Into Unscientific

Chapter 725 Deng Jiaxian’s Questions (Part 2)


When Xu Yun and others entered.

Lu Guangda was chatting with several other colleagues beside the cylindrical equipment, and did not notice the appearance of Li Jue and others at first.

Li Jue was not unhappy about this at all, and led Xu Yun and others directly towards Lu Guangda.

The road of more than ten meters was completed in a few steps. When he was still more than one meter away from Lu Guangda, Li Jue said:

"Hey, Lao Lu!"

Lu Guangda was talking and drawing on the paper with the comrades around him. Hearing the words, he subconsciously raised his head and was startled when he saw that the people coming were Li Jue and others:

"Director? Lao Peng? Xiao Xu? Why are you here?"

Hearing this, Li Jue raised the lunch box in his hand toward Lu Guangda and said:

"Of course I'm bringing you food. We can't let you work overtime and be hungry during the Chinese New Year, right?"

Lu Guangda continued to be stunned for two seconds, then came back to his senses and looked at the watch in his hand:

"Huh? It's already half past eight in the evening?"

Li Jue heard this and patted Lu Guangda on the shoulder. He had been working with Lu Guangda for more than a day or two. He knew that this man was a standard workaholic:

"Yes, it's almost nine o'clock, so let the comrades come to eat quickly - by the way, where are Lao Guo and Lao Wang?"

"We are tinkering with fluid parameters in the cubicle."

Lu Guangda pointed to a door behind him, and then said to his assistant:

"Xiao Chen, go and inform all comrades to stop what they are doing and come over for a New Year's Eve dinner!"

Lu Guangda's assistant Chen Yang immediately stood at attention:


Then Lu Guangda looked at the scene again, pointed at an empty rectangular table and said:

"Director, just put the lunch boxes there first."

"That's our conference table. Although there is some metal powder on it, just wipe it with a rag."

Li Jue had no objection.

There are more than 20 overtime workers in Lu Guangda's workshop, 80% of whom are engineers responsible for production at the second branch of the base, and the remaining 20% ​​are members of the theoretical department such as Lu Guangda and Lao Guo.

The theoretical department was originally affiliated to the Seventh Branch Factory, but after the theoretical design of the atomic bomb was completed a few months ago, they were moved to the production site of the Second Branch Factory. In a sense, it can be regarded as performing "after-sales".

Later, he was informed by assistant Chen Yang.

Including Lao Guo, most of the comrades who were working overtime gathered around the table. Only a few two or three people could not be present because they could not stop the work at hand. The lunch boxes of these people were delivered to the work by Lu Guangda himself. Position.

"Come on, come on, everyone can take whatever you want!"

Li Jue and others put all the lunch boxes they brought on the table and greeted:

"We brought a whole cart of packed lunches this time. There will still be some left after we finish eating. Kejin is done!"

"Besides, we don't pay much attention to the leaders' speeches when we eat. Everyone can just eat as soon as they get it - although the iron lunch box can keep some warmth, it will still get cold if left for a long time."

After saying that, Li Jue glanced at Lu Guangda.

Lu Guangda knew that Li Jue was asking him to take the lead, so he opened a lunch box with a click, pinched a dumpling and stuffed it into his mouth. After chewing a few mouthfuls, his eyes lit up:

"Mmm! Delicious!"

Seeing that Lu Guangda, the person in charge of the workshop, was starting to eat, other comrades on the scene no longer hesitated and picked up their lunch boxes and started eating:

"It's still so hot?"

"Xiao Wang, I just threw it over, pick it up!"

"Who can give me some chopsticks? My chopsticks seem to be a bit misaligned."

"Niangla, is it really made of beef?"

While the workers were chatting and eating, Xu Yun also approached Lu Guangda and asked:

"Director Lu, how is the development of A6 components going?"

After hearing this, Lu Guangda swallowed the food in his mouth happily and gave Xu Yun a thumbs up:

"It went very smoothly. If nothing else happens, it will probably be solved next year. No, it should be said that it will be solved together with the inspection process in early March this year."

Xu Yun was immediately happy:

"Hey guys, March this year? So soon?"

In the previous task allocation process, Zhu Guangya divided all parts that needed to be produced into five grades ABCDE according to their importance.

Among them, the number of Grade A is the smallest, only 17.

The number of E files is the largest, with more than 200 numbers.

Then Zhu Guangya made a comprehensive evaluation score within the same grade based on production difficulty, research and development value, etc., and appended a number after each grade based on the score.

For example, the codename starting with A is the most important component of the atomic bomb. A1 has the highest overall value, followed by A2, and so on.

This kind of title can prevent information leakage to the greatest extent. For example, if the telegram to the capital is actually intercepted and deciphered one day, then the enemy will only be able to get something like [B12 has been successfully completed as planned].

As for the A6 mentioned by Xu Yun, it is a plane wave generator, ranking among the top in importance in the entire nuclear weapons sequence.

Mentioned earlier.

The propagation speed of the detonation wave is known, and the spatial distance difference in the fluctuation of the detonation wave front at a certain moment can be calculated through the time amount of the waveform difference.

For example, the detonation speed of an explosive is 7,000 per second, and the waveform difference between two points on the wave front is 1 microsecond (one millionth of a second), then the distance difference between the two points on the wave front is 7 microns.

This distance is absolutely not allowed to exist during the detonation process of an atomic bomb, so these waveform differences must be integrated.

The equipment that integrates this kind of poor waveform is a plane wave generator, which was initially handed over to Qian Wu Division for research and development.

However, shortly after Qian 5th Division led the project, the missile team made some breakthroughs.

So Qian Wushi hurriedly set off to visit the missile team, and he entrusted the research and development of the A6 component to Lu Guangda to temporarily lead the team.

Qian Wushi returned to the A6 project team after completing the assistance task. However, the A6 components had been started for more than a month at that time, and the overall thinking in the team was formulated by Lu Guangda.

This 'idea' is somewhat similar to the process of making movies in later generations. The script, that is, the content of the A6 component itself remains unchanged, but if you give it to two directors to shoot, the final film may be quite different. .

Therefore, Master Qian consciously gave up his leadership role as the leader of the project team and took the initiative to attack Lu Guangda.

Xu Yun knew the above things quite early, but this was the first time he heard about the completion time mentioned by Lu Guangda.

To know.

According to original expectations, if the A6 can complete final debugging by the end of April this year, it will be regarded as high efficiency and has reached the standard - after all, it is an early-sequence component.

Unexpectedly, Lu Guangda actually advanced by more than a month on this basis, which means that the possibility of the rabbits exploding with both bombs is even higher.

Think of this.

Xu Yun looked at Lu Guangda with some curiosity and asked him:

"Director Lu, in which direction have you made a breakthrough?"

Lu Guangda nodded slightly and said calmly:

"Yes, to be precise, Gan Chang came up with a new idea."

"By the way, this idea has something to do with you."

Xu Yun was startled and subconsciously pointed at himself with his index finger:


Are you kidding me?

His appearance did have a disruptive impact on the progress of Base 221 and even the entire nuclear project, but this impact was more about strategy, that is, the general direction. The specific ideas Xu Yun could provide were actually relatively limited.

For example, a plane wave generator.

During the development process of this thing, Xu Yun only gave some very basic suggestions, and other information such as fusion cross section, and that was it.

Unexpectedly, he really didn't have any drops left, but Lu Guangda said, "You are awesome this time?"

However, Lu Guangda had no intention of joking at this time. He only nodded seriously:

"It does have something to do with you. Let me ask you a question first - the object that brought us optimization enlightenment this time, guess what it is?"

Xu Yun frowned and thought for a while, then slowly shook his head.

How could you guess this?

Fortunately, Lu Guangda did not give in. Seeing that Xu Yun did not give an answer, he made a knife gesture in the air:

"An axe."

Xu Yun was stunned for a moment:


Then, before Xu Yun could speak, Lu Guangda said again:

"It's the one given to him by Mr. Guo Feng Kamen, which is said to have been used by Maxwell. Comrade Sun Junren chewed half of it and was snatched away by Comrade Ye Duzheng. Duzheng didn't take two bites and was snatched away by Comrade Qian Fifth Division. Now Liu Bosheng has finished chewing it. After being sent back to the base, I took a few bites of the ax and fell into the mouth of Comrade Zhao Zhongyao."

"The reason why Comrade Sun Junren chewed that ax in the first place was because of the bet he made about you - in fact, he also interacted with you several times in the future."

"And our inspiration this time came from that axe. Do you think it has anything to do with you?"

Xu Yun:


After a long while, Xu Yun suddenly shook his head:

"Wait a minute. Let's not talk about anything else. Director Lu, how can this matter be related to the axe?"

"To tell you the truth, just now I thought you wanted to tell me that your breakthrough was related to donkeys."


This time the stunned person turned into Lu Guangda, who shook his head in confusion:

"How can the research and development of this kind of component have anything to do with donkeys? We should also pay attention to basic logic when talking, right?"

Xu Yun glanced sideways at him:


It's logical to pull the ax together, right?

Then Lu Guangda paused and continued:

"About a month ago, Comrade Zhao Zhongyao sent back the ax that he had chewed - the kind that was very clean for washing the floor. I, ahem, one of my friends Wang Ganchang even smelled it again."

"At that time, the comrades from the sideline team of the Second Branch Factory were chopping firewood, so I took the opportunity to help with the axe."

"As I was chopping, I suddenly realized a problem, that is, when we chop wood, we always stand the wood upright and then use the ax to chop down, right?"

Xu Yun recalled what he looked like when he was chopping firewood and nodded quickly.


Seeing Xu Yun give feedback, Lu Guangda continued:

"Xiao Xu, I was thinking at that time that it would be easier to chop wood if it was standing upright than lying flat on the ground. What about our A6 components?"

"Our A6 components are originally placed horizontally. If we stand them up like wood, will it be easier to 'chopping' them?"

Say it.

Lu Guangda also brought a vinegar dish from in front of him and tapped it twice with chopsticks:

"Look, our shock wave originally had a sawtooth difference. The actual source of this sawtooth difference has two directions: horizontal and vertical - which is equivalent to the resultant force."

"However, this combined force is not uniform, but one is slightly smaller and the other is slightly larger. The difference between the two. Well, I won't tell you the specific number. In short, the vertical force is larger and the horizontal force is smaller."

"In short, after the A6 component is erected, the first impact it receives mainly comes from the vertical direction, which is the force of an ax in our reality."

"The A6 component originally requires a relatively large force when placed horizontally, but it requires less force when it is erected."

"At the same time, as long as the sawtooth difference remains unchanged horizontally, the overall impact conditions we need will be much smaller."

After hearing Lu Guangda's explanation, Xu Yun's face showed a hint of understanding.

He seems to understand a little bit.

The original structure designed by Lu Guangda and others was to place the entire A6 component horizontally, which is equivalent to wooden piles placed flat on the ground.

If you want to split this kind of wooden pile in half, it will obviously require greater strength.

But if you stand it upright, the effort required will be smaller.

At the same time, the horizontal shock wave requirements are very low - for example, compared to the vertical splitting axe, it only needs to poke a hole horizontally.

Therefore, whether the stake is standing or lying down, the horizontal force exerted does not need to be too great to complete the task.

And this so-called strength is actually the optimization of the shock wave path. The smaller the strength, the simpler the refraction path is, and the greater the strength, the more complicated the path.

Simple paths are obviously much easier to produce than complex paths.

if that's the case

So this matter does seem to have something to do with me?

Forget it, forget it, anyway, it is a good thing to speed up the production progress.

After all, A6 components involve not only atomic bombs, but also more complex hydrogen bombs.

Of course.

Xu Yun would definitely not ask Lu Guangda where the ax was, because he had to chew the ax once according to the bet.

Well, as long as you don't want to disappear, you can pretend that nothing happened.

So he took the initiative to get another lunch box for Lu Guangda, and took out a bottle of Fenjiu from the bag beside him:

"Director Lu, this is the wine the base gave me years ago. I don't drink well and I'm not in good health, but today is the Chinese New Year. Let's have a couple of drinks?"


Lu Guangda also knew Xu Yun's situation, so he readily agreed to his suggestion:

"Let's just have a couple of drinks. At the end of the year, we can relax for three to five minutes."


Xu Yun took a nearby cup and filled it for Lu Guangda, and said with a smile:

"Director Lu, don't be too pessimistic. Maybe you will have plenty of time to relax in the future."

Unexpectedly, Lu Guangda shook his head, took a sip of wine, and then said firmly:

"It is impossible to relax. I have been working hard all my life. Unless imperialism can be wiped out from the earth, I will never rest."

"This is the guarantee I made in front of great men back then. A gentleman means what he says, but it's hard to keep track of it."

"By the way, Xiao Xu, instead of relaxing, I've been wanting to ask you another question."

Lu Guangda was silent for a moment, with a rare trace of confusion in his eyes:

"Xiao Xu, do you think people will remember us in thirty years?"


In order to avoid being too sensational, let me explain that this question is about Mr. Deng Jiaxian’s last words before his death—to be precise, they were words he left at Tiananmen Square on National Day a year before his death. At that time, Mr. Deng Jiaxian’s condition had deteriorated in all aspects, and it was not Content that I personally made up.

When the protagonist reached this age, I felt it was necessary to give an answer to this question, so I used the original name for the title.

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