Infinite Legend: The Mechanic

Vol 2 Chapter 775: Stage 3 mission!

775. The third phase of the mission!

The establishment of a new social order is not a one-day effort. Fortunately, the social system with the core of the "Eden" has not been established for a long time, so the foundation of national institutions still exists in the world.

Zhou Yuping and the "Green Sky" consortium behind him quickly responded with great efficiency and talent. They established the Federation on the basis of the original national institutions, and many executives performed their duties, in fact doing the same thing as when they were in the original country.

And the'Earth Coalition Government' began to form the first federal parliament. PPDC, the former Hope Army, the Guardian Group and Shennong Company all participated in the parliament as political entities. And for the sake of a smooth transition, they held most seats in parliament.

As for those who originally belonged to the "Eden", Tang Yu did not treat them as well. He tried some of them, including war crimes, crimes against humanity, etc., but he did not kill them. These people have no threats, and they do not even need to confiscate the waste paper-like banknotes in their hands. They have long fallen from the altar and have become ordinary people.

According to the different charges, Tang Yu confiscated these people's fixed assets, and then repatriated them to their origins. The new era does not reject them, but the premise is that you need to rely on your own hands to obtain wealth and respect.

Many luxurious and enjoyable facilities in the "Eden" were demolished, and the indigenous peoples of Europe could be allowed to return to their own homes. The environment of the "Eden" is indeed better than other places. This is inevitable. Tang Yu's choice is to return everything to the market to decide. If the environment is good, the cost of living will be high. The gap between class and wealth is inevitable, and Tang Yu does not want to challenge this social issue.

With the efforts of all parties, the'Earth Coalition Government' has initially begun to operate.

There are not many people who want to steal the fruits of the revolution and come to divide the cake, but the ‘Earth Coalition Government’ holds two trump cards, hoping to be the No. 1 food-based currency, and a large army of T-600 robots of up to 800,000. As for the four types of guardian robots that can be armed, there are countless.

In the face of absolute strength, all the conspiracies chose to back down. What's more, PPDC defends the people under the mouth of Kaiju Beast, Shennong Company feeds the people under the pollution of Kaiju Beast, as for the Guardian Group, it is the hero who overthrew the decayed rule of'Eden Garden'! Therefore, it is self-evident that people's hearts are turned back.

However, it is too early to say that global unification is still in progress. Countries headed by the United States and Russia still refuse to join the "Earth Coalition Government." The situation in both countries is similar. The political core of the United States is on the Atlantic coast, and the political core of Russia is in Eastern Europe. Therefore, the daisy beasts whose main activities are in the Pacific coast have not brought much influence to the political systems of these two countries.

But at this point in the matter, the true integration of the earth is a general trend, not to mention the destruction of the "Eden", the United States and Russia also suffered heavy losses.

But this is not what Tang Yu is worried about. He is now just grasping the hearts of the people represented by PPDC, the force of the guardian group and the economy represented by Shennong Company. Under this iron triangle, he believes that neither Zhou Yuping nor the United States nor Russia can afford any waves.

Therefore, An Nei's stage is completed, and the rest is just outside! !

In March 2020, the construction of the sixth-generation Mecha "Lightning Sword Hao" was completed and operated by Moriko Mori. However, Stark was always reluctant to participate in the battle, so he deployed this mech at the Lima base. The main weapon of this mech is the two telescopic giant swords equipped in the hand, and the blade is connected to high voltage electricity. After cutting off the body of the chrysanthemum, the high voltage electricity will instantly burn the wound and open the chrysanthemum’s Blood does not flow out in large quantities.

At the same time, the Parliament of the "Earth Coalition Government" announced the termination of the construction plan of the "Anti-Monster Wall", expressing its determination to confront Kaiju Beast! The United States and Russia also had to announce the cessation of wall repairs. Later, the "Earth Coalition Government" stated that although the United States and Russia did not join the coalition government, for the sake of humanity, the coalition government will still do its utmost to defend the Pacific coast of the two countries. Regional security.

In April 2020, the Guardian Group announced that it has completed the design and finalization of fully automated unmanned manipulators, and has opened ten factories around the world to build such mechas, or robots. In order to commemorate the resistance of the previous Hope Army, this kind of robot was named'Samurai Hope'

In the same month, the fourth-level chrysanthemum "ghost car" invaded the broken roof base of Panama. Under the strong request of Moriko, the "Lightning Sword Hero" attacked, with the help of the Mexican mech "Bullfighter's Fury". After the fierce battle, the "ghost car" was successfully killed.

In May 2020, the third-level chrysanthemum "demon spirit" invaded Mindanao, Philippines, only one month after the last invasion! The frequency of Kaiju beast invasion is accelerating!

In June 2020, the United States announced the construction of two "Samurai of Hope" factories and expressed its willingness to bear the cost. Soon, Russia also announced the construction of a factory. In the same month, the third-level daisy beast "Tedalus" invaded the Hawaiian Islands.

In August 2020, Zhang Ruijun's affairs about the Guardian Group began to decrease, and his exclusive sixth-generation mech ‘Holy Light’ also walked out of the factory. After testing and training, he and the "Holy Light" stationed in the Hawaii base, and Christina's "Seraph" Because of the destruction of the Anchorage base, the North Pacific defense pressure is very high Big.

After the completion of the "Holy Light", PPDC will retire all the first to third generation hunter mechas, and only retain the third place of China's "Storm Crimson", South Korea's "Rising Star Titan" and Japan's "Echo Sabre". The fourth-generation mecha, and Tang Yu specifically asked for the retention of the third-generation mecha'dangerous wanderer'.

Later, in order to complete the task, Chen Gang also began to fade out of the business world, seize the time to re-exercise, and not let his skills fall.

In September 2020, the first fully automated giant robot'Hope Warrior' was completed. This 71-meter-high, 9130-ton behemoth is completely controlled by a computer, and its performance is between the fourth-generation mech and the fifth-generation machine. Between A, but because of the computer control, the action is a little clumsy, but under a large number of deployments, it also gives the Pacific Rim defense a powerful complement.

Time flies, and soon time comes in January 2021, Chen Gang’s exclusive mech ‘Dragon Boxing’ is completed and deployed to the Hong Kong base. So far, Lan Xiang's defense layout is completely completed, no matter which direction Kaiju Beast invades, it will be hit by the hunter's mech! !

In May 2021, when the fourth-level open chrysanthemum "Stone Demon" was killed under Zhou Qing's "Xingtian", the system with no sound for several years finally spoke!

"In May 2021, the number of Kaiju beasts killed by Lan Xiang Squad personally was 20. The second phase of the mission was completed!"

"The third phase of the mission: destroy the wormhole before January 1, 2024. The mission rewards are given according to the specific performance. Tip. One month after the completion of the second phase of the mission, the wormhole will be completely stabilized by the system. Earth It can directly attack the wormhole, and the wormhole can also accommodate the larger and more open chrysanthemums sent by the'pioneer'."

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