Into Unscientific

Chapter 222 So what about the mission? (6K words)

"William Thomson?"

Hear the name.

Xu Yun's expression froze suddenly.

He even missed a beat with his breath.

He once thought that this Thomson was probably the JJ Thomson who discovered electrons.

Who would have thought

This person is actually William Thomson, a scientist with the same surname?

In fact, compared to the name William Thomson, another title of this person may be more popular:

Lord Kelvin.

That's right!

He is the inventor of the thermodynamic temperature scale and the famous father of thermodynamics.

The Kelvin temperature that is often mentioned in physics textbooks comes from this person.

William Thomson was born in Belfast, Ireland on June 26, 1824. His father, James, was a professor of mathematics at the Royal Academy of Belfast. The family moved to Glasgow, Scotland when Thomson was eight years old.

In fact, in his childhood, William Thomson's performance could only be regarded as mediocre, and there was nothing particularly amazing about it.

As a result, we waited until Glasgow.

Thomson suddenly acted like a cheater who activated a cheat, and set a series of extremely outrageous records:

At the age of 10, he entered the University of Glasgow to study matriculation.

At the age of fourteen, he began to study university-level courses.

At the age of fifteen, with an article entitled "The Shape of the Earth", he won the Calm Gold Medal of the Scottish Society for all universities in the territory.

However, due to the fracture for a year and family circumstances.

Thomson was not admitted to Cambridge University until he was 16 years old, chose to study for a 4+1 standard degree, and did not graduate from the university until he was 21 years old.

After graduating, Thomson was hired as a professor of natural philosophy at the University of Glasgow in 1846, where he remained until his death in 1907.

During this period.

He established the first university physics research laboratory in the UK, and was also the first expert to propose popularizing physics experiments to college students.

He also used the laboratory's precise measurements to help plan the laying of the Atlantic submarine cable, which made a breakthrough in the communication between Britain and the Americas.

Wait until 1848.

He created the thermodynamic temperature scale.


He formulated the second law of thermodynamics:

"It is impossible to absorb heat from a single heat source so that it can be completely converted into useful work without other effects."

This is the accepted standard statement of the second law of thermodynamics, from which he asserted that energy dissipation is a general tendency.

Later, he also predicted the Thomson effect, invented the electric image method, defined absolute temperature and so on.

He was later knighted by the British government in 1866 and promoted to Lord Kelvin in 1892.

The name Kelvin started from this point.

But in later generations.

In addition to the absolute temperature, the name Kelvin is often associated with the joke of two dark clouds in physics.

Most of the students must have heard this joke, but there are still some inside stories that need to be clarified, or corrected.

Students who have lived for two hundred years without dying should know it.

In the 19th century, that is, the hundred years from 1800 to 1900, physics developed extremely rapidly.

At that time, many people believed that the physical edifice had been completely built, and it was impossible to shake it anyway.

The task of the descendants is only to look up at the predecessors on the ground, shout 666 and finish.

under such circumstances.

April 27, 1900.

At the Royal Institution in Albemarle Street, London, Lord Kelvin delivered a lecture entitled "Nineteenth-Century Dark Clouds Over the Dynamic Theory of Heat and Light".


Kelvin's original words at the time were as follows:

"The beauty and clarity of the dynamical theory, which asserts that both heat and light are modes of motion, are now overshadowed by two dark clouds..." (The beauty and clarity of the dynamical theory, which asserts heat and light to be modes of motion, is atpresent obscured by two clouds)

The first dark cloud mentioned by Kelvin refers to the Michelson-Morley experiment.

It is the problem of the earth moving in the ether.

In people's concept at that time, the ether represented an absolutely static frame of reference.

While the earth moves through the ether in space, it is equivalent to a ship driving at high speed, and a strong "ether wind" will be blown head-on.

So Michelson conducted an experiment in 1881 to measure this relative speed, but the result was not very satisfactory.

So he teamed up with another physicist, Morey, to arrange a second experiment in 1886.

This is also the most sophisticated experiment ever conducted in the history of physics until 1886:

They used the most advanced interferometers. In order to improve the sensitivity and stability of the system, they even managed to get a marble slab and put it on a mercury tank.

This minimizes the interference factor.

However, the results of the experiment shocked and disappointed them:

The two beams of light show no time difference at all, and the ether seems to have no effect on the rays passing through them.

This experiment caused a sensation in the physics world at that time, because the concept of "ether", as a representative of absolute motion, is the basis of classical physics and classical space-time theory.

And this beam and pillar supporting the building of classical physics was ruthlessly negated by the results of an experiment, which is obviously a phenomenon that shakes the foundation.

At the same time in the hereafter.

The Michelson-Morley experiment is also listed as one of the most famous "failed experiments" in the history of physics.

Therefore, in that era, it was naturally understandable to be called a dark cloud.

As for the "Second Dark Cloud"?

It refers to the inconsistency between black body radiation experiment and theory, which is the most misunderstood point of Kelvin.

The so-called black body, the words as they mean.

It refers to the darkest thing. At that time, because there was no card game, the non-chiefs were still unknown. Sorry, I was wrong.

In short, a real black body refers to a perfect absorber.

That is, it can absorb radiation of any wavelength incident on it, neither reflecting nor transmitting.

we know.

In addition to absorbing and reflecting electromagnetic waves, any object is radiating electromagnetic waves outward.

This radiation is related to the temperature of the object, the type of material and the surface condition, and is called thermal radiation.

The black body is an exception:

The intensity of its radiation is only related to temperature.

Late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Facing the problem of black body radiation, scholars have used the Rayleigh-Jins law of classical physics to calculate the relationship between black body radiation intensity and energy.

According to the electrodynamic theory of classical physics at that time, radiation is continuous.

This creates a serious problem:

In the calculation of black body radiation, the intensity will increase with the radiation frequency, and tend to emit infinite energy, and the matter will completely decay due to "unlimited" radiation.

This is obviously unrealistic logic and the situation of classical mechanics theory.

This is the second dark cloud.

Also known as the Ultraviolet Cataclysm, it is also called the Rayleigh-Jins Cataclysm.

Everyone knows what happened next.

The first dark cloud finally led to the outbreak of the relativity revolution.

The second dark cloud finally led to the outbreak of the quantum theory revolution.

Wait until 2022.

The top of physics is already covered with dark clouds (here’s another small game, currently there are 25-30 dark clouds that are generally recognized, if you can name 10, add a chapter, all comments can be accumulated, that is, everyone’s answers will be added If there are ten flowers, add a new chapter.)

And at that conference, Kelvin actually pointed out one thing about the second dark cloud.

That is the ratio of the theoretically calculated diatomic or polyatomic heat capacity at constant pressure to heat capacity at constant volume, which has a huge deviation from the experimentally observed value:

"...obvious departures from the observations are absolutely sufficient to disprove the Boltzmann-Maxwell theory."

"...In fact, the deviations of the Boltzmann-Maxwell theory are even greater than those listed above."

This lecture is kept in the Library of the University of Cambridge, Library 2, category '19th century' in 'Physics'.

So throughout the speech.

Kelvin's attitude is actually very very cautious, and he doesn't mean to underestimate the two dark clouds at all.

It's a pity that it is under various disseminations in later generations.

Kelvin's words turned into a "physics edifice is complete, all that's left is a little touch-ups" joke - which wasn't even his utterance.

The source of this sentence is not Kelvin, but Albert Michelson.

That is the Michelson in the first dark cloud "Michelson-Morley experiment".

In a speech in 1894 he stated:

"...It seems that the grand basic principles of physics have been firmly established and indestructible...The truth of future physical science should be found in six decimal places."

After this sentence was magically changed, it was set on Kelvin and became a joke, how lamentable.

to some extent.

Kelvin or William Thomson should be regarded as one of the typical cases ruined by jokes.

In fact, there are many similar unlucky people in history. They were obviously good people, but they were distorted into buffoons.

For example, Pan Jinlian, Yin Zhiping, Yuan Zhen and Dengtuzi are all like this.

The line of sight returns to the original place.

Judging from William Thomson's historical status, he does meet the screening criteria of the halo.

After all, he is the father of modern thermodynamics.

Without his appearance, it would be difficult to obtain a unified definition of many modern temperature-related definitions.

but the problem is

Now that I know William Thomson's name, why doesn't the halo respond?

To know.

in the previous two copies.

As long as Xu Yun judged the name of the target of the dungeon, the halo would put the task in front of him through the light curtain, adding a bunch of swear words.

But right now, there is no light curtain sticking out in front of Xu Yun, let alone mission reminders.

Is the halo disconnected and down?


Isn't William Thompson the core character of this instance?

With this question in mind, Xu Yun looked at William Thomson again from the corner of his eye.

Regardless of whether this young man who looks a bit like a youthful version of Saruman is the protagonist of this mission, at least one "key person" cannot be escaped.

So the next thing I have to do is to determine the specific time right now.

Then stay with the other party as much as possible, and then look for the follow-up truth.

It is different from the original 1665 copy of Mavericks.

For example, in the past two hundred years, the British have made a lot of progress in clothing and hygiene habits on the surface, at least not as primitive and curious as they were back then.

William Thomson first went back to the carriage and took out a bag of potatoes, then said to Xu Yun and Will:

"Luo Feng, I'm going to wash some potatoes by the small river in front of me. Tonight I will eat stewed potatoes with salty bacon."

"Go with Will and split the firewood I picked up. The quality of firewood in this area is very good, so I picked up a little more."

"Use part of it tonight, and put the rest in the car and use it all the way. After all, it's too humid here."

Seeing this, Xu Yun quickly nodded and replied:

"No problem, Mr Thomson."

Thomson hummed lightly, took the potatoes and walked towards the distant river.

After he leaves.

Will on the side took out two axes from the side of the carriage, and handed one of them to Xu Yun:

"Mr. Luo Feng, can you chop wood?"

Xu Yun took the axe, held the ax handle upside down with his uninjured right hand, and said meaningfully:

"Of course I will. This is the method of chopping firewood inherited from Sir Newton's ancestors."

Will: "0v0?"

Then Xu Yun followed Will to the firewood and started chopping firewood.

It's a coincidence.

William Thomson recovered wood from poplar branches, after all, this plant is dry and brittle, which is very suitable for firewood.

Looking at this small poplar tree unique to England, Xu Yun suddenly thought of the 1665 dungeon.

Before Maverick took him to William's house, he had split this kind of wood with him.

I really miss it


After chopping a piece of firewood.

Xu Yun glanced at William Thomson, who was washing potatoes with his butt pouting in the distance, and pretended to be casual and said to Will:

"Mr. Will, where are you going this time?"

In order to take care of the "disabled person" Xu Yun, Will has to do more work. Hearing this, he wiped his sweat and said:

"To London."


Xu Yun raised his eyebrows pretending to be surprised, and said curiously:

"Are you going to London too?"

Will nodded, moved a piece of firewood in front of him again, split it into two pieces with a click, and said at the same time:

"The crops in the country have not been good these years. I plan to go to London to try my luck."

"I heard that the ocean trade has been short of manpower these years. If you can get a job, it's better than farming."

Will's local flavor is very strong, Xu Yun naturally believed what this passer-by said, and then he changed the subject and asked suddenly:

"And what about Mr. Thomson?"

"Mr Thomson?"

Will shook his head, put down the ax to take a breath, and replied:

"I don't understand what he said. I just heard that he seems to be going to London to join a famous old professor."

"My father and Mr. Thomson's grandfather have known each other for many years, and the relationship between the two families is very good, so he entrusted me to him."

Only then did Xu Yun nod his head clearly, a flash of understanding flashed in his heart.

Will, a young man with a strong rural flavor, probably has nothing to do with his mission. He is probably just a passerby like Zhang San, and at most it is Mr. Xie who cares about his crotch.

As for the halo, it is impossible to put himself next to Thomson for no reason-after all, this is not a Chinese cabbage.

So it's obvious.

The goal of my mission this time should be the big man that Will said Thomson was going to defect to.

Therefore, as long as the current age can be determined, this target can be completely screened out.

Think here.

Xu Yun couldn't help looking at Will, and asked:

"Mr. Will, Mr. Thomson actually got to know the professor in London? He doesn't look very old, is he thirty?"

Xu Yun's trick was learned from a certain historical novel. He pretended to ask the former, but actually the focus was on the latter.

as expected.

Will didn't notice anything abnormal at all, and answered honestly with thick eyebrows and big eyes:

"Didn't I say that, I don't know much about Mr. Thomson's past, but he's definitely not over thirty—my dad said he's only twenty-four this year."

When Xu Yun heard this, his heart froze.

Twenty-four years old?

If I remember correctly.

William Thomson was born in 1826, plus this age

Taking into account issues such as the first year of life, to put it more broadly, it should be between 1849-1851?

At this time, the old professor who is famous in London and related to William Thomson is undoubtedly the first to recommend Adam Hopkins.

Speaking of Hopkins, most people probably think of the stalk of "according to the report of Hopkins University".

But that Hopkins University was founded by Johns Hopkins, not Adam Hopkins.

Adam Hopkins is a well-known professor at the University of Cambridge and a well-known geologist and mathematician in the 19th century. He brought out two big men, William Thomson and Stokes.

The age of this person should be about 60 years old now, which undoubtedly fits the description of 'old professor'.

Although his reputation is not particularly prominent in the history of science, being able to bring out William Thomson and Stokes is enough to judge this person's extraordinary ability.

Besides, the lack of reputation is one of the characteristics of the halo, isn't it?

So it's obvious.

The mission target this time must be Adam Hopkins!

If not, Luo Feng would have eaten that ax on the spot!

How do you say that?

I have the advantage!

It's the 14th anniversary of Wenchuan, so fast, I hope the mountains and rivers of the motherland are safe!

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