Interstellar Total Universe Fantasy

Chapter 479: Talk, talk, talk?

The action of 丝布 has accidentally reminded many people that it is time to have breakfast! Most people are excited about being able to participate in this mission, because such missions are usually safe and very rewarding.

So these people are very excited, and such excitement naturally forgets to have breakfast, such a thing! Now when I see someone eating, these people are naturally hungry!

I started to take out food to eat. This was one or two at first, and it quickly became seven or eight. After a while, everyone in the whole car was eating!

At this time, the strong bear also forgot his own purpose and started to eat and eat. Silk cloth accidentally saw that the food the strong bear ate actually contained only a small amount of magic energy, and knew that this thing was not as good as his own advanced nutrition solution. !!

I did not expect that this strong bear ate so poorly. It seems that this guy's appetite must not be small. He always eats such poor food and can grow so strong.

Must be made up of insufficient quality by quantity, so this guy must be very tasty! Seeing that a very edible bear eats a large piece of food, it is still not full, and silk cloth can not help but give a tube of high-level nutrition to the strong bear.

The sturdy bear indeed waved his hand: "These drinks are not what I like."

When the strong bear finished speaking, he took out a large piece of food and ate it, and the people around him saw Silk cloth handing a tube of advanced nutrition to the strong bear, and they all felt that Silk cloth was defeated.

壮 This brave man is really a simple-headed guy. Even such expensive high-level nutrients can be given to people. I think that guy is not full!

And when the strong bears rejected, most people felt that their chins fell on the ground in surprise! Some people are unwilling to eat high-level nutritional supplements, but feel that it is a drink, but that is a high-level nutritional supplement, which contains hundreds of times the energy content of your food!

I was just rejected! Ah, it's gone!

丝布 is also a moment of heart, see Zhuang bear refused and put away. At this time, a stout female voice said: "Take it out, and since it is sent out, it cannot be taken back."

尖 The sharp voice of another man echoed, "Yeah! Since it was sent out, there is no reason to take it back."

Fang Sibu quickly punched at the two, and said, "Mouth, mouth, mouth? Right?"

Fang Sibu's "Hong Tian Quan" quickly stunned the two at a speed at which everyone did not respond. Everyone around was quiet! This is the rhythm of discord and direct killing!

And this guy punched too fast! That boxing method is simply that you have been fainted when you didn't respond! Be a great warrior!

The stout bear has finished eating those foods and is still a bit hungry. But now, both eldest sister and Luo Guo are stunned by this person! I ca n’t get more food, so I wo n’t starve to death!

The strong bear looked at the silk cloth and did not speak. The strong bear knew that this strong man was really terrible. But I'm hungry! Silk cloth glanced at the strong bear's eyes, and instantly understood the meaning of strong bear.

I thought about the food in my space equipment, which was prepared by the Emperor for himself, but he could not eat it. In the end, the silk cloth took out a tube of advanced nutrients and handed it to the strong bear again.

There is no way to make this thing the cheapest, and the cheapest at most! The strong bears are very hungry, so when they see that the strong man can deliver the drink again, they will take it!

The strong bear thinks that this strong man is so powerful. Maybe what he drinks is also very powerful? It's better to drink and try it yourself, thinking in my heart, but when the high-level nutritional agent goes down, the strong man who originally thought this thing would not be hungry instantly felt that he was full!

Pat your belly is really full! But such a small tube just made himself full! It's incredible! I just listened to the sermon: "My brother who eats me is my brother! You know?"

Sisibu thinks this strong man is very interesting, and he should be young, and his body is 66 times gravity! It should be good to do it. That's why silk cloth says that, but just try it!

But Zhuang Xiong nodded and said, "I'll be a little brother if I'm full."

The strong bear has been hungry for many years, this time it is the first time he is really full! Since birth, strong bears have no memory of fullness, especially in recent years.

For the first time, a strong bear who feels full now feels that he must follow this person who can make himself full.

The car was parked, everyone got out of the car, and everyone entered their own area according to their number plate. Silk cloth walked ahead, followed by a strong bear.

The two men quickly passed through the front areas and entered their own area 66. Sibu watched Zhuang Xiong follow his own laborious appearance, and said doubtfully, "Am I walking too fast?"

Sisibu felt that the strong bear should not keep up with his own pace! Today, I deliberately suppressed the speed ~ ~ I can't keep up with this, shouldn't I?

Fang Sibu thinks that this will not be a little white who has not learned any body skills, right? What about teaching him the body in the future? Still not teaching?

I ca n’t do anything with my own, right? It ’s not ashamed of myself! But he can't take him all the time, it will be ten years at most! Ten years later, let's talk about it!

The strong bear felt that he should answer in time, so he said, "I'm faster than you, and I'm hungry fast!"

The strong bear can speed up, and the strong bear feels that he is not slower than the strong man. But the strong bears didn't dare run like that, because they would soon become very hungry. And this feeling of hunger is very uncomfortable, which is why the strong bears say so.

Fang Sibu felt that his understanding ability had improved again. He took out a tube of high-level nutritional supplements and handed it to the strong bear.

After talking about the silk cloth, he thought about it again and asked the strong bear: "Do you know how the crystals look?"

Sisibu doesn't think this strong bear is like someone who knows the crystals. Now ask him if he doesn't know it. If you know, find them separately!

The strong bear feels lucky today! The strong man even gave himself a very stuffy thing, and the strong bear immediately took it and drank it!

A burst of energy immediately filled the strong bear with strength. The strong bear felt that this might be the real feeling of fullness. The strong bear did not hear the words of silk cloth at all.

It is a punch towards the ice layer around me. The feeling of strength is too comfortable! The strong bear smashed the frozen ground around him with a punch, and the silk cloth felt strange at first, but soon found the exposed crystals in the crushed frozen soil.

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