“Who, who's talking?”

When Miyano Shiho heard this voice, he immediately put away the expression on his face and returned to his usual cold demeanor.。

The experience of growing up in a black organization makes her only reveal her true emotions when she is alone or in front of her sister.。

In front of Miyano Shiho, a girl wearing a kimono with a cherry blossom pattern appeared out of thin air. She looked at him with red eyes, and in her hand was a samurai sword that was much taller than her.。

“What's this!”

Miyano Shiho covered his mouth, frightened by the strange way the girl appeared.。

“Do you need help?”

Demon Sword Girl asked again。


Miyano Shiho's eyes suddenly lit up. No matter she was a human or a ghost, she seemed to be able to help her now!


Demon Sword Girl soon returned to Sagawa Yan。

“How's it going? Did you get the address?”

Sagawa Yan looked at the Demon Sword Girl who suddenly appeared and asked。

“No. 1, 3rd floor, 5-chome 49, Mikka-machi." Demon Sword Princess softly said an address.。

Okay, everything is ready, all I have to do is save the person by myself.。

Onmyoji. Vision!

The cool spiritual film stuck to Sagawa Yan's body again, and an image appeared in his mind。

The spiritual film keeps sliding, changing his appearance。

After a long time, he looked in the mirror, and a new image appeared in it。

Elegant and elegant, he wears sky blue hunting clothes that are different from other onmyojis, has waist-length white hair, and holds a folding fan with a platycodon five-pointed star in his hand. He is none other than the Great Onmyoji Anbei Seimei.。

Except for Tiaotiao's sister beside Xiaolan, he summoned all his shikigami and restored the true forms of Demon Sword Princess and Daitengu. Tonight, he was destined to have no sleep!

The zombie with a green face and fangs, the Tenxie Ghost Huang who beats the small drum, the huge Tenxie Ghost Chi who is red all over, the big Tengu who covers the sky with black wings, and the Demon Sword Princess holding a long sword.。

Sagawa Yan folded his fan to cover his mouth, "Let's go and make a scene!”

“As you wish, Master." The Daitengu who recovered his true form became extremely arrogant again and was only loyal to Sagawa Yan.。

The Daitengu suddenly grew bigger, allowing Sagawa Yan to sit on his shoulders. He flapped his black wings and soared into the sky.。

The other shikigami followed suit。

The destination is No. 1, 3F, 5-chome-49, Yoneka-cho!


Miyano Akemi was lying on the bed in her apartment, tossing and turning but still unable to fall asleep.。

This afternoon she received a task from Ginjiu to rob the rice flower bank of one billion in cash.。

According to Ginjiu Chengruo, as long as she completes this task, she will take her sister Shiho to leave the organization.。

Although she knew the possibility was slim, she still couldn't help but believe that she just wanted to live an ordinary life with her sister Shiho, and it would be even better if she could see Shiho get married and have children.。

At this moment, the sound of breaking glass suddenly came from the balcony。


She stood up quickly. As a member of the black organization, she still had this vigilance.。

Miyano Akemi took out a pistol and carefully came to the living room, pointing the gun at the balcony.。

But she saw a scene that she would never forget。

The bright moon hangs high in the sky, and on the balcony, a man dressed as an onmyoji jumps off the shoulders of a giant with wings on his back and a fan in his hand, accompanied by ferocious ghosts flying beside him.。

Under the moonlight, I walked in front of her。

Sagawa Yan looked at the gentle and beautiful Miyano Akemi. The first time he saw him in person, he felt that he had a similar temperament to Xiaolan. No wonder Xiao Ai said that Xiaolan felt like a sister.。

“This is Miss Miyano Akemi, right? I was entrusted by your sister Shiho to take you out of the organization.。”

Sagawa Yan said with an evil smile, "By the way, the commission fee is your whole life.。”

Appearing in the form of an onmyoji at night always makes Sagawa Yan feel like he is letting his nature go unscrupulously, with supernatural powers in hand and a shikigami by his side. This is probably how the ancient onmyojis felt.。

“eh eh eh...”

Miyano Akemi made a cute voice。

“But it seems that someone doesn’t want me to take you away.。”

Sagawayan smiled, his eyes flashing red.。

With my spiritual vision open, I could see many big men with guns coming out of several rooms in this apartment building. Several cars quickly arrived at the bottom of the apartment building.。

This is the dragnet Gin has laid for Shuichi Akai.。

It's a pity that what I found online today was not a silver bullet, but a ghost whose encounter with the living is unknown.。

“destroy them。”

Sagawa Yan gently tapped his palm with a folding fan and said frivolously。

The shikigami followed the order and left. Only Demon Sword Princess was still guarding Sagawa Yan.。

“It was here that someone suddenly appeared in Miyano Akemi's room. It might be Shuichi Akai. Everyone, go ahead and kill him!”

At the door of Miyano Akemi's apartment, a group of big men were about to break in, but they didn't expect the door to collapse from the inside out.。

“Brother, let's see who kills more!”

The usually stable and reliable brother Tiaotiao also showed his zombie nature at this time。

Jumping next to a big man, a claw as fast as lightning directly opened his body and took out his still beating heart.。

“Second brother, your efficiency is too slow!”

Brother Tiaotiao waved the coffin he was carrying, and the powerful force directly killed several people around him.。

As shikigami, they are usually restrained and restrained by Sagawa Yan. Now it is rare that their master lets go, so they must release their demonic nature.。

It is precisely because they killed countless people that demons, demons and monsters fought with onmyoji and witches for thousands of years in ancient times.。

“What are these things? ! Shoot, shoot!”

The big men in black panicked when faced with the green-faced and fanged zombies. They aimed their guns at the Tiaotiao brothers and pulled the trigger.。

More than a dozen automatic rifles burst into flames, and the bullets intertwined into a hail of bullets and shot toward the Jumping Brothers.。

Ding, ding, ding

A desperate thing happened. The bullets hit their bodies and made a tinkling sound. They couldn't penetrate their bodies and fell to the ground.。

Copper skin and iron bones!

“This kind of intensity is not enough, hahaha!”

The Tiaotiao brothers laughed wildly, rushed into the crowd again, and started a bloody killing.。

After beating them again and again, bullets couldn't do anything to them, and the green-faced fangs didn't look like human faces at all. Finally, some people collapsed, shouted monsters, dropped their guns and ran for their lives.。

But the moment they escaped, evil spirits emerged from the void and pounced on them, causing blood to splash everywhere.。

Tian Xie Gui Chi sat on the person's back with his big belly puffed out. The kendama in his hand hit the person's head mercilessly, causing the person's brain to shatter like a watermelon.。


Hidden in human beings, the primitive fear of ghosts, gods and darkness that has existed for thousands of years has erupted again!

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