Alex to release the laser beam.

There is nothing special about Darwin's combat uniform, except that it is more shrinkable.

The combat uniforms of Han Shaoqing, Artoria, Professor X Charles, Mystique Raven, and Mora all have some slight differences, but not very big.

Everyone put on the cool X-Men combat uniforms, walked with the wind, and felt like they were coming.

"X-Men, go!"

Getting on the supersonic plane, Mystique Raven raised her hand and shouted, and Sean and the others also booed and shouted.

Hank the Beast flew a supersonic plane into the sky.

In fact, Han Shaoqing could reach Cuba faster by using [Mind Teleportation], but he did not do so.

The current situation is still within the control range, there is no need to expose other abilities in order to hurry, and there is no harm in keeping a few more hole cards.

Under Hank's driving, the supersonic plane soon reached the sky above the Cuban waters.

At this time, the cargo ship "Aral Sea" transporting nuclear missiles from the Soviet Union was riding the wind and waves, and was heading towards the embargo line established by the US military.

On both sides of the Aral Sea, the large fleets of the United States and the Soviet Union had already aimed their guns at each other. The atmosphere was very tense, and the soldiers on both sides waited with bated breath.

They also don't want to go to war, but soldiers take it as their bounden duty to obey orders. The people above have orders, and they have to fight even if they don't want to.

"Warning! Warning! Stop the ship immediately. Once you cross the embargo line, it will be regarded as a declaration of war on the United States!"

Signal Corps of the US Fleet issued a final warning to the Aral Sea.

Commander Friedrich Richardson raised his binoculars, looked at the moving Aral Sea, and said in a deep voice, "How is the cargo ship?"

An adjutant beside him reported: "The Aral Sea is still twelve nautical miles away from the embargo line, and it is expected to arrive in three minutes, sir."

"If they cross the line, good luck to them! God bless!"

Friedrich sighed, his eyes were firm, and he gave an order: "Send a battle alarm and get ready to go to war."

Following Friedrich's order, the warship's battle alarm sounded, and the main ship's guns aimed at the Aral Sea. Once the fire was fired, it would mean that the US-Soviet nuclear war had officially begun.

The people on the Soviet side were also very nervous. The nuclear war was too terrifying. None of them was sure of surviving in such a war. Many of them were sweating in their hands.

Seeing that the Aral Sea was getting closer and closer to the embargo line, Soviet fleet commander Drew Kamen received an order from the Kremlin.

"Commander, there is an order from the headquarters to cancel the operation!"

Drew Carmen secretly breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the order, and immediately sent a message to the Aral Sea.

"Aral Sea, the operation is cancelled, the operation is cancelled, stop moving forward immediately. Repeat, stop moving forward immediately!"

However, the Aral Sea did not stop and did not reply.

"What's going on? Aral Sea, please answer if you receive it, please reply if you receive it."

"Sir, the Aral Sea has lost contact."

"Change death, why is it at this time."

Drew Kamen hurriedly asked the communications soldier to contact the US warship: "We lost contact with the Aral Sea, don't fire."

"Hmph, play tricks with me, you think I will believe your nonsense, stop the Aralia immediately, or just wait for the shells!"

Friedrich didn't believe the Soviet Union's rhetoric at all, and asked all the gunners to prepare.

on a supersonic plane.

Charles used [telepathy] to scan the cargo ship below, and found that all the people on board had been killed by the red devil.

He originally wanted to control the Red Devil to stop the Aral Sea, but the Red Devil has the ability of [mind control] and can be immune to [telepathy].

Charles couldn't directly control the Red Devil, so he said: "The crew on the Aral Sea were all killed by the Red Devil, and the ship must be stopped."

The female agent Mora said nervously: "Once the cargo ship passes the embargo line, it will be bombed by our side, and a nuclear war will break out!"

"You guys go to Xiao, I'll take care of the Aral Sea."

While speaking, Han Shaoqing came to the cabin door, jumped up and flew over the Aral Sea.

The red devil on the Aral Sea found Han Shaoqing, did not dare to stay any longer, and immediately used teleport to leave the cargo ship.

Han Shaoqing ignored the Red Devil, and cast gravity on the Aral Sea, which suddenly increased the cargo ship's gravity several times. Under the pressure of strong gravity, the Aral Sea's hull was overwhelmed and sank rapidly.

In an instant, it sank into the vast ocean.

Facing the sudden scene, the soldiers on both the American fleet and the Soviet fleet were dumbfounded.

Because of the distance, they didn't see the existence of Han Shaoqing and the Red Devil, and they didn't know why the Aral Sea suddenly sank?

Officers from both sides reported the situation to their superiors as soon as possible.

Now the United States and the Soviet Union are afraid of fighting wolves with bamboo sticks. Although they seem to be tit for tat, they are actually afraid of going to war.

After all, to be able to live well, no one is willing to work hard.

The high-level diplomatic departments of the two countries talked about it, and finally planned to attribute the sinking of the Aral Sea to an accident, and planned to make a major event into a minor one.

But some people don't want that.

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