"Come! Have a drink first. Pinshu.com" Cohen will pour a glass of red wine for Qin Hao. After all, it was during the war that he had the privilege and did not order some strong alcohol.

"Huh!" Qin Hao raised his glass and drank it ...

"..." After drinking this glass of red wine, Qin Ha frowned. To be honest, the dry red taste was far less good than he thought. He didn't taste the mellow, but the sour taste made it difficult for him to swallow. .

"Haha, silly boy, haven't you drunk red wine?" Cohen would laugh at Qin Hao when he saw him drink like this.

"Never had a drink ..." Qin Hao said embarrassed. In the past, his grandfather was very strict and did not have the opportunity to drink. After his grandfather left, he stepped into a tense high life. He also had no chance to try and graduate. After he joined the army, a big man in the army couldn't even touch the alcohol, so Qin Hao had never tried this drink.

"If this wine is drunk like this to you, the best wine will taste like horse urine!" Cohen will pour himself a glass as he speaks, and then he shakes the glass so that the vermilion wine can fully follow the air After contact, the fragrance of the wine spread, and then he took a sip slightly, and then said to Qin Hao: "Try it."

"Oh!" Qin Hao learned how Cohen would pour himself a little, then shook his glass and sipped it again.

After the wine is fully fused with the air and oxidized, the taste is indeed better before, and the small mouth taste can indeed feel the fragrant and sweetness, but Qin Hao still does not like the taste, and the astringency of the dry red mouth makes him Didn't like this drink.

"Well, let's talk about your confusion." Cohen asked Qin Hao after refilling two more cups. With a few drinks, the conversation between men began to expand.

"General, I may not be suitable for the role of commander. If I can be more cautious, those soldiers will not die. I killed them ..." Qin Hao explained his confusion to Cohen.

"Ah! Silly boy, this is a process that a commander must go through!" Cohen would sigh, and he couldn't help thinking of the first time he took command in the town.

"Are you confused about it at the beginning?" Qin Hao asked.

"Of course! I came here the same way ..." Cohen sighed, and then began to tell Qin Hao the story of his first command of the battle.

It was not a very big battle. Cohen's enemies were a group of rebels. When he organized the attack, Cohen would not know enough about the enemy, so an army he commanded fell into the encirclement of the enemy. The enemies wiped out during the siege, but the besieged legion suffered heavy losses.

For this reason Cohen was depressed for a long time, and he felt that the soldiers had been killed by him.

Almost every conscientious commander will face this problem, and Cohen will be no exception. Perhaps only the lunatic like Gangmen Penza will care nothing about the soldiers' casualties. In his eyes, there is only merit, only himself.

"Then how did you get rid of that state?" Qin Hao asked.

"Release? I have never been free! I don't want to be free!" Cohen said solemnly.

"Ah?" Qin Hao looked blank.

"Since that battle, I fell into blame. At the beginning, I also sought a way to liberate like you. My old secretary at the time also enlightened me, but then I figured out why I should get rid of this. What about self-blame? It is this kind of self-blame that makes me even more cherish the lives of the soldiers. It is also this self-blame that allows me to think carefully before giving every order. I need victory. But on this premise, I also need to reduce casualties as much as possible! "Cohen will say here after a pause, and then said to Qin Hao:" If I really look away and never blame the soldiers for death, then I talk to What's the difference between Gangmen Penza's guy? "

"In order to win, there must be sacrifice. That's right, we really ca n’t dare to fight because we are afraid of sacrifice, but as a commander, what we have to do is to minimize the number of casualties while ensuring victory. After all, there is a family behind every soldier. The death of the soldiers is just a number for us, but for their families, it is an irreversible disaster. This is not a disaster. A certificate of honor, a pension can make up for it! "Cohen will say that tears are already here, and he has fought countless times in his life. Therefore, after every victory, when others are cheering, he will bring wine to sacrifice his dead comrades alone ...

"This ..." Qin Hao listened to General Cohen's words, as if he had been instilled, and he suddenly wanted to understand a lot of things. UU read a book www.uukanshu. The dozens of com soldiers did die because of the landing battle he directed. He killed these fighters, and Qin Hao's conscience was indeed condemned because of this. He will suffer for this, but he cannot stop acting because he is afraid of it.

Qin Hao is no stranger to death. Before that, he also commanded the battle, but at that time he led the team to charge on the front line. Although the soldiers around him also suffered casualties, he also risked the same. There is no time to take care of everyone, so he has a clear conscience; but this time, Qin Hao commanded the battle safely from the rear, so he would suffer a lot.

Although the frontline battlefield commander and the rear strategic commander are both commanders, the two feel completely different when facing the death of the soldier. The frontline battlefield commander was charged with the soldiers and was killed in the battle. At that time, although they would feel heartache, after all, as one of them, he experienced the same danger himself, so he would not feel that the sacrifice soldier was killed by himself.

The strategic commanders at the rear, because they are in a safe place to direct the battle, they only need to wave their hands and move their mouths. A large number of soldiers charge for them. When these soldiers are killed, they do not go through the same danger because of that. This danger was caused by their orders, so they felt that the soldiers were killed by themselves.

At this time, after talking with Cohen, Qin Hao also gave up the method of seeking liberation. He imagined that Cohen would let this condemnation from the heart to spur himself before he gave each order. Think about the soldiers at the grassroots level. Although war will inevitably sacrifice, what he has to do is to reduce this sacrifice as much as possible.

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