Into Unscientific

Chapter 427 Gathering of Immortals (Part 2)

Pick up at the airport.

Among the four newest arrivals.

Except for Te Hooft and David Gross.

The other person Xu Yun recognized was George Parisi.

He is the 2021 Nobel Laureate in Physics and one of the founders of the field of spin glass theory. He has done a lot of very beautiful theoretical work.

The P in the KPZ equation refers to him.

But among the Nobel Prize winners in physics, George Parisi can only be regarded as quite satisfactory.

If I had to give an example, it would probably be similar to the Golden Crow or the Penghuang in "Shading the Sky".

It's definitely not the bottom line.

But no matter how high it is, it can't be ranked.

In addition, he is only a new Nobel Prize winner who just won last year, so he will naturally be relatively late.

According to Landau's classification.

He's probably around 2.5.

Then Xu Yun cast his eyes on the last person, and tried his best to think about it, but he still didn't recognize the identity of the other person.

But according to the opponent's status, he is probably also a Nobel Prize-winning boss?

So Xu Yun turned around and asked Lu Chaoyang:

"Professor Lu, who is the thick-haired guy on the left? Do you know him?"

Lu Chaoyang's experience in this area is much higher than Xu Yun's. He glanced up and gave a quick answer:

"That's the one with the brown top, right? He's John Ellis - plus he's bald and wears a wig, and there's a YouTube video of him dropping his wig at the Nonino award ceremony, social death About the same level as you."

"...John Ellis?"

Xu Yun blinked, pretending not to hear the second half of Lu Chaoyang's words.

It turned out to be him.

John Ellis.

This is also a very characteristic boss.

He has not won a Nobel Prize, but has a very special aura:

He is the super boss with the second highest citation rate in the history of physics—including the early days of physics.

In a way.

He is equivalent to Zhou Shuren in the field of theoretical physics.

You can flip through any article and you'll see things like 'John Ellis once said'.

If only according to Landau's ranking method.

John Ellis estimated that it was around 3 to 3.5 gears.

But his influence on the physics world is no less than that of ordinary second-tier bosses—otherwise he would not be allowed to appear together with the other three Nobel Prize winners.

After arriving in front of Hou Xingyuan and others.

David Gross, as half of the host, took the initiative to hug Hou Xingyuan and made an introduction consciously.

Judging from the facial expressions of both parties, the meeting went smoothly.

And just when Xu Yun thought that the appearance of these four big shots was over.

John Ellis, who was wearing a wig, suddenly gestured to Hou Xingyuan, and took out the

A copper axe.

I saw him swinging the ax in the air a few times, and even made a gesture of gnawing on the axe.

Xu Yun was taken aback when he saw this.


If I remember correctly.

John Ellis is supposed to be the Clark Maxwell Professor of Theoretical Physics at King's College, London, and Director of the Archives at the Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge.

Could it be

The ax in his hand is the one on the wheat egg?


This is interesting.

Follow the previous easter egg tips.

Nobel Prize winners and academicians from various countries will also be affected by the easter egg effect, regardless of whether they have worked in Cavendish Laboratory or not.

Although the probability is only 30%.

But the number of Nobel Prize winners and academicians in China who came here this time is not a small number.

Think here.

Xu Yun couldn't help shrinking his neck.

Never reveal your relationship with the axe.

As long as I don't look at the axe, it's impossible for it to find me, right?


No way!

If that happened, he'd eat that ax on the spot!

Then Xu Yun took a deep breath, put this thought behind him, and returned his attention to the scene.


John Ellis.

David Gross.

Gerald Tehooft.

George Parisi.

The five bigwigs who have been present are all Nobel Prize winners or existences whose influence is equivalent to a Nobel Prize.

Then next.

Who is the one?

I don't know if it's because of the flight schedule.

It took a full hour after the David Gross quartet arrived before a group of new bosses re-arrived.

Well, still a batch.

At the same time, the boss who arrived this time is not a foreigner expert, but an out-and-out Chinese.

That is, the new batch of Chinese academician delegation.

There are about 30 people in this delegation, all from the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Engineering.

This group of academicians is younger than Wang Lao and his group of 'Sunset Red', and looks relatively more energetic.

But the status and qualifications are naturally far inferior to Wang Lao Zhou Shaoping and others.

Xu Yun knew some of these academicians, while others could not be named.

This is actually quite normal.

There are nearly 1,700 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Let alone remembering their names, some of them Xu Yun has never even seen a photo of.

It's just a pity.

In the past few days, Huaxia has lost many old academicians, including many leading figures in the industry.

what a pity

In fact, not only Xu Yun, but Lu Chaoyang beside him could only call out the names of some academicians.

So the two could only discuss and recognize the identities of these big shots.

"That is Academician Cai Ronggen, the director of the Institute of Theoretical Physics."

"The one behind is Academician Chang Kai, who works in semiconductors. I heard his lecture four years ago."

"Professor Lu, the academician with the little crutch looks familiar, but he can't pronounce his name, do you know him?"

"Let me take a look. That should be Academician Ding Han. The prototype of the magic-changing talisman in the "Manual of Conquering Another World" is him, but I don't know the one next to him."

"That's Academician Gu Ning, Director Tian and I visited before."

The newly arrived academicians are generally between 50 and 60 years old, and they are basically newly promoted academicians who have only been elected in the past ten years.

Of course.

Among these new academicians, there are also several top leaders.

For example, the old man who is now greeting Hou Xingyuan, Academician Pan and others.

This person has silver hair, a plump and energetic face, and looks about sixty years old.

When you smile, you can also see the round apple muscles.

This person is obviously the academician Ding who once yelled at a female reporter surnamed Chai, "Are Chinese people human?"

Academician Ding once served as the vice president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the former president of the National University of Science and Technology. He has won two first prizes of natural sciences from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Although strictly speaking, Academician Ding's direction has nothing to do with dark matter.

But with his resume and qualifications, it is not surprising to appear here.

In addition, for the University of Science and Technology of China and the University of Science and Technology of China, Academician Ding is also a very topical or controversial figure.

If the culprit of the bad relationship between the University of Science and Technology of China and the Academy of Sciences was Zhu Xshi.

Then one of the main persons responsible for such a stiff relationship between the University of Science and Technology of China and the University of Science and Technology of China is Academician Ding.

mentioned earlier.

The predecessor of the National University of Science and Technology was the Graduate School of the University of Science and Technology of China. In June 2012, the Ministry of Education approved the graduate school to be renamed the National University of Science and Technology.

When Dean Bai Chunli took office, the historical evolution of this part was very clear and realistic.

However, after Academician Ding became the president of UCAS in 2014, he immediately went to the University of Science and Technology, and his attitude was very rough.

Within a day, he changed all the history related to the University of Science and Technology on the official website to be related to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and deleted any expressions with the words "University of Science and Technology of China".

A considerable part of the conflict between the University of Science and Technology of China and the University of Science and Technology of China also started from that move.

It was not until the 40th anniversary of the National University of Science and Technology in 2018 that Academician Ding went to the University of Science and Technology in person to ease the relationship between the two parties.

Therefore, in the hearts of most students of USTC and UCAS, the feelings for Academician Ding are generally somewhat subtle.

There will definitely be no disgust. After all, this has nothing to do with academics. The contribution of Academician Ding is obvious to all. The words he said against Chai at the beginning are enough to make him a fan for a lifetime.

But many times, everyone can't help but think, was it really necessary for UCAS to go to the University of Science and Technology in such a hurry?

At least in Xu Yun's opinion.

The original relationship between the National University of Science and Technology and the University of Science and Technology of China should not be so rigid.

The line of sight returns to reality.

The group of academicians led by Academician Ding does not need translation, so the whole communication process should be the smoothest wave so far.

After ten minutes.

After the greetings, the academicians boarded the bus and left Shuangliu Airport.

The members of the Academy of Academicians may not be able to compare with those Nobel laureates one-on-one, but under the premise that more than 30 people came together, the third batch is the most suitable.

After the academicians leave.

Xu Yun and Lu Chaoyang secretly ate two bekind nut sticks, and continued to wait quietly.

In the next time.

Several batches of new bosses have arrived in Rongcheng.

These big guys are at least in groups of four.

Most of them are simply organized by an institution or a university.

For example, Xu Yun met Eric Cornell, the winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics.

Xu Yun’s technology used in the process of making the ground state of lone point particles is largely due to this thin physicist—he is the first person in the world to obtain Bose-Love for the first time. Einstein condensed scientists.

Eric Cornell was awarded the Nobel Prize because of this contribution.

According to Landau rankings.

He's probably around 3.0.

In addition, Xu Yun also met Russell Hulse, Adam Rhys and others with Kun Kun hairstyles.

These are also former Nobel Prize winners.

Even among the people who arrived, Xu Yun also met two special guests:

Atsuto Suzuki, who he met on the live broadcast yesterday, and Hiroshi Amano, the 2014 Nobel Prize winner in the neon science community.

I don't know if it was stimulated by the announcement of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Atsuto Suzuki's face was a bit ugly, his face was stinky from beginning to end, even when he shook hands with Hou Xingyuan, his expression was dull.

It looks like some internet writer owes him hundreds of chapters plus updates.

In addition, he has been coughing non-stop since his appearance, and Xu Yun is very worried that he will come to the scene and spoil the press conference.

On the contrary, Hiroshi Amano's attitude was very humble, and he kept bowing to everyone.

To be objective, bowing is actually quite magical.

If a person really keeps bowing in front of you, it is easy for you to subconsciously bow back.

So Hou Xingyuan and others also passively experienced a wave of craftsmanship, which seemed to be like a couple worshiping each other

Amid Suzuki Atsuto's cough, the Baga team finally left the scene.

After Atsuto Suzuki left.

The next group to arrive were scientists from the Middle East and the Arab region.

Then there is the continental delegation from Africa.

There were more than 50 people in the two groups, and they were bustling with each other. Among them, there were several officials in the African delegation.

Listen to Lu Chaoyang's introduction.

They seem to be negotiating with the Academy of Sciences about a project to sell equipment.

These African scientists were generally very enthusiastic and shook hands with Polyakov one by one.

After shaking hands with the last African scientist.

Xu Yun asked Qiu Sheng to borrow his Onmyoji account, spent the Gouyu that Qiu Sheng had saved up for three months, and got a bunch of zashiki boys and a little deer boy.


Xu Yun didn't know until a long, long time later.

Of the group of African scientists who shook his hand, five were tribal chiefs

Watching the African delegation leave with resentment, Xu Yun and Lu Chaoyang waited obediently again.

About forty minutes passed.

Four more guests appeared in the channel position.

While seeing the person coming.

Xu Yun, who was already a little numb, was taken aback for a moment.

The boss who appeared this time is none other than Anton Salinger, the 2021 Nobel Prize winner and the teacher of Academician Pan.

Anton Salinger's stomach is a little bloated, but with the support of his white beard and hair, the whole person still has a good sense of appearance.

He gives the impression that he is somewhat similar to William Whewell, the head of Trinity College in the 1850 copy, and at first glance, he looks like a trustworthy expert.

Anton Salinger shook hands with Hou Xingyuan first, and when they came to Academician Pan, the master and apprentice hugged each other, with excited expressions on their faces at the same time.

After all, at their level, phone calls and even videos are very easy, but it is still somewhat difficult to meet in person.

Then Academician Pan exchanged a few words with Anton Salinger, then turned around suddenly, and waved to Xu Yun and Lu Chaoyang:

"Xiao Lu, Xiao Xu, come here."

Xu Yun and Lu Chaoyang looked at each other, and came to Academician Pan under the envious eyes of the people around.

"Mr. Salinger."

Academician Pan embraced Xu Yun and Lu Chaoyang from left to right, and spoke a series of fluent English:

"These two are my best students. This is little Lu Lu Chaoyang. You should have heard his name but never seen him in real life."

"As for this one, it's Xu Yun, a graduate student I'm leading now, and Huadun Biotechnology is his company."

After speaking, Academician Pan gave Xu Yun a look, and said in a low voice:

"Xiao Xu, do you still remember the admission ticket that HKUST helped your company come to? Teacher Salinger put in a lot of effort during the whole process."

"Admission ticket?"

Xu Yun was startled when he heard the words, but soon understood what Academician Pan was talking about.

After the public opinion ended, the Academy of Sciences asked for three compensations from Huadun Biotechnology.

In addition to Lu Xiao's return to China and Xu Yun's Hundred People A book, the earliest compensation was the admission qualification of European cockroach medicine.

Although the implementation of this qualification is the responsibility of several foreign companies such as Bayer.

However, the negotiations between the Academy of Sciences and foreign companies obviously also need a middleman to approach, similar to lobbyists like Lu Su in the Three Kingdoms.

now it seems

The middleman that the Academy of Sciences kept secret was none other than Anton Salinger.

Think here.

A trace of gratitude suddenly appeared in Xu Yun's eyes, and he quickly said to Anton Salinger:

"Mr. Salinger, I'm Xu Yun, thank you so much for the previous incident."

Xu Yun's words are also in English with a perfect accent - he was an exchange student in the UK in his previous life, and he has passed the test of English.

Even without the translation support of Halo, at least it is not difficult to communicate in English in modern society.

Anton Salinger first shook hands with Xu Yun with a smile, and then looked thoughtfully at Academician Pan.

As Academician Pan's teacher, he knew very well Academician Pan's character or his EQ.

As Academician Pan said.

Although he has never met Lu Chaoyang, he has been famous for this quantum ghost for a long time.

And Xu Yun, who was able to be introduced by Academician Pan

Obviously, it's not just as simple as the chairman of Huadun Biotechnology he knows.

It's just that there are too many people waiting around now, some things are not suitable to say, and it is probably useless to ask.

Therefore, Anton Salinger had no choice but to temporarily hide this question in his heart.

After greeting Anton Salinger.

Xu Yun prepared to return to the original position with Lu Chaoyang to be a mascot.

However, before he took a few steps, a voice of inquiry came from his ear:

"This classmate, please stay behind!"

Xu Yun stopped walking and turned to look at the source of the sound.

The person who spoke was one of the three foreigners who left the station together with Anton Salinger. He was a very elegant-looking little old man.

Xu Yun thought about it for a very short time, and found that he really didn't know the other party, so he asked politely:

"Hello, what's the matter?"

The little old man looked him up and down and asked:

"This classmate, are you Xu Yun? The Xu Yun from the fifth generation of imidacloprid?"

Hearing the word imidacloprid, Xu Yun knew that the other party must be looking for him:

"That's right, I'm the Xu Yun you mentioned, sir, who are you?"

As a result, the voice just fell.

Laughing at the convenience, he came to Xu Yun's side and patted him on the shoulder vigorously:

"Aha, it's really you! You know what? I'm the one who took your first time!"

Xu Yun:


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