Silk cloth picked up the black egg again, at this time the egg came together, and the egg touched the hand of the silk cloth. Silk cloth felt that this guy really loved to make fun!

Easter eggs have already flew up. Silk cloth is speechless. What is this little guy trying to do? Silk cloth held the black egg in his right hand, but the egg still fell towards Silk cloth's right hand, and Silk cloth reluctantly placed the black egg on the ground.

The cricket egg did fall directly on the black egg, and on the black egg's body proudly shook his body toward the silk cloth. The silk cloth simply got out of the water, took out the clothes and put them on, and then went straight into the bedroom and lay on the bed watching the ceiling stunned.

At this time, the terminal of the silk cloth shook a bit, and the mental power of the silk cloth entered the terminal to check. One more message came from the instructor Gary Dekas, who mentioned to the silk cloth that the silk cloth no longer needed to take deforming medicine. When the medicine expired, it was enough to change to a hotel!

And the family members will arrive six months later. The first two who are stars are Nianli, and then the others will reach a total of eight stars in three years.

Order a person who will arrive to be Luo Lang Ti, he will arrive before the opening of the mystery and enter the mysterious world with Lian Ling Dika. It is also required that the silk cloths do not go out of the city for training before the family members arrive.

Fang Sibu felt that he was about to regain his true identity. I felt that this man's identity was pretty good! At least I think it is very convenient, and the instructor Gary De Cass means that in the future, he must be with two star stars before he can go out to practice! This is really inconvenient!

Enter Luo Lang Ti into the Pearl Hotel, someone asked him to come here today, after serving the Dicardo family, things have not happened as I imagined.

Luo Lang. Ti feels like a cosmic class, although in fact he said that he is almost a cosmic class! But this is not the Dicardo family, and the reason to neglect yourself! Isn't that neglecting that princess!

This should be nothing to a cosmic powerhouse, but the emperor of the Dika Empire didn't even send himself any supplies!

道 What is the truth! The Dicardo family didn't even care about themselves. They also said that the agreement they signed with their family provided services for a fee, and they should not get supplies if they did not provide services.

Luo Lang. Ti felt that he was being neglected! So he proposed to terminate the agreement, and he fell into disbelief! That family didn't need a cosmic mind teacher, and as a result, Luo Lang Ti surprised something!

The Dicardo family even agreed to terminate the agreement, and after the agreement was cancelled, they told Luo Lang. The Kason family had been looking for him.

Now that Luo Lang Ti is no longer employed by the family, naturally the Dicardo family will not be in control in the future! That's when the cosmic level of lifting the agreement with Lo Lang Ti will be gone.

Suddenly Lang. Ti suddenly realized that this man was telling himself that the offending family had come to look for it! In the past, the Dicardo families protected themselves according to the agreement, and now the Dicardo families have no obligation to protect themselves!

Oh my god! How stupid! Why do I forget about the Kason family? Yes indeed! I originally signed such an agreement with the family to protect the Dicardo family.

I have forgotten such an important thing for my so-called identity! This is to kill yourself! Why did you forget this thing!

可 What should I do now? Just when Luo Lang was entangled, the one who came and Luo Lang. He had to leave the cosmic level to go away, how could it be Lang. Ti felt that he must have been frightened by the news of the Kason family at that time. It's up!

Ti Luo Lang. Ti stopped the cosmic powerhouse at that time, and that person simply ignored Luo Lang. Ti was about to leave! Luo Lang Ti can only plead that he is willing to sign the agreement again and complete every task of the Dicardo family. Luo Lang Ti feels that he is sincere enough!

They are even willing to let go of the universe-class strongman and teach the little princess who has not entered the star rank, but the fact is straightforward. Take a slap, that person of the Dicardo family even took out such a copy Insulting contract!

Yes, the contract is not an agreement, the agreement is that both parties are equal, and the contract is that one party is much lower than the other. Such a contract fell into place. Ti felt that no single cosmic powerhouse could accept it.

And the cosmic powerhouse from the Dicardo family did chuckled and said, "Are you cosmic? You say it if you become cosmic! If there is one thing you need to do, you think there will be such a thing Chance?

If you don't believe it, you can experience the pursuit of the Kason family on your own. Do you think there will be other families willing to accept you?

Of course, if you really enter the universe level ~ ~ the family can also modify the contract, even re-signing is also possible, but the premise is that you can truly enter the universe level.

Of course not to mention that the family did not give you a chance, there will soon be an opportunity for you to enter a mystery, and you should already know this mystery! If you can get into the universe level, can you solve everything? "

Luo Lang. Ti, I immediately remembered that I had entered the Dicardo family, and I wanted to enter that secret place through them, right!

If you do n’t get into that secret world, can you really enter the universe level? At that time, I will find another family asylum, and when I am a universe class, are you afraid that I ca n’t find a family who is willing to shelter me?

So Luo Lang. Ti finally signed the contract helplessly, and now Luo Lang. Ti is here. Here to see the task person, after completing this task, you should be able to open the secret time!

The Dicardo family will send themselves to the mystery! Hey! But it's the end of it, Lo Lang. Ti thinks about entering the private room.

This is a large private room, which is provided for the universe class. Lo Lang. After entering, he found that the person had not come yet, so he sat on the sofa and waited.

Then the door opened and Gary De Cass walked in with a mocking smile on his face, and Lang Lang saw that the person who came in was a little embarrassed, and he didn't know him. Luo Lang Ti feels that it seems unusual to have a cosmic class that he does not know.

Although it is said that there are no less than a thousand people in the Decatur family, if they are immortal, there should be more masters, let alone the universe class! But the cosmic class who has been in contact with himself suddenly changed! What exactly does such a thing say?

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