Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1259: Fall of Al (1)

The whole body trembled, the fanatic did not dare to think about it, and could only violently wave the light blade in his hand, venting his uneasiness.

Even if he knows it is hard to escape, the noble son of El will never accept a cowardly death, even if it is death, he will have to back up a few!

At the same time, his attention was constantly looking around, trying to figure out where these zergs came from?

Why can they jump over the front line of defense and directly appear in front of the last barrier of the home planet?

Up to this point, the zealots did not believe that the front line was completely fallen. Even if the will of the ruler could distort and interfere with communications, it would never be possible to erase all dozens of legions in an instant, right?

They must have used some space technology to jump over the line of defense, a leap technology that even the Protoss has never seen before!

Wandering, the stern light blade chopped a jumping fly several meters in length into several pieces, but a sharp and insidious armor thorn suddenly ejected from the earth, tearing the golden armor instantly, and penetrating through the fanatic’s abdomen. Put it through your back and stab it directly into the sky.

"Born for Al!"

In the midair, the dying fanatic let out a roar, and the light blade flashed, cutting off the thorn that had pierced him.


Green mucus was ejected from the thorn's fracture, and he shook it back to the ground. The enthusiast who was stabbed nearly a hundred meters in the sky pressed the broken thorn in his body, and felt the dense barbs inside were pouring into his flesh and blood. poison.

But he did not choose to pull it out, because he knew that after a large penetrating injury tore, he would only die faster!

Using phantom energy to suppress toxins, I still have ten minutes to live...

The power of ascending was exhausted, and the fanatic looked at the sea of ​​insects below his feet, and the light blade in his hand vibrated with a buzzing buzzing sound.

But at this moment, a sad and dull roar came from the end of the line of sight.

The voice was so deep and deep, it seemed to come from the depths of the earth, and it seemed to be coming from a distant subspace, and the internal organs seemed to oscillate along with it.

When the fanatic raised his head, he just saw a "volcano of flesh and blood" arched on the purple-red ground, with a diameter of one thousand meters and a petal-like worm burrowing out of the ground, "vomiting" a continuous army of zerg.

In an instant, the zealot understood, where did this sea of ​​worms that engulf the entire earth come from!

It turns out that there are real creatures that can connect the void with their own bodies, forming a physical "channel" between the head and the tail!

No wonder it didn’t detect the flexural fluctuations in advance, and people are walking through the void dimension...

The heart hurts, enthusiasts know that the detection equipment on the home planet may not have found this kind of zerg, which means that the worm swarm has spread on the home planet.

"Attention, all the sons of El, immediately jumped to the Madonna ship in outer space, and we want to return to the mother star!"

A solemn voice came from the universe, and vaguely, the fanatic also heard a deep anxiety.

He raised his head and saw golden meteors burning in the atmosphere, dragging out a splendid tail flame.

That is... the garrison fleet in outer space...

In the end, the black fleshy wings blocked the sunlight, countless hideous black spots rushed into the planet, and the zealots closed their eyes in pain, and was soon overwhelmed by the raging worms.


"The fleet is assembled, all weapons are unlocked, and the shield battery is fully charged. Please instruct, Commander!"

In a magnificent and luxurious hall full of gold hollow patterns, Tassadar faintly stared at the star map, his eyes deep and solemn.

After several seconds, he turned his head to look at the adjutant, frowning insignificantly.

"[The Supreme Council] Hasn't there any response yet?"

"Yes, after receiving the notice yesterday, they said they would reply as soon as possible, but there has been no news yet."

Tassadar furrowed his brows even more tightly. He only felt that the [Supreme Council] group of people were getting more and more disgusting. They clearly have efficient spiritual links, but they have to follow some ancient sense of rituals, and layers of approvals, to come up with an extremely complicated one. Process.

To say that every congressman is involved in the decision-making is actually **** bureaucracy!

Shaking his head sullenly, Tassadar's eyes narrowed: "No longer, the fleet is activated, and the enemy is driven back to their hometown!"

The adjutant smiled and nodded fiercely.


Gathering most of the main battleships of the Protoss, tens of millions of golden star points began to flicker in the universe.

The huge fleet woke up from the darkness like a giant, slowly creeping its body, and unabashedly crushing it towards the established goal.

"There is no combat order issued by the [Supreme Council], you are leaving them with a handle..."

Not far behind, Zeratul's voice came from the dark shadow, and Tassadar kept his eyes on the star map.

"All battle plans have already been approved and approved. Besides, as the top commander on the front line, I also have the right to adjust the combat policy at any time. The symbolic final war command is optional, so don't worry about it."

Zeratul faintly looked at Tassadar's back, UU reading did not speak, and re-hidden into the shadows.

Soon, the movement of the Protoss was detected on the radar of [Mechanical God Cult], and as the size of the entire fleet gradually appeared in front of us, a strong panic began to spread in the army.

"17 million, 18 million, 20 million, still increasing..."

"The size of the enemy's fleet is hundreds of times larger than ours!"

On the radar screen, the powerful phantom energy response has lit up the entire screen, which means that the number of Protoss' golden fleets is large enough to cover the radar's detection range!

"Commander! I suggest immediately abandon all peripheral defense lines and mobilize all forces around [New Midway Island]!"

A call from the frontline captain came from the quantum network, and Augustine groaned for a few seconds, his brows tangled together.

The original flexible defensive line was based on the idea of ​​trading space for time.

Due to the superiority of its own high-end combat power, the enemy would definitely not dare to concentrate the fleet too much, and would not be able to form a sharp "spearhead" to penetrate the line of defense!

Therefore, even a "thin" barrier can resist the enemy's offensive, and at the same time can maximize your own high-end combat advantage!

Based on this combat concept, [Mechanical God Cult] expanded the outermost line of defense very far.

Just like a sphere, the larger the radius of the sphere, the exponential growth of its surface area, and the wider the "contact surface" with the enemy!

This battle plan is indeed the optimal solution when the number of enemy fleets surpasses one's own by several times, but when it exceeds hundreds of times, it will maximize the enemy's quantitative advantage!

Therefore, it is indeed a wise choice to shrink the line of defense. When the "ball" is small to a certain extent, the combat power in the unit space is saturated.

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