Interstellar Total Universe Fantasy

Chapter 557: Really amazing

I came to understand that in my heart I really did not want to go with a few people, but this is a team match! If he is late alone, will his grades be too late?

What's more, this is a competition of 54 bases, maybe one minute may be a ranking! How could I let this guy go alone?

Is simply ridiculous. Or obediently hit the wall! If you can't, just carry it away. This guy who likes to be provocative still wants to lie to him to die. Now he can count on him!

If you come here, you will start immediately as soon as you get a twist! I thought I could get rid of this plague **** here! Unexpectedly, he has always wanted to remove his leg, it seems that his heart m who wants to remove his leg has never been extinguished.

A crooked drama, said a little in panic: "Come to the boss, why would I want to go first? You must have been blinded by others! I think that the boss will always choose the left side, so you want to be the boss I do n’t really want to go first! ”

The awkward drama, the head that has hit, is dizzy. At this time, it is completely subconscious self-protection, and the words are not passed through the brain, because the brain is already dizzy!

He said he was blinded by a cup! There are four people here. Will they be blinded for a while? This listening is nonsense, and such nonsense is spoken by crooked drama!

I was so distorted that I was carried on my shoulders and the joints of both legs were removed. The painful crooked drama trembled there. And then came to say: "You don't talk anymore. I don't want to hear your voice. If you speak now, I will immediately remove your chin! Understand? Nod if you understand!"

I came to see it, and after seeing it, I saw a crooked drama nodded desperately. The crooked drama had already scolded him in the future, but now he has no choice whatsoever when he is carried. So Weijia's appointment closed his eyes.

Yi Laiyi, just carrying the twisted drama together with the first three and the eggplant, thinking about walking to the right. Just after walking a while, the scout magic circle showed that there were seven or eight Warcrafts in front.

As soon as I came here, I gave the first three a careful gesture. The first three knew that Warcraft on this road could not be avoided, and they were ready to fight.

来 一, has begun to build a magic circle in the spiritual sea! Of course, for this kind of small battle, Laiyi still prefers those magical arrays that are not very magical and spiritual.

Lai Yiyi, like to erect a transparent wall in front of me, watching those Warcraft hit. This time there are eight second-order Warcraft Lightning Wolf. The speed of these Warcraft is very fast, and the response is very fast, just when the three did not see the Lightning Magic Wolf.

The demon wolves were already fast, and rushed towards several people. Because Laiyi was at the forefront and resisted crooked drama, the three Lightning Devil wolves that rushed at this time ran straight into the invisible obstacle magic array.

嘭, 嘭, 嘭! Almost irrespective of the three sounds, the three lightning wolves fell into the magic circle of obstacles and fell down, and a sharp soil spur appeared on the ground.

Puff puff! Blood splattered three Lightning Demon wolves, all wounded by the instantaneous soil spurs! At this time, the four demon wolves stopped preparing to attack, and the four lightning strikes simultaneously hit the transparent obstacle magic array.

But the reason why the obstacle magic circle is called obstacles is that the meaning of solidity is one of them! At this time, the smart Lightning Devil Wolf ran away! Throw three injured Lightning Wolf.

Of course, they didn't run far away in the magic circle of Laiyi. They removed their obstacles and took a look at the eggplant and said to him, "It's not bad, the response is timely. And the speed is appropriate. Keep working hard! "

After a while, I think that the growth of eggplants is very fast. After talking to him, this guy is like a trick, just like a day.

Moreover, the casting speed has also improved rapidly. This is where the jealousy comes. The casting speed of Laiyi is obtained through hard training, and the eggplant has not seen him practicing. The casting speed has now caught up with the one of Laiyi. It's up!

I came across one and thought that this eggplant was going to go against the sky! The obstacle magic circle has been removed, and the first three mental weapons quickly killed three lightning demon wolves, and took out two of them.

When I came, I immediately received the crystal nucleus, and said to the two, "The four Lightning Demon wolves did not really escape, but were still waiting around for opportunities. Let us ignore them and move on!

This is still after the first three breaks, the eggplant is centered and I am at the front. Let's go! hurry up. "

I came to one, and continued to move forward, and I felt that the top three should now understand what they meant. And the eggplant is nothing but a supplement!

I mainly cooperate with the first three or two, and now the three are very close, so they should be able to better interact with each other. As for the crooked drama, now Laiyi has forgotten this person, and he has many burdens! Fight for victory! It's not heavy anyway.

The first three ~ ~ followed closely behind, and the eggplant followed immediately behind them, the three of them moved forward quickly, and suddenly said: "The four lightning wolves are back Now, we have begun to approach the three of us from four directions! You two should be more vigilant and don't be successfully attacked by the demon wolf. "

He said that a lightning devil wolf appeared in front of him, and Laiyi had quickly arranged an obstacle magic circle. And that lightning wolf didn't come over, and immediately came to understand that this lightning wolf became smart, and now he will not approach it actively!

But is that all right? Laiyi naturally would not agree, took out his own sword, and rushed to this Lightning Wolf, which seemed to be waiting for him.

When he saw that he rushed over, he jumped back and prepared to lead away in the future. And now, oh! With a sound, the Lightning Devil Wolf actually hit his back on an obstacle magic circle.

This magic array arranged in advance is waiting for the Lightning Devil Wolf to jump backwards. Now, as soon as the time comes, the sword will be cut directly towards the Lightning Devil Wolf.

I did jump back and bumped into the back. The lightning wolf fluttered forward, so I hit the sword directly and rolled my head.

The other three Lightning Demon wolves who were ready to continue attacking immediately turned around and fled when they saw this situation. Come on, a few people naturally did not chase these lightning devil wolves.

Instead move on. The eggplant could not help asking: "When did you arrange the obstacle magic circle of the boss, it is really amazing!"

I know that this boss is really a god, and it can make the magic wolf suddenly appear behind the magic wolf. It was amazing to let that devil wolf run into itself. It is no longer an expression of admiration! Eggplant is very excited.

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