The Dream Eater was struck by a black thunderbolt, and the whole body felt a sense of death. Dream Eater escaped that **** directly, and did not dare to fight these people's ideas here!

In the eyes of Dream Eater, since this person is the weakest one in her, she cannot eat her dreams, and she is hurt! Looking at the wound left by the black thunderbolt, Dream Eater felt bitter!

I wanted to heal myself, but now I have a new wound! Moreover, the wound left by the thunderbolt seemed to open a hole in the heart of Dream Eater, making Dream Eater come here to see this person at regular intervals.

Looking at his disguised face and figure, Dream Eater could not help but pout his lips. Although he didn't know the true appearance of the girl, he was sure that the person in front of him was a girl.

I can't dare to enter this girl's dream again. The sky full of thunder and lightning is just a **** for the current Dream Eater.

The person who owns this **** will be very jealous. After all, these Warcrafts are very worshippers of strength, and this person who restrains himself makes the heart of the dreamer be worshiped.

Dream Eater cannot understand the origin of such a thunderbolt, and Dream Eater just feels that the person in front of him is terrible.

Dreaming of the silk cloth for a while, Devouring the Dream Beast finally summoned the courage and went towards the girl who made herself suffer. The girl still lay there, her golden curly hair was very cute.

The Dream Eater entered the girl's dream as soon as he saw it, and then the Dream Eater saw the girl playing with those clothes again. Soon the girl put on one of them and said to the Dream Eater: "Do I look like you? ? "

The Dream Eater suddenly saw another self. This kind of plot was never encountered by the Dream Eater, when the Dream Eater was in a trance.

The water was surrounded by Dream Eater, and then Dream Eater saw the girl pouring the bath liquid on herself, and Dream Eater saw that her whole body was full of bubbles.

And these colorful bubbles have drowned themselves! I only heard the girl say, "I've washed it for you! Little Dream Eater, don't cry now! I'll rest assured that I will bathe you every day ..."

The Dream Eater felt that he had been caught by fear, and that he was weak all over now and could not escape.

Aiwen Gedisi. Bowl favors looking at the Dream Eater which has been filled into a glass bottle. I am very happy in my heart and my task is finally completed!

Make a good seal and use your own spiritual power to seal it. As long as you are not yourself, no one under the immortal can open it. At this time, the entire Ruilan City began to blow strong winds. These winds were created by Ivan Geddes. Bowl and cast the spells, and the winds created by these spells will be all those in Ruilan City, on the Dream Eater The breath is gone!

Some people in the Ruilan City started to wake up. Looking at all of this, Aiwen Gedisi. Bohuan took out his small spaceship and went directly to Aiwen Gidisi. Bohuai was ready to leave the cold star immediately and take the Dream Eater to the task.

Currently, Ivan Gedisi. Bowl favors that I feel relaxed and anxious. After I finish the task, I must take a good rest! Then things don't need to be thought about now!

Net 坷 Tulane didn't expect that as soon as the matter was over, Aiwen Gedisi and Bo Fa left immediately! The leader of this world walks simply, don't drag the water!

But I haven't seen it yet, that dream-eater! And does the owner of this profession need not pay himself? The network terminal Turan's terminal rang, which contained the information of the cosmic currency remitted into his account.

Touran expressed his satisfaction with this digital network, although he did not get the Dream Eater! But having these cosmic coins can also comfort your soul!

The silk cloth had a long dream. In the dream, she was in a thunderbolt. From time to time, there would be a thunderbolt falling in the sky, and it was directly split on her body.

Thunderbolts bring a variety of different feelings to them, of course, silk cloth is still the favorite pink lightning, because the color of their hair is the same, and these pink lightning always give themselves a very happy feeling.

Suddenly a black thunderbolt was split in the sky, and something was split, and it even dropped an egg from his heart! Silk cloth has been holding this black egg for a while. Silk cloth doesn't understand what is in the dream that was split by the black lightning.

Why did it drop a black egg in its heart? And that thing is not this black egg? Why didn't you come in again?

I can't sleep anymore! And he is a person who rarely dreams. If he wakes up, he will not be able to return this egg!

It will be anxious to lose the egg in your heart! Yes, since the egg was picked up by silk cloth, silk cloth felt that he could wake up from a dream at any time!

But the thought of waking up ~ ~ won't be able to come and take away its eggs! Silk cloth could not bear to wake up, but now Silk cloth felt that everyone around him seemed to be awake. It would be strange if he did not wake up!

So silk cloth opened his eyes, and as soon as silk cloth woke up, his nutrition warehouse opened! The silk cloth came out of it. Many people around them just came out of the nutrition warehouse like silk cloth. The silk cloth cast a water system spell on themselves, washed it, and then put on their clothes.

I walked to the next table and sat down, watching the time on my terminal, and I had been sleeping for a month! Unexpectedly, there was an egg less than three centimeters in the right hand, and Silk felt that he was fantasy!

Put the egg directly into your pet space. To the surprise of the silk cloth, the egg went straight in! This shows that this egg has already recognized itself as the master!

Sisibu felt that his contracted beast really changed from one to two. Does he have the potential to collect eggs and become a magic pet? Why do people collect Warcraft while they collect eggs?

This is so strange! And what is going on with this egg! Why did things in the dream come into reality? Could it be his new ability?

No way! I have never heard of such a strange ability! And why did you get an egg? Is this thing useful?

I don't really need this thing! And in the dream, did this fall from something? Now why am I a little vague about the things in that dream?

And why do you wait for that drop in your dreams? What the **** is that! Everything is weird!

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