Infinite World Projection

Chapter 193: Successive spirit kings

Stood in the same place, feeling the changes around him. Chen Changming's thoughts flashed in his mind.

In my mind, thoughts are flying, and all kinds of ideas may emerge.

Stood there, and after a while, Chen Changming recovered and looked up ahead.

I saw in the distance, a faint light flashing, a little bit of the spirit of the spirit king came from the front, and gradually became thick.

In the distance, a slight sound rang out from time to time, sounding like the sound of wind, but also like the breath of a huge existence.

With the arrival of Chen Changming, there seems to be a new change in the place in front of me.

Vaguely, as if alive.

In the dark ground, a faint shimmer of light flashed, as if a pair of eyes were opening, watching the place in front.

Chen Changming took a deep breath.

The place in front of is full of strangeness.

However, since I have been searching for so long, it is difficult to find this place, so it is naturally impossible to leave like this.

Standing in place, Chen Changming's face was calm, he took a step and walked forward slowly.

The indifferent light shone.

As he continued to walk in, the inexplicable power in the channel in front of him began to change, and the inexplicable traction that existed in it began to increase continuously.

At the beginning, the unique traction force was nothing, and it didn't affect Chen Changming much.

But with the passage of time, along with Chen Changming's continuous deepening, the inexplicable traction in front of the place is constantly increasing.

Started to change at a startling rate.

According to the speed in front of me, even if he is a strong man, if he stays in this place for a few days, I am afraid it will be cooler in the end, and will not leave any room.

Moreover, this is just the eyes.

As time goes by, the inexplicable power that exists in this place is still growing and becoming more terrifying.

Following this trend, the results will be unpredictable.

"I just don't know, how long will this road take ..."

Stood on the spot, looking at the passage in front of him, Chen Changming frowned, at this time his mind could not help flashing this thought.

The longer the passage in front of you, the longer you stay in this place, and the more vitality you end up consuming.

Perhaps nothing could be seen in the short time, but with the passage of time, until the end, even Chen Changming may not be able to bear that level of consumption.

However, in this respect, Chen Changming is far more advantageous than others. At this moment, he just frowned, not caring.

Stood still, his footsteps started to speed up and walked forward quickly.

Only the weird scene began to happen.

With Chen Changming's current strength, if he hurries at full speed, the distance that every breath can cover is unimaginable to ordinary people.

But here, Chen Changming found some unexpectedly, no matter how hard he tried, he could not cross a long distance in the end, and his speed remained at a constant level.

Around him, there is an invisible force suppressing his movements. Once his speed exceeds a certain limit, there will be extremely huge pressure, which directly suppresses his speed, making it impossible to go further.

Feeling this, Chen Changming was a little surprised, frowning secretly.

'S current situation surprised him.

Unable to advance at full speed, the entrant must go slowly at a constant speed before he can finally reach the end.

If you do this, the requirements for the vitality and strength of the entrants will undoubtedly be very high.

If there is no extremely strong vitality and strength, I am afraid that it can't resist this level of suppression and life absorption, and it will fall directly halfway.

Is this a specially designed test, or is this the way it is?

Chen Changming couldn't help flashing this thought.

Stood still, he carefully sensed his state.

Ten years ago, he was already able to fight against the Jin King, and he was the world's top powerhouse.

And now, after ten years of polishing, his strength is further, even among the strongest can be regarded as strong.

Plus, he is still very young, and his vitality is much stronger than other strong men, and he is much stronger.

The consumption of this place is not too much burden for it.

Of course, Chen Changming's dependence is not this.

At this moment, in his body, along with the consumption of his own life, Chen Changming moved.

A little pure energy of life slowly spills out of the body, spreads into the body, and flows continuously in it.

Suddenly in an instant, the vitality originally consumed here was instantly filled back.

Chen Changming's breath began to recover slowly, climbed in a short time, and recovered to the peak again.

Feeling this, Chen Changming's face remained unchanged, and he was relieved in his heart.

The life energy that exists in the body is, to a certain extent, Chen Changming's self-reliance, and one of the reasons why he walks here confidently without feeling panic in his heart.

After ten years, the energy of life in Chen Changming's body has accumulated to an extremely large number, even if it is so consumed here, there is no fear.

Because of this, Chen Changming had the confidence to stay here.

Otherwise, according to his character, most of them will immediately turn around and seek other countermeasures.

Standed in place, feeling the energy of life in the body, Chen Changming took a deep breath and then walked forward slowly.

He walked forward slowly, striding forward all the way, and kept walking forward.

Time passed slowly.

Unconsciously, it was half an hour.

In front of me, the passage here seems to have no end, it is deep and not bottomed out, and its interior seems to be so general forever.

It was only after half an hour that some changes finally appeared.

A cold corpse appeared in front, standing there quietly.

It was a corpse, and it seemed to be an old man, but it was totally unrecognizable at this moment, and he couldn't see the original look at all.

He wore a black robe peculiar to the Lingzong people, and a unique breath radiated from all over him, so that Chen Changming couldn't help moving.

"Power of the Spirit King ..."

Feeling the breath emerging from this corpse, Chen Changming's heart flashed through the thought.

In front of this corpse, there is the breath of the power of the spirit king, and traces of the secret code of the spirit king.

This person is mostly like Chen Changming, heir to the Order of the Spirit King.

"Is the spirit king inheritor in the past?"

Looked at the corpse in front of him, Chen Changming's face was calm, the thought flashed in his heart.

This place is a place where gods and demons live, and it is also a resting place for the past spirit kings.

Therefore, in the past countless years, it is not a surprise that there are past spiritual king inheritors come here.

Of course, their purpose may not be the same.

Stood still, Chen Changming looked at the side of the body.

On the side of the body, there are some handwritings on it, dense and dense, although small, but very clear.

"Thirty-seventh generation spirit king of Lingzong, Changfeng seeks gods and demon footprints here ..."

Faint handwriting emerged in front of him, and it was reflected in Chen Changming's mind.

"The spirit king of the thirty-seventh generation of Lingzong?"

Looked at the writing in front of him, Chen Changming's thought flashed in his mind.

'S handwriting reveals the identity of the corpse in front of him. As Chen Changming thought, he is also the heir to the Order of the Spirit King and one of the Spirit Kings in the past.

This should be one of the mysteriously missing spirit kings in the history of Lingzong, but he did not expect to die here.

In place, Chen Changming sighed gently, and then continued to turn forward.

At this moment, he had a hunch in his heart.

Today, in this place where gods and demons live, similar to the previous corpses, he may have seen many tools.

And in fact, it is true.

Walked from the place where the corpse was found. It was not long before Chen Changming saw a brand new corpse.

But this time, the deceased was a person Chen Changming was very familiar with.

"Predecessor Spirit King?"

Looking at the corpse in front of him and the handwriting left before it, Chen Changming was a little surprised.

After he inherited the position of the Holy Sect Lord, through the elders of the Golden Sword and others, he also knew a lot about the deeds of the previous generation of the King of Spirits.

In the past, great changes took place within the Lingzong, and the strength weakened and had to be sealed.

And the previous generation of the spirit king left Lingzong at the end of his life, went to a distant place to find the so-called place where the gods and deities have a long rest, and tried to find out the spirit king's soldiers and bring them back into the spirit.

In the end, the Lingzong mysteriously disappeared, and there was no news.

It seems that the previous generation of the spirit king successfully found the place where the gods and demons lived, but he also died here, and did not really bring out the spirit king.

For this result, Chen Changming sighed, but there was no accident in his heart.

There is no doubt that when the former King of Spirits left Lingzong, he was already a body of old age and decay.

As a spirit king, the strength of the previous generation of spirit king must also be very tyrannical, but under the aging and decay, the life span is also very little.

Faced with the power of extracting vitality in this place, the final outcome can be imagined.

It was able to survive here, and eventually died out, which is already very good.

For this, Chen Changming could only sigh a long time, and then moved on.

Because he had to continue to move forward at this moment, he did not converge the bodies of the past spirit kings, but moved forward alone.

In this way, he walked all the way forward and walked all the way. Every once in a while, he could see the body of a spirit king.

The bodies of these spirit kings are some of Lingzong's successive spirit kings, and some are not, but derived from some other heritage.

Chen Changming was not surprised.

Although Lingzong is the orthodox spirit king, it is not born like this.

According to the classics reviewed by Chen Changming within the Lingzong, at the beginning, the Lingwang inheritance had experienced several holy places and kept going.

In a long time, those holy places that passed on to the King of Spirits were shattered. The inheritance of the King of Spirits then flowed out, and finally a new holy place was born.

The Lingzong at this moment is not the first, and it will not be the last one if you think about it.

For this, Chen Changming will not be surprised.

And so many corpses he saw at the moment.

Some corpses originated from Lingzong, and some corpses originated from more ancient heritage.

There are still some corpses, which carry the blood of the Yuan Wang family, with the unique blood line, and obviously have a relationship with the Yuan Wang family.

'S various origins are different.

The only thing is that these people have been the successors of the spirit king, and have witnessed an era.

As Chen Changming went deeper into this place, the corpse he saw had stronger strength before his death.

After two hours, according to what Chen Changming observed before, the corpses of the spirit king who had fallen around, the strength of his life, I am afraid that he would no longer be weaker than the so-called strongest, and even he would not be inferior to him. .

And all the way to the present, even if it is Chen Changming, it is already a bit overwhelming at the moment.

Walking on the road, Chen Changming's face was calm and secretly felt.

At this moment, a change has begun to take place in him.

Although it may seem normal on the surface, it seems that there is not much change compared to before, and it is still the appearance of that young boy.

But in fact, at this moment, the vitality of Chen Changming's body has been consumed by more than half, reaching an extremely dangerous level.

And by this time, his vitality consumption rate is getting faster and faster, and has reached a terrible point.

But at this moment, he still supported it for the time being.

Compared with the previous corpses, he is younger after all, and the vitality in his body is much larger, much stronger than those existing.

Has strong vitality, and in this place in front of you, it can naturally support longer.

But at this point, even if it is Chen Changming, it can't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

If he goes on like this, he must retreat even if he can still support it.

After all, he is not the inheritor of the Spirit King who has reached the end of his life and has completed his life.

At this moment, he still has a lot of life to consume, not yet to die here.

He is not yet ready to fall here.

Therefore, once something is impossible, he will not force it, and will not die like those previous kings of spirits in this place, but will retreat decisively and leave directly.

"Can also support two hours ..."

Standed in place, feeling the consumption of life energy in the body, Chen Changming looked calm and muttered to himself.

By now, nearly half of the life energy in his body has been consumed. If he can not enter the core of this place after a while, even if he has to retreat.

"Boy, can you still hold it?"

In his mind, the voice of the spirit in the sword sounded.

After such a long trek, the spirit in the sword was also awakened, feeling the situation around him at this moment, could not help but worry: "Are you sure you are OK?"

"It will not happen for a while, and there will be no problems ..."

Standed in place, Chen Changming shook his head: "However, if it takes a while, it may not be necessary ..."


The spirit in the knife looked at Chen Changming in front of him, and looked at his face with little change. At this time, he suddenly didn't know what to say.

He knew that Chen Changming's vitality was very abnormal, and the warrior of the same level was so abnormal that compared with it, it was nothing.

But this level is too exaggerated.

Spent so long in front of this place, although it can still be sustained.

Such vitality is really inhuman.

Behind Chen Changming, he felt Chen Changming's reaction, and the spirit in the sword also secretly relieved himself.

Followed Chen Changming for many years, he knew Chen Changming's person.

Since he said that he can still hold it, it is really able to hold it.

At least for a short time, he does not seem to have much influence.

In place, Chen Changming continued to move forward.

His face was calm and he walked forward slowly.

The road in front is still deep and long. At first glance, it looks like there is no end, giving people a sense of depression and despair.

But with Chen Changming walking continuously, there seemed to be some kind of sound ringing around in the vagueness.

"Aren't you dead yet?"

At the end, a silent spirit was attracted by the majestic vitality. At this moment, he felt a burst of breath from the outside world, and he was a little surprised: "From the beginning to now, has he gone at least five hours? "

"This junior, looks amazing ..."

"Do you think he can get this way through?"

Aside, another spirit's voice came, revealing some curiosity.

"Who knows?"

The previous Spirit King spoke softly and expressed his expectation for the result: "Whether he can really come here or not, depending on his current progress, he is already the strongest in 3,000 years."

"I want to meet this younger generation soon and learn about the heritage of this generation ..."

He spoke softly, with some anticipation in his voice.

And around, along with the vitality breath from afar, the sleeping spirits in the past gradually recovered and began to be awakened.

Just like this, time slowly passed.

After more than one hour ...

Call ... call ...

A slight gasp continued to sound.

Walking here, unconsciously, Chen Changming's breathing began to become rapid.

His face began to become pale. At this time, sweat began to flow all over his body, and the pressure on his body had reached an extreme.

In his body, the violent life energy is still erupting, constantly pouring into his body, but by this time, it is almost unable to keep up with the speed of life force consumption.

Even with the supplement of life energy, the vitality in Chen Changming's body is still constantly being lost. At this moment, I feel an unprecedented pressure ~ ~ In the front, a powerful breath comes, which makes people feel terrified. , There is a faint suffocation feeling.

At this moment, Chen Changming only felt that the flesh and blood of his whole body began to burn, and the sound of an inch of explosion continued to sound, accompanied by a terrible pain.

Every time I move my hands and feet and move my body, I feel extremely strenuous, and I have to exhaust my whole body to do it.

On his body, this moment seemed to be a large mountain pressed, there was a very clear sense of suffocation.

The terrible pressure is unimaginable to ordinary people.

In the past, Chen Changming had experienced all kinds of torture in the trial of the Spirit King.

For ordinary people, it is already a kind of extreme torture, all kinds of torture that I dare not imagine come into battle one by one, it makes people feel a sense of despair.

But at this moment, the pressure on Chen Changming in front of him is even more terrifying and sensational.

Drips of sweat kept dripping, and there was a mixture of blood on it, and the clothes on Chen Changming's body were slowly wet.


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