Ai Changhuan stood waiting at the door. When he was tired, he would walk around the door. When he was too tired, he would sit on the edge of the flower bed not far from the door. But his eyes would not dare to enter the company door for a moment, for fear that he would Feng Jinghe left without paying attention.

The sky was getting dark, and Ai Changhuan saw people starting to walk out one after another. They must have gotten off work, so she stood up hurriedly.

But after looking at one after another, she didn't find Feng Jinghe until almost everyone left. After staying for a while, she slapped her forehead in annoyance, thinking that she was really anxious and confused. Feng Jinghe was a big man. Boss, how could he walk from the front door to get off work like ordinary employees? He must have driven a car, and he should have gone to the underground garage to wait for him.

I just don’t know if Feng Jinghe is continuing to work overtime or has left at this time.

Just as another person came out, Ai Changhuan hurriedly went up to ask. She found out that Feng Jinghe was still working overtime and had not come down, and she felt a little calmer.

Ai Changhuan thought for a while, then raised her legs to walk inside. She thought it would be right to wait at the door of Feng Jinghe's office.

But since she didn't make a reservation, the security guard wouldn't let her in. Ai Changhuan argued with him, saying that she had been here once before and was friends with Feng Jinghe.

The security guard was so troubled by her that he had no choice but to call for instructions. After hanging up the phone, the attitude of the security guard who was originally kind suddenly became bad. Not only did he not let her in, he also did not allow her to wait at the door. She hurried far away.

Ai Changhuan knew that Feng Jinghe must have said something, and felt angry and annoyed. This girl was too unkind.

But she had been waiting for most of the day, and how could she be willing to just go back like this?

After thinking about it, she immediately started to think about it, covered her face and cried, saying that she was actually Feng Jinghe's girlfriend. Who knew that the other party was lying to her and kicked her immediately after she got pregnant? , refused to see him, he had no choice, so he came to the company to find him.

The security guard looked at Ai Changhuan and saw that she was crying so sadly. He was a little undecided for a moment, but thinking of his responsibilities, he still advised Ai Changhuan to call the police. It was useless to make such a fuss.

Ai Changhuan quickly said that she had gone to the police, but the police had nothing to do with the matter. Thinking of this, she cried even more sadly, out of breath, and finally fainted with her eyes closed.

What she was betting on now was whether the security guard would send her to Feng Jinghe's office. If he sent her to the hospital, it would be over.

Fortunately, the security guard was kind-hearted. Although he didn't believe everything Ai Changhuan said before, he believed most of it. Seeing that Ai Changhuan fainted, he was very anxious. After some hesitation, he actually sent Ai Changhuan to Fenghuan. Outside the door of Jinghe's office, he asked him to take him to the hospital.

Listening to their conversation, Ai Changhuan thought silently, Brother, you are such a good person, I will never forget you.

Feng Jinghe seemed very unhappy, but the strange thing was that he actually took Ai Changhuan. When the security guard said that she was his girlfriend, he didn't have to deny it.

Feng Jinghe carried Ai Changhuan to his office and placed her on the sofa where she had sat in the afternoon.

Ai Changhuan didn't dare to move because with her eyes closed, she couldn't see the surroundings and could only rely on her ears to identify.

The surroundings were quiet and there was no sound. Ai Changhuan felt a little uneasy. What on earth was Feng Jinghe doing? Have you left already? Probably not, I didn't hear the footsteps.

If you haven't left, then you are still in this room? Should he just stand in front of him and stare at him motionless?

Thinking of this, Ai Changhuan suddenly felt a cold sweat break out from behind for some reason. This was too shocking.

what to do? Should she act like she's woken up?

When Ai Changhuan was extremely confused, Feng Jinghe finally said coldly: "Stop pretending, I saw your eyes moving."

"..." Even if you see through it or don't tell it, you are still a good friend. Is it really okay for you to reveal it like this?

Ai Changhuan was feeling embarrassed, but she couldn't pretend any longer, so she could only open her eyes, look at Feng Jinghe with a stern look, and said: "Hello, Mr. Feng, we meet again."

Feng Jinghe looked at her coldly: "I don't care what your purpose is. If you want to stay here, you can stay. If you don't want to, just leave. But don't disturb my work, otherwise I will immediately call the security to take you to the police." Go to the bureau."

"...I know..." Okay, that's a bit of progress.

Ai Changhuan sat obediently on the sofa, watching Feng Jinghe work and waiting for him to get off work, but he was still thinking about Lu Zhanke, thinking that he had never waited for Lu Zhanke like this.

Feng Jinghe is probably a workaholic. When he works, he is super serious, as if he is detached from the world, and all he can see is the computer.

Ai Changhuan couldn't help but move when he was tired from sitting. Seeing that Feng Jinghe didn't respond, the range and curvature of his movements increased a bit, and finally he checked the entire office.

The style of the office decoration is very suitable for him. It is also simple and comfortable. Everything here is necessary and can be used. There are not any superfluous things that are not needed. I don’t know why. After looking at it for a long time, Ai Changhuan felt a little uncomfortable, because it was too mechanized, as if it was designed according to the machine, without any personal interests, and it gave off an inexplicable cold taste.

Unknowingly, the sky gradually darkened and the office was a little cold. Ai Changhuan rubbed his arms and turned to look at Feng Jinghe. Feng Jinghe seemed not to feel anything. His posture was still upright, but his eyebrows were deep. He was frowning, as if he had encountered some trouble.

He reached for the coffee cup on the table. When he was about to drink it, he found that the coffee cup was empty, so he put it back.

Ai Changhuan thought for a while, then quietly walked over, took his coffee cup, made him another cup of coffee and put it in his hand.

When Feng Jinghe reached for the coffee cup again, he drank warm and sweet coffee, but he didn't feel it at all, as if the coffee was already in the cup.

Ai Changhuan said nothing. She sat on the sofa and read business magazines. One of them introduced the development history of Feng Jinghe. She read it carefully. After all, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle.


Feng Jinghe is thirty-five years old this year. He arrived in the United States ten years ago at the age of twenty-five, and soon worked in a research institute. Two years later, he became the organizer and leader of a rehabilitation project, and his career was flourishing. At that time, he suddenly resigned and started his own business. Unexpectedly, the company was running smoothly and was successfully listed five years later. Legend has it that this was because he was a workaholic by nature, working at least sixteen hours a day, and was extremely talented. Foresight and forward-looking, every decision made can be at the forefront of the times.

As for relationships, the magazine only briefly mentioned it, saying that Feng Jinghe is a very self-disciplined person and has never had any scandals. When the reporter asked him what kind of girl his ideal partner is, he actually said that he would not cause trouble. of.

He turned out to be a person who was not close to women. Somehow Ai Changhuan thought of Lu Zhanke again. He felt that Lu Zhanke should have been like this in the past. He was a little indifferent to strangers and didn't like to deal with women. So at that time Meng Xiancai It would be said that the former Lu Zhanke was a cold man who was not close to women.

But people who are familiar with Lu Zhanke know that he is actually a man who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. I wonder if Feng Jinghe is also cold on the outside and hot on the inside?

As she watched, Ai Changhuan felt that her eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. The jet lag had not reversed in the first place, and she had been tired for a long time after being busy for a long time. Her head tilted towards the sofa little by little, and finally her whole body collapsed. On the sofa, he fell into a deep sleep.

Feng Jinghe, who had been busy with work, glanced at Ai Changhuan with his peripheral vision, and then frowned, but he did nothing and soon indulged in his work again.

Ai Changhuan woke up from the cold. She felt a little cold when she was sitting, but it became even colder when she fell asleep like this. She rubbed her arms and then stood up in a daze. She sat on the sofa and dazed for a while. Remembering where she was, she hurriedly turned to look at Feng Jinghe, but there was no one there.

Ai Changhuan's heart dropped and she rushed over. The computer screen was also turned off. It seemed that he was really gone.

"..." Ai Changhuan looked at the black computer screen speechlessly, unable to believe that Feng Jinghe had just left him here alone and left.

Something strange seemed to fly by outside the window. Ai Changhuan swallowed, then turned his head sharply to look, but there was nothing outside.

But it was precisely because there was nothing that she felt even scarier. The horror stories she had heard as a child suddenly came to mind at this moment, such as ghosts outside the window, hands under the bed, strangers hiding behind the door, etc. The more he thought about it, the more frightened he felt. Ai Changhuan found that his heartbeat was accelerating little by little, and his spine was getting chills.

The surrounding air became inexplicably colder, exuding an eerie aura. There seemed to be something mysterious hidden in a corner of the darkness, as if it could swallow her up at any time.

Ai Changhuan suddenly remembered the time when she was locked up in a dark basement by drug traffickers. She felt suffocating in her chest, and she almost couldn't breathe.

Oh my god, she clenched her hands tightly and looked at the empty office with panicked eyes, feeling a strong sense of uneasiness in her heart.

She doesn't want to stay here, she wants to go home.

She ran towards the door suddenly, and just as her hand closed on the doorknob, there was a slight sound outside the door. Ai Changhuan paused in opening the door, holding her breath and listening to the movement outside. In such a late night, in such an empty place, Human hearing has also become extraordinarily sharp.

Ai Changhuan heard it. The sound was footsteps. Someone was heading this way.

As we came, the footsteps were a little heavy, with an inexplicable murderous aura, boom, boom, boom!

Ai Changhuan felt unprecedented fear, fear of unknown events. She didn't know who was outside, and she didn't know whether they were good or bad people. Even Feng Jinghe had left at this time, who would come here? Could it be a thief who came to steal property? Or some wanted criminal hiding here? Or some kind of murderous maniac?

She didn't dare to think about it anymore because she felt very scared and terrifying. She wanted to find a place to hide so that no one would find her.

Yes, hide.

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