Infinite Sims

Chapter 2 The Boy and the Dog

The cold wind is like a knife, and the snow is flying thousands of miles away.

On the pure white wilderness, two inconspicuous dots were slowly moving, and the howling wind and snow did not stop them from moving forward.

Gradually, the wind and snow began to decrease.

I can faintly see that the two dots are a person and a dog.

The person walking in front was a teenager, with a young face with a mature temperament that did not match his age, wearing gray fur warm clothes, with a backpack and a shotgun on his back.

The dog following behind was a black hound with white hair on its forehead. Its thick fur made it not afraid of the cold wind erosion. With its thick limbs and a big mouth with amazing bite force, it possessed the ability to rival fierce beasts.

After an unknown amount of time, the boy and the dog stopped.


A gentle smile appeared on the boy's face, and he stared happily ahead.

There was a solitary tombstone covered in snow.

When he came to the tombstone, the boy skillfully cleared the snow on it, and the words on the tombstone were revealed - "A hunter"!

He took out the sacrificial items from his backpack and put them down, and finally knelt down calmly.

The black hound followed suit, squatting beside him with his head lowered.

"Master, I'm here."

The young man took out a bottle of high-purity liquor, poured white wine into the two porcelain cups in front of him, and murmured at the same time: "According to the time, it has been fifteen years since I came to this world, and three years since you left." gone."

That's right, the young man is Jiang Ren.

The tombstone in front of him belonged to the old hunter who rescued him and adopted him.

Because of the recurrence of old injuries accumulated in his youth, the old hunter began to be bedridden five years ago, and left this world three years ago.

The old hunter is not a purely good person, but he is definitely not a bad person either. He just has his own selfishness. For example, although he adopted Jiang Ren, the relationship between the two has never been father and son, but mentor and apprentice.

He hoped that Jiang Ren could inherit his ability and become a hunter.

last life.

Jiang Ren thought that his status and reputation would allow him to get a higher evaluation, so he never studied seriously with the old hunter, which also caused the old hunter to feel depressed and leave this world earlier.

This life.

When Jiang Ren showed his longing for hunting, the old hunter was really happy, and he lived longer than in the last life.

"Master, drink."

Jiang Ren picked up a porcelain cup and spilled the wine in front of the tomb.

Then he picked up another cup and drank it down in one gulp. The burning sensation in his throat made him cough a few times, and two blush appeared on his face.

Looking at the simple tombstone, he seemed to have a thousand words in his heart, but he couldn't say a word.

Cup after cup.

Jiang Ren didn't get up until there was no more drop of wine in the bottle.

The surrounding wind and snow are still there.

In this area near the edge of the border, with the tombstone as the center, there is no one inhabited for thousands of miles.

The reason why the old hunter was buried here was because of his own request before his death.

He laughs at himself that he has spent his whole life fighting against nature and wild beasts, without friends or family, and it was not until Jiang Ren's appearance in his later years that his life became more colorful.

He hoped that someone would inherit his career, and that he would be buried in this place that had witnessed most of his life after his death.

"Master, the school is on winter vacation. I am going to stay here for two weeks. I will come to see you when I go back."

Jiang Ren shook the snowflakes that fell on his body, then stepped in one direction and shot, beckoning, "Xiaobai!"

Hearing the sound, the black hound quickly got up, shook off the snowflakes on his body, and chased after Jiang Ren.

Xiaobai is an excellent hunting dog. His father is a hunting dog who has been trained by old hunters for several generations and has excellent hunting skills.

Although it is black all over, it is named Xiaobai because of the marble-sized white hair on its forehead.

The wind dies, the snowflakes no more.

Jiang Ren's vision quickly widened, looking at the snow-white land in front of him, he stopped and silently took off the old-fashioned shotgun on his back.

Check carefully.

After confirming that it was correct, Jiang Ren held the shotgun and winked at Xiaobai: "Whether to eat grass or meat for dinner today is up to you, Xiaobai."

Xiao Bai excitedly nodded the dog's head, then lowered his head to search for the smell of animals.

Jiang Ren walked behind, unhurried.

But what was different from his plain expression was that his gaze was always in the distance.

One is for vigilance, and the other is for searching for traces of prey.

He has been hunting alone since he was ten years old, and he knows that even with Xiaobai's excellent sense of smell, finding prey here and in the ice and snow is by no means an easy task.

In addition to ability, luck may be more important.

However, Jiang Ren is not in a hurry. Although he is still not able to use a lot of hunting knowledge that the old hunter has given him, he is no worse than others in one of the excellent qualities that a hunter should have, "patience".

Xiaobai seemed to have discovered something, and rushed towards a snowdrift.


In an instant, a snow-white animal jumped out from under the snowdrift, dodged Xiaobai's swoop, and rushed towards the woods not far away.

It was a rabbit.

Xiaobai's speed is very fast, but firstly, the snow has affected it, and secondly, this rabbit has rich experience, several times of sudden turns and stops, unexpectedly let Xiaobai get nothing.

As a hunter, Jiang Ren naturally wouldn't watch the show from the sidelines.

He had already aimed his shotgun at the rabbit, but he didn't shoot.

Just as the rabbit dodged Xiaobai's pounce again, and was about to run into the dense forest a few meters away, Jiang Ren pulled the trigger the moment his body just jumped up.


Gunshots rang out, and the snow on several trees at the edge of the forest was shaken off.

A flower of blood emerged from the rabbit's body, and as soon as it fell to the ground, Xiao Bai who rushed over immediately bit his throat and put it at Jiang Ren's feet.

Xiaobai squatted at him, sticking out his tongue, wagging his tail from side to side, like a child waiting for praise.

"Good job, I'll give you a rabbit leg for dinner."

Jiang Ren patted Xiaobai's dog's head, then turned his attention to the rabbit.

The rabbit was not killed by a shotgun, but was bitten to death by Xiaobai.

Because it was shot at the left hind leg, although Jiang Ren just aimed at its body, but it was lucky to be able to hit the hind leg.

Otherwise, let the rabbit enter the woods with many obstacles, and it is really possible for it to escape.

"I still have to practice marksmanship."

Jiang Ren shook his head, his marksmanship was indeed mediocre.

He took out a fresh-keeping bag from his backpack, put the rabbit into it, and filled it with a few handfuls of snow to cover up the smell of blood.

Although there are no large ferocious beasts around here, necessary precautions must be taken, so as not to lose their lives due to arrogance one day.

"As expected of a rabbit that can escape Xiaobai's pounce several times. With this weight, I have dinner tonight and breakfast tomorrow."

Jiang Ren picked up the bag in satisfaction, and looked up at the sky: "It's getting dark soon, and since we got food, let's go to the safe house in advance."

There is a wooden house built by an old hunter more than ten years ago. Last year, Jiang Ren strengthened it and put a lot of daily necessities. He would stay there for a while during long holidays. It can be said to be a perfect safe house in the wild.

Just as he was about to call Xiaobai, he suddenly felt something was wrong.


At this time, the hair on Xiaobai's body seemed to explode, and he lowered his body slightly, his eyes were fixed on the forest in front of him, and he let out a threatening growl.

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