Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3271: A bit too hard

Chapter 3271 is a bit too hard

This group of black dragons can only be late.

Mo Xiaoke suggested: "Sister, if we fly in the direction of the Black Dragon Palace, we will definitely meet the black dragons."

"Well, sister, we will set off right away."

Behind Xiao Haitang, a miniature phoenix wing flew into the air.

She wanted to see what the **** these lazy dragons were doing.

At the same moment, Mo Xiaoke also spread the wings and walked side by side with Xiao Haitang, and the two villains quickly flew towards the Black Dragon Palace.

Somewhere thousands of miles away from here.

More than two hundred black dragons have turned into real bodies, with streamlined bodies, sharp claws, black scales and black metal thorns shining in the sun, everything looks so majestic and full of spirits.

The black dragons have always been proud of their true bodies.

However, the black dragons in the air can't lift up at all, and they are all downcast, listless, and extremely exhausted.

The thick black steel cables bound the streamlined body, densely packed, covering the beautiful dragon scales.

Steel cables tie them from neck to tail like silkworm cocoons, with a dragon head and four dragon claws.

The steel cable is covered with black dragons on one end and the black dragon palace on the other.

The black dragons are pulling the black dragon palace through the air through the steel cable.

The Black Dragon Palace is majestic and huge, stretching endlessly like a majestic mountain.

The black dragons were screaming in a whirl, like a bull pulling a car, and the speed was horribly slow.

"Hurry up, hurry up! If you continue at this speed, the deity will not be able to complete the task set by the master!"

Venerable Black Dragon flew up and down around the group of black dragons, dissatisfied with their speed, and kept urging in the ears of the black dragons.

Venerable Black Dragon himself is still in a state of spirit, and it takes physical strength to pull the Black Dragon Palace forward, and it cannot help in this matter.

What's more, Venerable Black Dragon thinks that he is a little overseer, always supervising the progress of the black dragons pulling the Black Dragon Palace, it is more important than going up to help.

Its cute and smart owner promised it from the beginning, and if it can ensure that the group of black dragons arrive at the place designated by the owner in the afternoon every day, it will reward it with a jade white flower.

Pull the Black Dragon Palace to the destination on time, and there will be more rewards.

For a white jade flower every day, Venerable Black Dragon also fights, not to mention there are other rewards in the follow-up.

Venerable Black Dragon is very positive.

In the first three days, Venerable Black Dragon arrived at the specified place at the specified time under repeated urging.

Xiao Haitang kept his promise and Venerable Black Dragon got a white jade flower on the spot.

In three days it got three one after another, and the black dragons are also very powerful. Each black dragon is like a chicken blood, very positive.

This is a good start. With seven days left, it will be able to complete the task on time and get more and more rewards.

But all good beginnings end today.

This group of black dragons don't know what's going on, and they have been lazy since today, all kinds of hard work, all kinds of laziness, and the speed has dropped by at least one-fifth.

This made Venerable Black Dragon very upset. What happened to the young dragons nowadays, one by one, was lazy, without the spirit of bearing hardship and stand hard work.

"Venerable, we were too excited for the first three days, a bit too hard, so why not allow us to rest for a day today?"

"Yes, sir, what is the task set by the little princess for you, as long as we arrive at the place chosen by the sire, convey the revival plan of the black dragon clan and get up to work. We, for the sake of the black dragon clan, are too complacent."

(End of this chapter)

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