"Erica Bluntree, how come you woman is here. "

Liliana asked.

"What a coldness, Lily, aren't we friends, I'm sad for this attitude. "

Erica made a sad look, but Liliana was unmoved.

"Don't pretend, you cunning woman. "

Liliana and Erica can be said to have grown up together since childhood, and it can be said that they can't understand Erica's personality and temperament, so she can be sure that Erica's appearance at this time is definitely pretending.

Sure enough, Erica's sad look disappeared in the next second.

"Lily is really getting harder and harder to deceive. "

Erica sighed, but there was a smile on her face.

Liliana snorted coldly at this, since she was a child, she didn't know how many times she had been tricked by Erica, how could she be fooled so easily.

Liliana and Erica belong to two large Italian magic associations, the Bronze Black Cross and the Bronze Black Cross, respectively, but the Bronze Black Cross and the Bronze Black Cross are in a hostile state.

Therefore, Liliana and Erica have a complicated relationship, both friends and rivals.

"You haven't answered my question yet, Erica Brontree. "

"Aren't you supposed to know why I'm here, Lily?" said Erica with a smile.

"You're here for the island's disobedient gods, too?".

Liliana raised an eyebrow.

"Strictly speaking, I'm here a lot earlier than Lily. "

Erica replied in a relaxed tone.

"A few days ago, we [Bronze Black Cross] people had already found traces of the god of disobedience in Sardinia. "

"Did you find anything?".

Liliana and Erica walk side by side on the crowded street, whether it is Liliana or Erica, they are undoubtedly rare beautiful girls, and now two beautiful girls with their own characteristics walk together, which will inevitably attract the attention of others.

However, in the face of the amazing gaze of others, neither Erica nor Liliana reacted, or it should be said that they had long been accustomed to this kind of gaze.


Erica shook her head.

"It is certain that a god will come down on the island of Sardinia today, but .......".

Speaking of this, Erica's face was a little solemn.

“...... According to what I have received, there have been sightings of gods in many places on Sardinia these days, and according to eyewitness accounts, these 'gods' have taken different poses. "

"Could it be that there is more than one god of disobedience in Sardinia?"

Liliana understood what Erica meant, and suddenly stopped and said in astonishment.

"It's impossible to know for sure. "

"If there are two disobedient gods on the island, then the inhabitants of the island are in danger. "

Liliana's brow furrowed, her tone worried.

The god of disobedience is a moving scourge, which is recognized in the magic world.

With the power of the god of disobedience, it is easy to cause great damage, even if it is a god of good gods in mythology, but after coming to this world and becoming a god of disobedience, it will become reckless.

It's dangerous enough to have a god of disobedience on Sardinia, and if there are two, it's not surprising when Sardinia sank.

Don't doubt that the god of disobedience definitely possesses this power.

The millions of people on the island will not be spared.

Thinking of this possibility, Liliana couldn't help but feel worried.

"Hehe, Lily is still as kind as ever. "

Erica smiled.

But that's what she admires most about her childhood friend.

"Actually, I'd love to see the ....... of Sardinia."


Before Erica could finish speaking, the sky suddenly darkened, but a huge object suddenly appeared above the city.

Before the two of them could react, the huge object fell straight down towards the city below.



ground shook as smoke and dust rolled up in the sky, and Erica and Liliana could feel the tremors coming from the ground, even from a constant distance.

"That's .......


The two of them looked shocked and stared at the place where the smoke and dust had risen, and the next second, a huge creature rushed out of the smoke and dust and crashed headlong into the building.

"Boom ——!


A deafening explosion rang out, followed by a series of explosions.

Boom Boom!

And what caused all this is a 'wild boar', if there really is a 'wild boar' in the world that can grow so big

It has pitch-black hair, a body length of nearly fifty meters, and even a height of more than thirty meters, and most of the surrounding buildings are not even as tall as its feet.

He is so burly that he looks a little fat, and has a strong body.

And unexpectedly thin limbs, with huge fangs on their mouths that were terrifying.

However, although it looks very violent, it exudes a divine aura that makes people feel as if they are seeing a god.

The god of wrath, the god of destruction, the god of darkness.

"Roar ——!


The boar roared, and a loud sound resounded through the sky, as if announcing its arrival to everyone.

The roar turned into a sound wave, forming a terrifying sound wave, rippling through the void to form ripples, shaking the surrounding buildings far away, and shattering the glass of the buildings where the sound wave went.

Immediately afterwards, the 'wild boar' moved.

I saw its huge head hanging down, and its strong forelimbs slammed on the ground, and the ground suddenly shook violently, like an earthquake, and it rushed forward.

As the boar advanced, the building in front of it was easily shattered.

Human buildings, in front of wild boars, are as fragile as the building blocks made of toys by children.

With just a simple advance, more than half of a street was destroyed, and if it goes on like this, it probably won't take long to destroy a city.

At this moment, disaster befell this ancient city.

Like a mythical scene, it is manifested in this era.

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