Into Unscientific

Chapter 758 A message to the people of the world!


I heard this sound suddenly coming from outside the office.

Huang Sheng Wence, who was still making pointers to the country, suddenly had a stiff expression, and his eyes lost a bit of focus visibly.

After a while.

The current number one person in nuclear engineering in Neon suddenly felt as if he was getting an electric shock. He took a big step to the entrance of the office, and without any concern about whether his actions were appropriate, he opened the office door:

"Assistant Kojima, what did you say?"

At this time, Kojima Kameo, who was standing outside the house, looked almost in the same mold as Segawa Takeshi before. His hair was messy, his clothes were full of wrinkles, and he didn't know whether it was because he was nervous or because he was walking too fast. The sweat was flowing down his temples. She shed tears, put her hands on her knees and gasped for air.

Kojima Kameo had seen Segawa Takeshi and Arakatsu Bunzai walking into the office not long ago, so he was not too surprised that it was Arakatsu Bunzai who opened the door.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and handed a fax to Huang Sheng Wence with some trembling:

"Mr. Huang Sheng, about ten minutes ago, Huaxia issued another announcement."

"They stated that they will test long-range ballistic missiles and atomic bombs in the South Pacific and inland China respectively at 1:45 pm and 4:30 pm on September 19th."


Before Kojima Kameo finished speaking, Arakatsu Bunzai snatched the fax in his hand and started reading it.

as expected.

On this small piece of fax copy paper, a paragraph of content was written in neon language:

[Xinhua News Agency, September 13, Letter of the People’s Republic of China to the People of the World]:

[China has been a peace-loving country since ancient times and an important force in maintaining world peace and stability. However, unfortunately, in the past 100 years of modern times, the Chinese nation has experienced hardships and been invaded and invaded by foreign countries many times. Destroyed and suffered the disasters of war. 】

[After the founding of New China, we are still subject to various threats - these threats include political run-on and nuclear blackmail represented by nuclear weapons. 】

[If China, a new country, wants to survive and develop, it has no choice but to possess nuclear self-defense capabilities. 】

[With the approval of the core department of China, we will launch a launch to a circular sea area with a radius of 70 nautical miles, centered at 3 degrees 1 minute south latitude and 149 degrees 33 minutes east longitude of the Pacific Ocean at 1:45 p.m. on September 19th. Launch vehicle testing. 】

[At the same time, an atomic bomb test explosion will be conducted in northwest China at 4:30 after the launch of the launch vehicle. 】

[All leading comrades of China hereby solemnly declare that China will not be the first to use nuclear weapons at any time and under any circumstances, and unconditionally commits not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon countries and non-nuclear-weapon regions. 】

[We sincerely hope that all countries can share peace, security, stability and prosperity. This is the strong desire of the people of all countries in the world. The Chinese government and people are willing to work hard with the governments and people of all countries in the world to achieve this lofty goal! 】


After reading the thin page, Huang Shengwence's face turned red:

"Crazy, the Chinese people are crazy! What on earth do they want to do? Baga! Do they want to treat everyone as fools??"

Seeing that Arakatsu Bunze seemed to have the urge to crumple the fax or tear it into pieces at any time, Kurogane Taimei took the initiative to walk to him and took the paper from Arakatsu Bunze's hand.

Less than half a minute later.

Kurogane Taimi handed it to Ikeda Yuuto again.

About a minute passed.

After reading the content, Kurogane Taimi and Ikeda Yuuto stared at each other with big eyes, their expressions were just a little bit calmer than Arakatsu Bunze:


At this moment.

If it weren't for her own identity, Black Gold Taimei would actually like Huang Shengwence to say that Chinese people are crazy.

To know.

The Chinese only carried out nuclear weapons research with the help of Mao Xiong eight years ago. When the Mao Xiong people evacuated from China three years ago, the Chinese people had just come into contact with the concepts of chain reactions.

In this case, you tell him that it took the Chinese three years to complete breakthroughs in atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, and the miniaturization of hydrogen bombs.

Isn't this crazy?

Therefore, for a while, the atmosphere in the entire office was a little subtle.

Even an old politician like Kurojin Taimei doesn't know what to say at this time.

Finally, it was Ikeda Yuuto who broke the silence. He glanced at the piece of paper in his hand, thought for a moment, and asked Kojima Kameo:

"Xiaojima-kun, is the source of this announcement reliable?"

"Absolutely reliable."

Kojima Kameo nodded heavily and explained:

"This is an official announcement from Xinhua News Agency. For this reason, I also checked with the Chinese Embassy in Moscow for verification."

“Both Moscow and China’s local external relations department have confirmed the authenticity of this notice.”

Hearing this, Yuto Ikeda rubbed his temples vigorously until he felt a little pain in his temples. He let go after he was able to calm down and think.

Then he pondered for a moment and walked to the map of Aonan Island that Huang Shengwence had drawn before:

"The Pacific Ocean is 3 degrees 1 minute south latitude and 149 degrees 33 minutes east longitude."

"It's 17 degrees. 8 degrees. 3 degrees. About here. Then 149 degrees."

after awhile.

Yuto Ikeda used his fingernail to draw a line on the map along a certain scale:

"It's almost between Nauru and Manus? It's almost five thousand kilometers away from the mainland of China, right?"

After hearing this, Segawa Takeshi also came to the edge of the map. As Neon's chief intelligence officer, he quickly made a more detailed judgment:

"The northern part of the Solomon Islands is about 4,500-5,000 kilometers away from the eastern coast of China."

"In addition, the only place in China that has the conditions to launch carrier rockets is the Jiuquan base, which is where the 1059 missile was launched the year before last."

The 1059 missile mentioned by Takeshi Segawa is the famous Dongfeng-1, which was successfully tested from the Jiuquan base in November two years ago.

Ikeda Yuto's expression suddenly became a little uncertain.

The Jiuquan launch base is approximately 3,000 kilometers away from the southeastern coast of China. Based on this calculation, wouldn't the range of missiles launched by the Chinese start at 7,000 kilometers?

Is this possible?

Then Segawa Takeshi stared at the area pointed by Ikeda Yuuto, suddenly thought of something, and his face became a little confused:


Yuto Ikeda turned his head and glanced at him:

"What's wrong, Segawa-kun?"

Segawa Takeshi hesitated for a moment and said to Ikeda Yuuto and Kurogane Taimi:

"Mr. Ikeda, Chief Black Gold Officer, do you still remember the fleet that the Chinese sent not long ago?"


Black Gold Taimei was stunned for two seconds before subconsciously blurting out:

"Segawa-san, you mean the fleet that escorts the oil tanker?"

Then, before Segawa Takeshi could speak, Kurogane Taimi suddenly realized something:

"Segawa-san, you mean that fleet is in this sea area?"

Segawa Takeshi nodded heavily, his tone a little subtle:

"Yes, they arrived near the Federated States of Micronesia six days ago and then entered a standby state."

Not long ago.

After the Chinese fleet turned a corner, it began to move towards the South Pacific.

During this period, Neon's surveillance boat temporarily fell behind because it did not prepare enough fuel in advance, but soon Neon and the other side of the sea dispatched new ships and reconnaissance aircraft, and soon found traces of the Chinese fleet - —After all, Guam is right on the line.

Then under the attention of all parties.

The Chinese fleet sailed all the way and finally stopped on the ocean 300 kilometers away from the Federated States of Micronesia, and then...

Turned off the engine without doing anything.

That's right.

22 ships were directly on standby at sea, and they were on standby for nearly a week.

During this period, except for daily deck drills, this motley fleet was like a ghost ship without any trace of human beings.

Intelligence agencies from Neon, across the sea, and in Europe have conducted behavioral analyzes on the Chinese fleet, but there are almost no conclusions that can support the behavior of the Chinese.

In the end, some experts even asked whether the Chinese were engaging in some ancient fantasy ritual.

But now it seems that the purpose of this fleet is very clear.

Think of this.

Kurogane Taimei couldn't help but said to Segawa Takeshi:

"Segawa-kun, do you mean that the actual mission of this fleet is to recover the missile's data cabin immediately?"

Segawa Takeshi nodded slightly:

"This is the only explanation."

Black Gold Taimei subconsciously opened her mouth, but for a moment she didn't know where to start.

This is simply outrageous.

Just now when Ikeda Yuuto measured the impact point of the missile, Kurogane Taimi actually had an explanation in his mind:

The target of China's announcement is not other countries in the world, but their citizens - this is a self-deceiving scam.

That is to say, China is not prepared to consider the international response at all. Their purpose is to fabricate an incident of three bombs exploding on September 19th, and then conduct patriotic propaganda internally.

These days, contacts between China and the world have almost been cut off. It is not difficult for China to deceive the public.

They abandon international fame, but they can stimulate the patriotism and pride of the people, thereby accelerating the development of their countries.

Although this guess is a bit far-fetched, it is indeed the only explanation that Kurogane Taimi can think of.

But after realizing that the mission of this fleet was to recover the data capsule, Taimei's explanation also became unreasonable.

After all, if China was really just putting on a show for its citizens, why did it send such a fleet—or why did it send it so far?

They could just take a stroll in the surrounding waters and then return to the mainland with the so-called victory - not to mention other places, the previous Aonan Island alone could be used to park ships for repairs.

Think of this.

Another thought emerged uncontrollably in the mind of the black-gold Taimei:

Could it be

Do Chinese people really have something?

But how is this possible? How could it be possible for the Chinese to achieve such a leap-forward breakthrough in three years?

What's more important is.

If everything Hua Xia said is true, then wouldn’t the Great Neon Empire become a buffoon in the process?


A drop of cold sweat slipped from the black and gold Taimei's temples.

"Impossible. Impossible"

I saw Black Gold Taimei shaking her head crazily, and her whole expression suddenly became a little fierce:

"Mr. Ikeda, this must be a scam by the Chinese. They must have ulterior motives!"

Ikeda Yongto glanced at his right-hand man and wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know what to say.

A large part of the reason why Ikeda Yuuto came to power was that his hostile attitude towards the sea catered to the psychology of Neon people in this period. His own ability was actually not that outstanding among the leaders of Neon in the past.

He is probably at the same level as Sato Eisaku among past Neon leaders, so when encountering this kind of thing, he actually doesn't have many ideas.

Then he glanced at the office scene and found that apart from Kurogane Taimi and Arakatsu Bunzai, who were in a somewhat bad mental state, and the submissive assistant Kojima Kameo, the calmest one at this time was Segawa Takeshi, the internal mediator. long.

So he pondered for a moment and asked Segawa Takeshi:

"Segawa-san, do you have any ideas?"

Segawa Takeshi blinked and seemed a little surprised that Ikeda Yuuto asked him, but he quickly adjusted himself:

"Mr. Ikeda, from a scientific point of view, I also don't think the Chinese are capable of developing ballistic missiles within three years."

"But on the other hand, the country of China has indeed created many seemingly impossible miracles, so from this point of view, I personally do not completely deny China's announcement."

"Besides, Mr. Ikeda, since Mao Xiong can secretly build a missile base in Sugar Cane Country, is it possible to do something similar in China?"

Ikeda Yuuto was slightly startled, and then his pupils suddenly shrank:

"Segawa-san, do you mean that the break between Mao Xiong and Huaxia was staged, and that they have actually been secretly helping the Chinese develop nuclear weapons over the years?"

Segawa Yishi nodded:

"That's the only way to explain it."

Ikeda Yuuto immediately fell into deep thought.

Based on objective analysis, what Takeshi Segawa said seems to make some sense?

If the break between China and Mao Xiong is just an appearance, then judging from Mao Xiong's ability to master intercontinental missiles five years ago, it seems reasonable for them to help China possess missiles?

Even to the extreme, this seems to be the only explanation.

But are the furry bears really so kind?

That's a hydrogen bomb

There is an old Chinese saying that teaches the apprentice to starve the master to death. Mao Xiong should also understand this truth.

Then Yuuto Ikeda glanced at Kurogane Taimi and Arakatsu Bunzai, and considering the two people's face issues, he said again:

"Well, whether China is lying or Mao Xiong really provides assistance, the answer will be revealed on September 19th."

"Let's do this, Chief Cabinet Secretary Black Gold, you should immediately contact the Maritime Self-Defense Force and urgently dispatch a surveillance fleet to the target sea area mentioned by China."

"If China really masters ballistic missile technology, then we must seize the data cabin as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Black Gold Taimei quickly regained her composure and said solemnly:


After Black Gold Taimei leaves.

Yuto Ikeda stayed alone in the office, looking at the empty sea area on the map, and murmured alone:

"It looks like September 19th will be a very lively day."


Every time the key plot points have to be explained. This is my style of writing books. The pace will be very slow. Don’t expect to see plots in my books that can reach the climax directly without any foreshadowing.

This was true for the ten chapters in which the protagonist lay on Maverick's bed at the beginning of the book, this was true for the Dark Matter press conference, this was true for the rumor refuting press conference, it was still true for the copy bombing of U2, and it is still true now.

If anyone feels that the pace is too slow and there are few updates, you can read it after a while, or you can urge me to update it and say that I am short of something - it is a fact that there are few updates, and there is something going on at home. This is my problem, so just lie down. Feel free to laugh, but I don’t accept comments that say I’m stupid.

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