Into Unscientific

Chapter 406: Xu Yun's Choice

After confirming that the lone particle is highly suspected of dark matter.

Xu Yun and Lu Chaoyang did not dare to neglect, and immediately rushed to the laboratory where Academician Pan was located.

As for other project team members?

Xu Yun did not limit their freedom.

This is not to say that Xu Yunduo trusts them, but because the isolated particles want to be retested, which is not something that can be solved in a few words.

Hypothetically—hypothetically, someone on the project team really wanted to spread the news for personal gain.

The most he or she can do is to say a few words from Barra that the University of Science and Technology has discovered dark matter, and so on.

The specific experimental code, as well as the real core data. For example, the particle track, Xu Yun has always been in his hands.

So he is not worried at all that someone will spread the word, even if it is posted on Moments to brag—this kind of behavior, not to mention how many people in the outside world will believe it, the key is that once the identity is locked, all future honors will be doomed It has nothing to do with myself.

These people who can enter the project team are very smart. They may lack emotional intelligence in dealing with people, but they still have basic judgment.

Therefore, Xu Yun and Lu Chaoyang were not really worried about the confidentiality of information.

The laboratories of Academician Pan and Zhao Zhengguo's project team are not in the same spoke center, but are located near the anti-field fusion KTX laboratory in the west area. This laboratory has a nice name:

Chasing the sun.

Because the early purpose of this laboratory was to observe and study many high-energy particles in the sun.

And it's interesting.

The first laboratory director of Zhuyang Laboratory is called Chen Kuafu

However, in 2005, the Zhuyang Laboratory was restructured and upgraded. There is no longer a director in charge, but is assigned according to needs.

half an hour later.

Xu Yun and Lu Chaoyang rushed to the entrance of the Zhuyang Laboratory on bicycles, out of breath.

As a full-time professor of the University of Science and Technology, Lu Chaoyang has a high-authority visitor code, which allows him to enter and exit most areas.

In addition, Academician Pan had already greeted them before, so Xu Yun and Lu Chaoyang were put into the laboratory after a simple identity verification.

The Zhuyang Laboratory is a standard particle physics laboratory, and all kinds of equipment are buried underground.

Therefore, like the Tongfu Experimental Center, the surface area of ​​Zhuyang Laboratory is not too large.

The main building of the entire laboratory on the surface has only three floors, which also includes a lounge and a small meeting room, and the experimental area has only one floor.

However, this one-story experimental area covers an area of ​​less than 50 square meters, but the style of painting can satisfy the fantasies of almost all science fiction fans:

On one side of the area is a row of main consoles divided into five screens. The densely packed buttons of various colors can be seen at a glance as a field that only those with strong hairlines can touch.

Behind the main console, there is a six-layer composite glass.

Behind the glass are hundreds of silver-white precision beam tubes of various thicknesses, matching the cool colors of the laboratory, revealing a strong sci-fi atmosphere.

And when Xu Yun and Lu Chaoyang entered the experimental area.

Academician Pan and Zhao Zhengguo were sitting on two chairs facing each other, discussing something with their heads bowed.

As Xu Yun's senior brother, Lu Chaoyang took the initiative to step forward when he saw this, and said respectfully:

"Teacher, we are here."

"Oh, Xiao Lu and Xiao Xu are here."

Academician Pan nodded to them when he heard the words, and then pointed to the two chairs beside him:

"Okay, let's all sit down first."

Xu Yun and Lu Chaoyang obeyed obediently.

After taking a seat.

Xu Yun was silent for a moment, glanced at the beam tube at the back, and asked curiously:

"Teacher, have we really discovered dark matter?"

Academician Pan raised his eyelids and glanced at him, with a hint of emotion on his face:

"To be honest, the very, very high."

"After all, it fully conforms to the definition of dark matter in terms of known properties, and this degree of conformity even exceeds that of the original neutrinos."

"Now there is only one last step of high-precision retesting, and we can completely confirm whether it is dark matter or not."

"Of course, even if it is finally found that the solitary point particle is not the imagined cold dark matter like WIMP, its value will not be inferior to the neutrino oscillation."

"Because it's not a composite particle, but a basic particle."

"In other words, we have to add a new member to our current elementary particle model."

When he said these words, Academician Pan's gaze was a bit misty.

In fact, when the isolated point particle was first discovered, both he and Zhao Zhengguo subconsciously thought it was a compound particle because its Lagrangian function was a bit high.

The results were not discovered until today after further research.

This is actually an elementary particle.

A new type of basic particle, which has a profound impact on the existing physical framework, may be comparable to the discovery of the Higgs particle.

Then Academician Pan paused, thought of something, and looked at Xu Yun again:

"Xiao Xu, you should know the value of this solitary point particle, so Mr. Zhao and I would like to ask you, do you have any thoughts on it?"


Xu Yun was slightly taken aback, but soon understood what Academician Pan meant.

to some extent.

This is something that must be discussed after a new substance is discovered.

That is.

Assignment of honor.

I saw Xu Yun ponder for a moment, an inexplicable look flashed in his eyes, and he looked at Academician Pan seriously:

"Teacher, when the relevant content is published in the newspaper, you only need to write your and Academician Zhao's names in the column of the person in charge. If I want to give my name a little bit of exposure."


Xu Yun's answer obviously exceeded the expectations of Academician Pan and Zhao Zhengguo. These two top experts in the field of quantum and particle in China, both of them went down for a while before recovering.

I saw Academician Pan's brows suddenly wrinkled, and a trace of solemnity appeared on his face:

"Xiao Xu, are you serious? You should know the concept of this achievement."

"This is not simply a matter of the ranking of the first and second works of CNS, but a discovery that is enough to be recorded in the history of science, and it cannot be raised too high."

"Although you only provided one particle track from the perspective of the whole project, without that track, all our subsequent achievements will be just castles in the air, and it is impossible to complete such in-depth research."

"Xiao Xu, do you understand what I mean?"

Xu Yun nodded calmly.

After today's experiment, he certainly knows the value of the lone point particle.

Mentioned long ago.

Today's physics community discovers five to eight new particles every year, but these particles fall into the category of composite particles.

Their actual essence is still inseparable from the existing particle model framework.

That is, the four categories and 61 kinds of particles mentioned earlier.

The most recent discovery of fundamental particles dates back to 2012.

At that time, CERN discovered the legendary God particle, the Higgs particle that transfers mass.

Then in 2013, Higgs won the Nobel Prize.

Further forward is the tau in the lepton, which was discovered in 1975.

In 1995, its discoverer, Martin Pell, was awarded the Nobel Prize.

There is also the π meson discovered by Yukawa Hideki.

Although this neon man is very politically right and has said some extremely disgusting remarks.

But in fact, he did discover the brand-new particle of π meson, and won the Nobel Prize for it.

So say it bluntly.

Even if it turns out that the lone point particle is not dark matter in the standard sense, it is still eligible for the Nobel Prize.

Anyone who changed it might not give up this opportunity.

But Xu Yun was the only exception.


From the perspective of contribution, Xu Yun's contribution is obviously not low, but it is far from the first achievement.

His greatest contribution lies in the calculation of particle orbits as Academician Pan said.

Since then, most of the research work on lonely point particles was actually completed by the team led by Academician Pan and Zhao Zhengguo.

If you insist on ranking your contributions.

In fact, he is somewhat similar to wheat in normal history—behind Academician Pan and Zhao Zhengguo, and above the others, firmly in third place.

And let's take a step back.

Even if Xu Yun is really the discoverer of the solitary point particle, it is not as simple as it seems to win the Nobel Prize for this.

Still take the above Nobel Prize winners as examples.

The contribution of Higgs is to propose Higgs potential and Higgs field, which describe the coupling effect of Higgs particle.

Yukawa Hideki also calculated the Yukawa Potential—this is the soul of nuclear force.

More representative is Martin Pell.

After his discovery of the tau, he was not co-nominated for the Nobel Prize until Frederick Reines calculated the expected flux of neutrinos in 1995.

That is to say, the isolated point particle must be a Nobel Prize-winning concept, but Xu Yun's contribution is far from reaching the height of winning alone.

If a new particle wants to win a Nobel Prize, it does not mean that you have to discover it, but you have to propose a more in-depth model or research report.

In theory.

Unless you discover the graviton, no particle can win a Nobel Prize for its 'discovery' alone.

And now Xu Yun, even if you give him the right equipment, he can't do this.

That is, the ordinary ability is limited.

Now his ability is at the A level of hundreds of people, and there are thousands of people and academicians above him, which is far from reaching the height of the Nobel Prize.

As a young man with obsessive-compulsive disorder, he actually hoped that he could get that honor by relying on his real talents.

It's like writing a novel in my previous life.

In the previous life, Xu Yun’s two works were both stuck at 9,000 subscriptions. In fact, I got more than 10,000 monthly tickets for a gold alliance and got the list exposure. It is estimated that it will reach 10,000 subscriptions in a short time. Said operation.

But Xu Yun is not willing to do this, he always feels that these things are a bit false.

Obviously not able to stand there, but relying on other methods to stand shoulder to shoulder with other true gods, even if you are yourself, you will not feel very comfortable.

Well, it has nothing to do with Wanding women's clothing.

how to say

Hypocritical, not full of strength of character.

In addition, Xu Yun's age is also a big problem.

The youngest Nobel laureate in history is Malala Yousafzai, who was only 17 years old when he won the prize, but he won the peace prize-this stuff needs no introduction.

The youngest winner of the Physics Prize is Lawrence Bragg. When he won the prize, he was 25 years old, the same age as Xu Yun is now.

But he won it in 1915, exactly 107 years ago

For nearly 30 years.

The minimum age of Nobel Prize winners in physics is 41 years old, and the average age is 54.5 years old.

On this basis.

Considering Xu Yun's unrivaled contribution, there is a high probability that the review team will not let him pass the nomination.

As for if he really passed the review.

Then it is foreseeable that there will inevitably be a lot of doubts and criticisms.

This was something Xu Yun didn't want to see, because it was very unfair to Zhao Zhengguo and Academician Pan.

Zhao Zhengguo is now in his 70s. He has pushed forward the construction of high-energy physics in the country. He served as the head of BES in 1997. During the snow disaster in 2008, he resolutely declined the high salary across the sea and returned to China to start particle research.

He has made great achievements, but is extremely frugal.

When he won the National Science and Technology Progress Award, he was still wearing a white shirt worth 80 yuan, and only used second-class seats when he went out. The watch was a miscellaneous watch given to him by a student in 2006.

In stark contrast to this frugality, Zhao Zhengguo now donates 50% of his income to charity every year—he supports three Hope Primary Schools in Qiannan.

As a scientist who doesn't need a caring personality, nor does he need charity to reduce taxes, Zhao Zhengguo's approach does not have the slightest suspicion of hype.

Although Academician Pan is younger, the direction of quantum encryption communication is also very promising.

But not long ago, with Anton Zeilinger winning the Nobel Prize, while proving quantum mechanics, it also blocked the possibility of Academician Pan winning the Nobel Prize—because Anton Zeilinger is Academician Pan’s mentor, and the two did a direction of research.

It's just that Anton Zeilinger is doing "Daoshengyi", that is, quantum teleportation of single photons.

What academician Pan is doing is "one life two", that is, extending single photon to multi-photon.

Although Academician Pan has broken through to fifteen photons, his contribution is still not as good as Anton Zeilinger's breakthrough from scratch in 1997.

According to the Nobel Prize practice, awards are rarely awarded to achievements in the same direction.

Unless Academician Pan really came up with quantum teleportation and reached the realm of "Three Lives and All Things".

Otherwise, it is basically difficult for him to have a chance to win the Nobel Prize in his life.

But the current Lone Point Particle is an excellent opportunity for awards.

Compared with these two big guys.

If Xu Yun is added to the nominees, there will inevitably be a lot of sarcastic remarks and discussions from the outside world.

If you don't keep it, the title of "Prince" will be put on Xu Yun, casting a haze over the things that should be celebrated.

Xu Yun never forgot the kindness that the University of Science and Technology had made in the public opinion incident to "raise the strength of the University of Science and Technology".

So whether it was out of yearning for the two big men or out of the idea of ​​repaying HKUST, he was unwilling to see those remarks appear.

Of course.

If it were someone else, I probably wouldn't think too much about it, after all, this might be the only chance in this life.

But Xu Yun is different.

With a halo around him, he was born at another height.

His chances of winning the Nobel Prize in the future are bound to be high. In this case, there is absolutely no need to grab the honor for a so-called name.

He is not an idol, what he needs is not exposure and titles, but knowledge.

This is a kind of self-cognition he learned from Mavericks, Lao Su, Wheat, and Gauss Riemann.

Of course.

If there is a legitimate opportunity to win the Nobel Prize in the future, Xu Yun will definitely not be polite.

As the saying goes.

An apprentice is like a teacher.

Seeing Xu Yun's serious expression, Academician Pan's original solemn expression gradually softened.

In fact, before Xu Yun and Lu Chaoyang arrived, he had talked with Zhao Zhengguo about Xu Yun's ranking.

be honest.

In the life of scientific research, neither he nor Zhao Zhengguo are the kind of people who are not particularly famous.

For example, academician Pan included the names of Lu Chaoyang and several other students in the previous twelve-photon entanglement and Zu Chongzhi's supercalculation, and even listed them as co-authors.

The same goes for Zhao Zhengguo.

For the Nature sub-journal in April this year, he didn't even ask for the name of the corresponding author, and directly gave all the credit to his disciples.

So from the beginning to the end, they didn't want to covet Xu Yun's fame.

But on the other hand.

As mentioned earlier, Xu Yun's contribution is indeed a bit embarrassing.

Especially when he is only 25 years old, the probability of being nominated is very low - because the Nobel Prize is not established by HKUST itself, and the jury has to consider many things.

So at the beginning.

Academician Pan was actually very worried that Xu Yun would fall into a certain extreme state.

That is to say, no matter what, you must show up for the awards, and you won't listen to anything, and you may even break up in the end-this kind of example has not never happened.

But now it seems.

Xu Yun's mentality was much more stable than he and Zhao Zhengguo thought.

Think here.

Academician Pan couldn't help but exhaled lightly, looked at Zhao Zhengguo, and nodded slightly at the same time.

HKUST has always been a very warm school, and students have never been asked to make "sacrifices" for teachers and HKUST.

Although it is difficult for them to give Xu Yun the honor of certain titles, they can make up for it in other ways.

Of course.

The strength of this compensation still depends on another thing:

That is.

Is the lone point particle the standard dark matter?

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