I’m The Aquaman In Marvel

Chapter 90 Death Plan

The Time Variation Authority (TVA) is a special agency dedicated to overseeing, adjusting, and ultimately balancing the vast number of timelines in the multiverse of infinite variables.

Usually if you don't solve the problem, you will solve the person who caused the problem.

However, due to special reasons, the three guardians of time did not dare to touch Han Shaoqing, so they could only ask their subordinates to try their best to remedy it.

It can also be regarded as the plot correction power of the Marvel world.

However, Han Shaoqing's actions became bigger and bigger every time, and destruction was often easier than construction.

Han Shaoqing kept making troubles, and the three guardians of time followed behind.

If the leader opens his mouth, the people below will lose their legs!

Originally, as employees of the Time Variation Administration, their main task was to catch time criminals. Such time criminals are usually tricky after all, but they belong to a very small number, so these employees are relatively free.

But since Han Shaoqing appeared, they have changed from the original 9 to 5 to the inhumane 007 system, checking for gaps and making up for gaps around the clock, and they are extremely busy.

If it hadn't been restarted every three to five times, even if the employees of the Time Variation Administration were not crazy, they would have to find Han Shaoqing, the culprit, desperately.

But everything is worth it.

Some are unlucky and some are lucky.

After the Cuban incident, the timeline was disturbed even more, so that the survivors of the Titanic were no longer targeted by the Time Variation Authority.

The "Death Project" was also terminated.

It is equivalent to Han Shaoqing saving the lives of Ruth and Jack in disguise.

You must know that some time ago, the people of the Time Variation Administration executed the "Reaper Plan", and they were crazy.

Because of Han Shaoqing's unintentional actions, more than 1,500 people who should have died on the Titanic survived, which changed the original trajectory of fate and caused many timeline branches.

In order to protect the sacred timeline, the employees of the Time Variation Administration began to use instruments that can control time, and tried their best to design various "coincidences" to clean up these people who should have died.

It is to reduce the unstable factors led by the butterfly effect, and to maintain the sacred timeline without interference.

But outsiders don't know what the timeline is, they just see accidents again and again.

Especially those survivors who survived on the Titanic have become frightened birds.

The deaths of these people vary.

Some were hit and killed by a car while walking, some stepped on a banana peel and fell to death when they went down the stairs, some were crushed to death by falling signboards, some were burned to death at home, some were shot to death by police guns, and some Camping in the wild was attacked by wild beasts, which can be called a complete book of deaths over tricks.

Moreover, these deaths seemed to be accidental deaths, with no human traces at all.

It's frightening to think about.

You must know that the people who survived on the Titanic, except for the low-level laborers and Jack who accidentally boarded the ship, are all rich and famous.

If it's just one or two cases of accidental death, it can be called a coincidence.

But in the last few months, there have been thousands of "accidents", all of which were survivors on the Titanic, but anyone with a little brain will find something abnormal.

During this time, both Ruth and Jack heard the wind and encountered several "accidents".

Fortunately, the lives of the two are relatively hard, but there is no danger.

But Ruth's original fiancé, Karl, was not so lucky.

Ever since Jack took his love away, Karl has held a grudge and has been looking for trouble with Jack.

But because Jack and Ruth joined the Emperor Organization, they temporarily swallowed their anger.

However, with the implementation of the "Reaper Plan" of the Time Variation Administration, more and more people died unexpectedly, and sometimes people around them were affected. Therefore, the former survivors became bastards in the eyes of others.

Considering the interests and being responsible for the Emperor's organization, Dr. Landa waved his hand and copied Jack and Ruth.

Anyway, the Emperor Organization is now in full swing, and there is no shortage of two amateurs.

The world of capital is so cruel.

Carl was overjoyed when he received the news, and he led a group of people non-stop to teach Jack a lesson, letting him know what is dangerous in society.

Who would have thought that a cat would fall from the sixteenth floor and land on Carl's head as soon as he saw Ruth and Jack in despair.

"Biaji" sound.

The cat that caused the accident escaped after the incident, but there was nothing wrong with it, but Karl was smashed with a broken cervical spine, and his life was hanging by a thread.

The sudden scene caught both Jack and Ruth by surprise.

A group of men brought by Karl were in a hurry and called for an ambulance.

An ambulance arrived quickly, and Karl, who was seriously injured and unconscious, was put on a stretcher.

But when getting into the car, the doctor who was carrying the stretcher in front was uneasy. He didn't notice that his elbow touched the hook on the car, his arm went numb, and the stretcher fell out of his hand.


Carl hit the ground on the back of his head, he was still breathing, but he was tossed like this!

It was a suffocation to die.

Carl's death is a good thing for Jack.

But Jack was not happy.

Because they don't know if they will be the next one.

In the time that followed, Ruth and Jack lived in the shadow of death, terrified all day long.

On the other hand, after being expelled from the Emperor Organization, the two lost their source of income.

Because of her elopement with Jack, Ruth has lost contact with her family. Jack is a down-and-out painter who fears every day, so he has no time to paint.

Without a source of income, the two lived a life of starvation and five meals for three days. They were not in the mood for romance at all, and they couldn't be romantic!

Jack is okay, he is a poor boy himself, and his life is not rich, so he can suffer.

Ruth is different. She was originally a lady from a rich family. She was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child.

At the beginning, Ruth still felt that this kind of life was a bit different, but after a long time, her physical discomfort gradually caused her psychological discomfort.

Sweet talk, no matter how touching the pledge of eternal love, it can't be eaten as food!

Under the pressure of life and death, men and women who were originally passionately in love began to have constant conflicts, and their sensitive nerves would be triggered for even trivial matters.

When you love someone, you feel elegant when the other person picks their noses.

When you start to hate the other person, it is wrong for the other person to breathe.

Life is not only poems and distant places, but also daily necessities, food, housing and transportation!

Love is full of magical powers, and it can make people in love give up their lives and let go of everything.

But "love" will disappear.

True love may not be defeated by swords and axes, but it will be gradually worn away by the trivial matters of life!

People are sometimes overwhelmed by love, like moths to a flame, throwing themselves into it desperately.

But how long can people's enthusiasm last?

After the Time Variation Administration revoked the "Death Project", Ruth and Jack survived fortunately, but their love has already reached the camera.

The shadow of unexplained accidental death will also accompany them throughout their lives.

It's a blessing or a curse, it's hard to tell!

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