Into Unscientific

Chapter 248: Big Brothers Gather (Part 2) (68K)

Chapter 248: Gathering Big Bosses (Part 2) (6.8K)

Wait until the leaders of the four colleges have all appeared on the stage.

William Whewell turned his attention to the follow-up echelon and began to introduce undergraduate and graduate professors.


William Whewell put his hands on the edge of the podium, looked around the classroom dignifiedly, and said:

"The 1850-1851 school year is a special junction. In the next year, everyone's course schedule will be very tight."

"This point must have been prepared when everyone received the class schedule."

Under the stage, including Xu Yun and Mai Mai, hundreds of students nodded in unison.

Mentioned a long time ago.

Universities in the UK are different from local universities.

At the end of December every year, they usually have a holiday called 'Christmas holiday'.

The whole holiday will probably start from the beginning of December and last until the middle or end of January.

The Universities of Cambridge, Oxford, and Manchester all followed the custom, even in 1850.

However, Xu Yun found that the duration of the Christmas holiday has been greatly shortened in the class schedule received this year:

The whole holiday started on December 22nd and ended in a hurry on January 2nd.

At the same time, the course arrangement during the study period has also been intensively condensed.

In addition to the regular holiday on Sunday, there are as many as four days of class in a week!

To know.

According to the schedule of previous years.

It is too much for Cambridge University to arrange two and a half days of classes a week, and most of the students' time is spent in the library.

It is clear.

Like this year's enrollment expansion, this high-intensity compression course is also preparing for the start of the British National Machine.

Then William Whewell paused and continued:

"In order to instill knowledge concepts more efficiently, the four theological schools will adopt a cooperative teaching model to start courses this year after the resolution of the school board of directors."

"That is to merge the same courses in the four colleges, and conduct group teaching at the same time and place."

"As for the college's unique courses, it remains unchanged, taking into account both aspects, so as to ensure the highest utilization rate of teachers."

After Xu Yun listened quietly, his expression didn't fluctuate much.

This practice of Cambridge University is not particularly novel, and many universities in later generations have also done this.

For example, civil engineering majors and garden art both have drawing courses, and some schools will deploy the two together for unified classes.

At the same time, for many monk classes, this kind of course is still the best time to get in touch with a large number of girls, and it can almost be called "off-the-spot class".

Xu Yun has a high school classmate who found a girlfriend in this way. Now the husband and wife live a happy loving life and have two children.

The line of sight returns to reality.

After introducing the course model, William Whewell also entered the topic.

He still pointed to the audience and said loudly:

"The first professor I will introduce to you is Mr. John Ramsey McCulloch, Chief Economics Lecturer of Trinity College!"

"Mr. John Ramsey McCulloch, a highly respected predecessor, will be in charge of the economics lectures in the four seminaries throughout the academic year."

"The course is compulsory for undergraduates and postgraduates who graduated from other universities, and the credits are 3 points!"

The voice just fell.

A thin old man with fair skin and a slender beard that curved to the corner of his mouth slowly stood up from the front row.

The students off the field also gave a round of applause to save face.

Xu Yun also clapped his palms a few times politely, a slight surprise flashed in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the first professor introduced by William Whewell was a celebrity in economic history.

When Xu Yun was at HKUST, he had taken economics as an elective, and he still has some memories of this big guy.

McCulloch was the most ardent supporter of Ricardo's school. In order to defend Ricardo's theory and honor, he once fired on Richard Jones mercilessly.

After Ricardo's death in 1823, McCulloch actively raised funds for a series of public lectures on economics in memory of Ricardo.

Another group of people planned to establish a university, which later became University College London.

University College London later decided to institutionalize McCulloch's extensive lectures and established the Ricardian Chair of Political Economy. In 1828, McCulloch was appointed as the first chair professor, which was not terminated until 1837.

But the reason why this man is considered a celebrity is because he asked a very interesting question:

Is the fermentation of wine in wooden barrels labor?

That is to say, a barrel of new wine worth £50 has risen to £55 after a full year in the cellar.

Should the extra £5 be the compensation for the time value of the £50 capital, or the added labor value to the wine?

This issue was very controversial in the early days of economics, and it is roughly the same as the sentence in "Zhuangzi · Tianxia" that "take half of the day, and it will last forever".

In addition, another thought popped up in Xu Yun's mind:

William Whewell is so cruel.

When he followed Thomson to visit William Whewell before, Xu Yun had seen the scene where Prim quarreled and threw an axe. At that time, the two were arguing about the start of the economics class.

William Whewell once said that it was impossible for Prem to take over smoothly, and Werner, who was in charge of the reception, also revealed that Whewell intends to find another candidate.

But Xu Yun always thought that this was just an angry talk, and there was a high probability that the two sides would compromise, which was nothing more than a concession of interests.

The result was unexpected.

William Whewell really dug McCulloch to Cambridge, and even put him in charge of the economics courses of the four seminaries. This is undoubtedly a severe slap in the face.

I don't know if Prem will be vicious and go to William Whewell with an ax to PK offline?

And the other side.

After introducing McCulloch, William Whewell began to introduce other professors:

"Jalour Murray Chair Professor of the Humanities Society"

"De Leo Arteaga Lecturer in Art History."

"Stacia Adkins. Professor of Ancient Greek and Roman Literature"

"Professor Gandalf Physical Defense."

After continuing with McCulloch, William Whewell introduced seven or eight professors, all of whom seemed to be well-known.

But Xu Yun didn't know these people very well.

At most, I have a little impression of Stacia Adkins, who is a bit like Mrs. Weasley in "Harry Potter".

This aunt is the first female professor in the history of Cambridge, but Xu Yun remembers her name mainly because of the cause of her death:

She was hit and killed by a train while on an outing.

To know.

After the Paris train accident in 1842, the speed of trains across Europe was reduced to more than 20 kilometers per hour, and it was not restored to more than 60 kilometers per hour until 1879.

So after hearing about this incident, Xu Yun tried his best but couldn't figure out what happened.

Soon after, he heard the name of his cheap mentor again:

"Stokes. Professor Lucas, Department of Mathematics, Doctoral Supervisor, Trinity College."

clap clap -

Mai Mai and Xu Yun's strength suddenly increased a bit, and their mentor's position was still to be praised.

Avelyn on the side frowned, looked at Stokes who was waving, and muttered:

"Why do you have to study mathematics when you go to graduate school? Shouldn't this subject exist at all?"

Xu Yun glanced at the girl lightly, but did not speak.


You have never seen the math problems of later generations, okay?

Especially the national volume in 2022, believe it or not, the throwback Cheng Lilani who can make you cry

And at this moment.

William Whewell on the podium suddenly had a solemn expression, and his tone became more solemn than ever before:

"Students, everyone knows that the European scientific community is in an era of rapid development, and various practical technologies are gradually appearing in our lives."

"Like trains, like electric lights."

"In order to keep up with the frontiers of science, most universities in the UK, including Cambridge University, have set up two emerging subjects, natural science and moral science."

"However, for a long time, the candidate for the chief professor of natural sciences at the University of Cambridge has been pending, and other professors can only serve as public lecturers."

"But today I am very happy to tell you that under the care of Prince Albert, the discipline of natural science has finally ushered in its first chief professor!!"

Hearing William Whewell's words, Xu Yun couldn't help straightening himself up.

Students who went to university in the UK 200 years ago know it.

In the European university system dominated by classical subjects, mathematics has always been a very important teaching content.

As for the courses of physics, chemistry, and biology, the emphasis was not high at the beginning, and they were collectively called natural philosophy.

For example, besides theology, Lao Da also chose this as another major.

But after entering the 19th century.

Under the influence of political, economic, technological, cultural and other factors.

The tradition of classical education in British universities has been severely impacted, and it has begun to transform from a fortress of classical education to a center of science education.


Cambridge University built a £17,000 observatory at the gate of Trinity College, and later expanded the building in the Botanic Gardens.

Later generations also characterized these two events as milestones in the transformation of teaching at Cambridge University.

By 1848.

In order to break the dominance of mathematics in the Cambridge University examination system, Cambridge University established two sciences: natural science and moral science.

Among them, the scope of the moral science honors degree examination includes moral philosophy, political economy, modern history, common law, English law and so on.

The natural science honors degree examination includes mineralogy, anatomy, physiology, chemistry, botany, geology and other subjects.

Yes, you are not mistaken.

There is no physics.

Physics these days is still a subordinate subject of chemistry, and it will not officially become an independent subject until 1873-and the important reason for its independence is the Cavendish Laboratory built by wheat in 1871.

It goes without saying which is more important than natural science and moral science, but as far as the chief professor is concerned, moral science is much more interesting.

The first professor of moral science at Cambridge University in history was William Wadsworth, a famous Romantic poet.

He took office in October 1849, and died six months later.

So, the University of Cambridge had to call Tennyson in an emergency, but he was not a worry-free person:

Tennyson is the most popular and characteristic poet in Victorian England, bar none.

In 1850, he just wrote "In Memoriam", which is also recognized as the greatest elegy in English literature.

At that time, Tennyson was an idol-level figure, and his popularity was roughly equivalent to the sum of the four heavenly kings in the 1990s.

As mentioned before, Cambridge University has no walls in Cambridge Town, and it is not difficult for interested people to get in.

Therefore, in just a few months, Tennyson encountered a lot of harassment from illegitimate fans, and was followed 24 hours a day.

The most outrageous thing is that Cambridge University was still a public bathroom at that time, and Tennyson secretly wanted to take a shower at 3 o'clock in the morning.

As a result, he went to the bathroom to take a look.

Good guy, there are more than a hundred gay guys staring at him with bright eyes.

So in desperation, Tennyson had to find Prince Albert.

Said that my official position is about to be married, you should hire someone else, and then left singing English poetry.

Then the third professor of moral science, Will Cook, was also extremely outrageous. He was brainwashed by students and went to the Scottish border to find soldiers for a duel. Can you believe it?

So Xu Yun has always wondered whether the prototype of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in "Harry Potter" came from moral science

Compared with the twists and turns of the moral sciences, the natural sciences are much calmer.

Its first professor was William Hamilton.

That's right.

It is the author of the book "1650-1830: Two Hundred Years in the History of Science" that Xu Yun consulted before, and the inventor of the quaternion.

This can be regarded as a kind of coincidence, so Xu Yun is still more interested in this big guy.

However, to his surprise.

next second.

The name that came out of William Whewell's mouth was not Hamilton, but

"Michael Faraday!"


With the announcement of the name.

There was a burst of discussion and gasping in the classroom.

Xu Yun's pupils shrank even more, and he almost didn't stand up from his seat.

After recovering, he suddenly thought of something.

Turning his head suddenly, he stared at the wheat.

Mai Mai looked a little hairy, subconsciously shrunk his neck, and asked:

"Mr. Luo Feng, what's wrong with me?"

Xu Yun took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and shook his head:

"Nothing, just thought of something else."

Then he turned his eyes to the reception desk again, and the shock in his heart still did not fade away.

Unexpectedly, the candidate announced by William Whewell was not Hamilton, but

Faraday! ?

In the year 2022 that Xu Yun traveled through.

If you want to rank in terms of electromagnetism, the position should be like this:

Maxwell \u003e Faraday \u003e Ampere = Gauss \u003e Oersted \u003e Hertz = Coulomb \u003e Ohm ≈ Kirchhoff \u003e Green \u003e Weber \u003e Joule. (Volt and Cavendish will not be ranked)

Faraday's background and past have been introduced in Chapter 223, so here is a summary of his contributions.

Speaking of Faraday's contribution, the first one is naturally the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.

Faraday can be said to have brought mankind into the electrical age by himself, and he is the biggest contributor to the second industrial revolution.

At the same time, he also proposed the concept of 'field', proved the law of conservation of charge with an ice bucket experiment, and discovered the phenomenon of glow discharge-JJ Thomson discovered that electrons rely on this stuff.

Without the discovery of electrons, Rutherford Bohr and their work would have been delayed for a while.

In addition, there are magneto-optical effects, the first discovery of semiconductor phenomena, the discovery of the law of electrolysis, metallographic analysis, and the discovery of benzene, etc. (but the benzene ring was not written by him).

Ordinary people can easily record one of the above achievements in the annals of history, but Faraday has so many achievements that he can't count them with two hands.

So sometimes you really have to lament that this node in the 19th century is really a bit mysterious, too many monsters appeared.

Even in the 21st century, a hundred years later, the scientific community still has not blazed its own path.

Also worth mentioning.

Although Faraday was born in a poor family, he only went to elementary school and did not receive much higher education.

But after he invented the disc dynamo on October 28, 1831, his academic qualifications were no longer a stain, but a medal that set off his greatness.

By 1835.

Even British Prime Minister Robert Peel made him a guest of honor.

This was true in 1835, let alone 1850.

Today, Faraday is the well-deserved chief scientist in Europe. He was just presented by Prince Albert to the House of Grace at Hampton Palace in Surrey two years ago. His status in the scientific community is unrivaled.

So it's not the same as Wheat's posthumous fame.

In the middle age of his life, Faraday received supreme glory and respect.

There is only one point of view that was not accepted by the scientific community during his lifetime.

That is "electromagnetic force not only exists in the conductor, but also extends into the space near the conductor", nothing more.

Just follow the normal track.

At this time, Faraday should still be conducting experiments in Ireland, and it is impossible to appear on the list of Cambridge University.

Even Faraday did not have much intersection with Cambridge University throughout his life.

be honest.

After traveling to the present dungeon, Xu Yun actually imagined meeting Faraday.

But that was Xu Yun's initiative to meet, not at an impossible time and place—in Xu Yun's plan, it should be a long, long time in the future. Assets, status and fame.

At that time, choose a sunny afternoon and bring wheat to visit.

The three of them had a long talk, and they hit it off right away, and the process was harmonious and friendly.

But the current situation is completely beyond Xu Yun's expectation and control:

Faraday was where he shouldn't be, in a position he shouldn't have been in.

So no doubt.

History has changed again.

Moreover, the impact of this change may be incalculable.


In the school schedule of wheat, there is a course of natural science.

Can imagine.

Follow the original track.

Wheat did not read Faraday's "Experimental Investigations in Electricity" until 1854, and thus formally came into contact with electromagnetism, and wasted several years in the meantime.

During the 29 years from entering Cambridge in 1850 to his death in 1879, Wheat wasted at least seven years.

The only time in his life that he and Faraday met was in 1860, a full decade later.

Ten years.

Ten years is very short, just like the ten years ago in this world was 2012 instead of 2002, it seems to have passed in a trance.

But ten years is also a long time, enough to change the heroine of this book from Asuna to Tifa.

For Wheat and Faraday, ten years is clearly the latter.

Now that these two strongest figures in the history of electromagnetism meet ten years in advance, and they have become mentors and apprentices to each other, what kind of sparks will they collide with?

at the same time.

Xu Yun was surprised by far more than just this one thing.

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