Interstellar Total Universe Fantasy

Chapter 592: 1 piece of light

Tang De feels that he must be able to control Johnson ’s mentality, and that he will not make Johnson ’s mentality unbalanced, and let him do things that will violate the oath!

Tang De didn't want to experience it again this time, his people betrayed! This time, Tang De feels that he wants to control his mentality, and he also wants to learn to better control people's hearts.

Tang De was ready to start his own practice in this area from Johnson's cold. In Tang De's view, the former self is still too immature, and the mature self can naturally control the people's hearts better, and the previous things will not happen again!

Moraishi, looking at the time, calculating how much time can be left out of the secret realm, how eager the current Moraishi is to never enter this secret realm!

Here is hell. When Moraishi entered the secret realm, the sea was very excited. Although he, Morai Qi and Moraisan are not strong stars, they are all more than 20 stars of the star!

Originally, the three were confident. Although Moleou was famous for her accurate hunch, the three felt that they could still escape from the ascension. All three felt that they should have some advantages here as a master of spiritualism.

And all three felt that the attack composed of three mind-ministers should allow the three to deal with some of the more urgent problems! So the three of them gathered together very quickly at the beginning of entering the secret realm, but then someone began to discover the key to the magical realm.

And the keys to these magical realms usually have one or two Tier 7 Warcraft guards. But it is not difficult for the three people, so the three people get a key of the magical secret realm when they come up, and then when the third one gets the key of the magical secret realm.

Some people have seen three people, so the three meet the first strong star who appears to be a perfect star. However, although this person is a strong star who is a perfect star, but there is only one person.

For three people, a three-star Constellation Master, three of them can still try to win him, but all three overestimated themselves, but also underestimated the Constellation Master of Constellation Star Consummation.

So the three began to escape quickly, but even then the three did not escape separately. Because there is only one key to the magical secret realm, although only one person will be chased if they escape separately, but at this time all three are afraid that the other party will run away with the magical secret key.

So three people ran in the front and one chased in the back, and this escape finally attracted two strong stars. And a three-sector magician is also a mental teacher and a mental teacher.

The three of them can only escape separately, and because everyone is concerned at this time, the rumors that the magical secret key is connected with people, so they will not directly attack the person who holds the key of the magical secret.

It is because of this estimate that the three can continue to run away. The battle in the secret realm is always happening, and soon someone finds that a person holding the key of the magical realm died in the hands of Warcraft, but the key of the magical realm has not broken.

So people started to speculate whether it was out of the secret, this relationship will be established? In the secret realm, the keys of these magical secret realms will not establish contact with people, because of this idea.

Then someone started killing those who held the key of the magical secret, so people quickly confirmed this speculation. So those people don't care when they chase down! For those who hold the key of the magical secret, and when it is suspected of holding the key of the magical secret, start to kill!

Morai Stone, which was separated from Morai Qi and Morai San at this time, and at that time those powerful forces also began to sweep away the keys of the magical secret realm.

There are dead people everywhere in the secret realm, and a very large secret realm has also become a large cemetery. At this time, there seems to be some changes in the secret realm. Anyway, the Morai stone has hidden itself underground!

And because he didn't have the key to the magical secret realm in his hand, he wasn't found by the powerful forces holding the instruments. At this time, Moraishi remembered that the Dikkado family asked them to gather when they entered the secret realm.

And none of them even listened to the advice of the family, and if everyone gathered together at this time, I am afraid that they would not be afraid of those powerful forces!

This time the secret realm is too miserable! No wonder this time the family allows people to launch it! Hey! How did you think this was an opportunity? Moraishi's heart is very unpleasant, so the long two years are finally coming to an end!

Moraishi is ready to take a good rest after going out of the secret realm, and then exchanges the magic medicines obtained from the secret realm with the family for some things they need. I need to practice for a while. Moraishi is waiting for the time to be sent out by the secret realm!

The time has finally come, a burst of dizziness, and then the eyes are bright. UU Reading Moraishi slowly opened his eyes, woo! A suspended flying car passed the road not far from Moraishi, and Moraishi saw the wall in the distance.

Finally came out of hell! Mo Lai stone took a deep breath, the air on this Tucson planet turned out to be sweet and fresh as ever. Boom! Moraine passed out!

And the six people who appeared in the Tang magic circle at that time, all passed out smoothly! None of these six people appeared with a mask.

At this time, the magic circle on the ground started to run, and the energy in the body of the six people was sucked away by the magic circle underground! Johnson's cold. At this time, he was monitoring the base where there was no one close. Johnson's cold didn't know that at this time they had successfully succeeded! It is still monitoring the surrounding environment.

There was a wave, and a person appeared not far from the base. However, as soon as the person moved, a dozen people rushed out. Soon these people started fighting, and at the same time such things happened in various places in Tucson.

These robbers do not care whether the other party will have the key to the magical secret, but just go to the other party's storage equipment. These people are the same as what Tang De and Johnson said.

Feels that these people who live out of the secret realm must be rich, so these robbers are very active. And those who appear with the keys of the magical realm will be discovered by the immortals waiting nearby in the first place.

Then what will appear will not be easy to say! However, the immortality of some great forces will soon reach their own forces, those who hold the key to the magical secret realm.

The immortals will not work on the Tucson star, and at this time an immortal because the atmosphere kills a powerful person holding the key of the magical secret realm!

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