Into Unscientific

Chapter 773 Explosion! ! ! (superior)

The dispatch of the carrier-based boats was neither concealed nor concealed from anyone, so soon, news about the carrier-based boats appeared in front of the leaders of the fleets of various countries.


Sandor Hamprey, who had just bandaged the wound, looked at Marchionne who appeared again, his brows knitted tightly:

"The Chinese dispatched another ship?"

"That's right."

Marchionne handed a photo to Hamprey and explained:

"Mr. Hanprey, look, this is an aerial image taken by our helicopter, and the intelligence team expedited the exposure."

Hanprey didn't say anything, but took the photo and looked at it.

When future generations mention instant film technology, the first thing that comes to most people’s minds is Polaroid.

Since instant film only entered China through Fujifilm in 2001, many people also think that instant film, that is, fast photo extraction technology, was not invented very early.

But in fact.

Edwin Herbert Rand invented instant film technology as early as 1941. By this time, this technology had covered the entire investigation system across the sea.

Even a ship-based helicopter can easily achieve real-time imaging, and the photo quality can be guaranteed to be very high.

At this moment.

Although the photo was in black and white, Hanprey could clearly see that there was a carrier-based boat in the photo. The structure should be similar to a two-story conventional speedboat, and it was much simpler than a standard survey ship.

While Hanprey was looking at the photos, Marchionne was also introducing some information:

"According to estimates, the length of this carrier-based boat is about 20-22 meters. It was originally hidden on the deck of the Verdlov-class cruiser. Because it was covered with a blackout cloth, it was not discovered by our reconnaissance aircraft in advance."

"Five minutes ago, we received the news that the carrier-based boat was launched, so we immediately dispatched a helicopter that was already performing information collection missions in the air to take some photos."

"This carrier-based boat has a semi-open structure, with a full load of about 35 people. If sufficient free space is to be ensured, the number of people on board should be about 20."

Hanprey nodded slightly.

He did not criticize Marchionne for not giving him accurate information. After all, it was urgent information.

Then he looked at the photo again, pondered for a moment, and asked:

"Marchioni, does this carrier-based craft have measuring equipment?"

Marchionne immediately shook his head and said decisively:

"Mr. Hanprey, I swear, this carrier-based boat will never be able to carry large-scale detection equipment. At most, it will only be some radio transceiver instruments."

The large-scale measuring equipment that Marchionne and Hanprey mentioned mainly refers to sonar. After all, no matter how precise the missile's impact point is, it can only be theoretically fine to a range of tens or even dozens of square kilometers.

Although the data cabin itself will emit indicators to render the surrounding seawater immediately, it is still difficult to immediately detect the target with the naked eye on the vast sea.

Without considering Ou Huang's possession, the efficiency of sonar must be higher.

This is also the reason why everyone is staring at the three survey ships of the Rabbits. Apart from large ships such as frigates and cruisers, the Rabbits have relatively excellent detection capabilities with these three survey ships.

In other words.

Theoretically, this newly emerged carrier-based craft does not have the ability to lock the data cabin itself.

Of course.

Also theoretically, there is another possibility for this carrier-based craft.

That is, the Chinese people can accurately calculate the actual impact point of the missile. Naturally, this carrier-based boat can go straight to the impact site without any search equipment.

Once this approach comes true, it means that the three previous survey ships are also bait released by the rabbits.


Think of this.

Hanprey couldn't help but look at Marchionne:

"Marchioni, what do you think?"

"Do you think the Chinese are just trying to spread suspicion, or do they really have something else going on?"

There was obvious hesitation on Marchionne's face. He hesitated for more than ten seconds before he said:

"Mr. Hanprey, in our country's past experiments, many experts have also tried to calculate the impact point of intercontinental missiles."

"But the most accurate result of manual calculation is only the missile test-fired in the western waters of the Marshall Islands in March last year. The impact point error was 1.14514 kilometers."

"In fact, the error of most missiles is basically more than 2-4.5 kilometers, and this is a straight-line distance. If it is converted into an area, it will be even greater."

"So if the people leading the experiment were scholars from our country, I would definitely make the judgment that they were spreading doubts about the past, but now it is replaced by Chinese people."

"Mr. Hanprey, it hasn't been long since the Chinese locked up nuclear submarines."

Humprey was silent.

It's shameful to say that the reason why he asked Marchionne this question was because his inner thoughts were somewhat similar to Marchionne's.

Various experiments across the sea have proven that it is very difficult to determine the landing point of intercontinental missiles in advance. After all, today's guidance technology is still very immature.

The missile flew thousands of kilometers, and it was completely normal for the missile to have a drop of three to five kilometers when it landed.

Anyway, in actual combat, intercontinental missiles will be equipped with high-power nuclear warheads. This error will not affect the final killing effect.

But now that the target was changed to a Chinese, Hanpuri unexpectedly felt a little shaken in his heart.

Just like Marchionne said, it wasn't long before the Chinese discovered their nuclear submarine.


This kind of thing can still be said to be a drama between Huaxia and Mao Xiong. Mao Xiong's nuclear submarine also deliberately cooperated with the other party to surface - this is basically a snake oil explanation. After all, it is normal for Mao Xiong to have some black technology.

Just like the U2 across the sea, the U2 is also a reconnaissance aircraft that is unlikely to appear in this era in the eyes of many countries.


At this point, another thought came to Hanpuri's mind.

What if all of this was done by the Chinese themselves?

If this conjecture is true, it is not surprising that they can accurately calculate the missile's impact point.

Think of this.

Hanpri quickly made a decision in his mind:

"Marchioni, how many ships do we have in that position? - I mean the ships of our camp."

Marchionne is usually responsible for transferring information with each ship, so he immediately stood up and gave the answer:

"Mr. Hanprey, there are three large ships in the northwest, belonging to Maple Leaf Country, Kangaroo, and Huaxia Treasure Island. There are also two patrol boats with a capacity of four people, belonging to Italy and Gaul respectively."

Hanpri pondered for a moment and then asked:

"What's our nearest warship?"

Marchionne showed a hint of embarrassment:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Hanprey, the closest ones to that position are our command ships."

Hanprey was not too surprised by this. He subconsciously cast his eyes on the 101 ship not far away.

China's 101 and 103 ships are not moving, and their command ships certainly cannot leave easily.

At the same time, China's three survey ships had left for almost an hour, and the following ships were more than 25 nautical miles away from this position.

In this way, although he may not have no ships at his disposal, there are indeed not many.


Hempli's index finger clicked a few times in the void, and he quickly made a decision:

"Marchioni, contact the Western countries around us, jointly dispatch two destroyers to escort, and immediately send a ship tracking team - we also use carrier-based boats."

"The number is around ten. No, around five."

What Hanprey originally wanted to say was to dispatch ten carrier-based boats. After all, carrier-based boats are much smaller than the survey ship, and some of the carrier-based boats are even less than ten meters tall.

At the same time, although the movable force is a bit embarrassed at this time, ten carrier-based boats can still be squeezed out.

But what if this Chinese carrier-based craft is still a decoy?

If you go out with all your strength, and the Chinese will slowly send out a carrier-based boat in half an hour, what will you do then?

So out of concern, Hampuri decided to send half of the operational force. Anyway, in terms of configuration, this was enough to cope with various situations.

Not to mention that there are several ships of our own camp in that direction. Let’s not talk about Maple Leaf Kingdom and Kangaroo. The Yang-class destroyer in Huaxia Treasure Island alone is enough for the Chinese people to drink a pot.

To know.

That destroyer was not the first-generation Yang-class ship collected from Neon, but the latest Greaves-class destroyer to support the "Four King Kong" across the sea in order to balance the mainland.

This warship belongs to the main force of Baodao, and it ranks among the top even in Asia. Of course, this is also related to the weak navies of Asian countries.

Thinking of this, Hanpuri felt slightly reassured.

"Mr. Hemprey."

Just when Hanpuri was relaxing slightly, Sugawara Keisuke, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke:

"Mr. Hanprey, please allow me to set off with the ship."


Hanpri was stunned for a moment, looked at Sugawara Keisuke and said:

"What? Mr. Sugawara, are you going too? This is not an easy task. You don't have to put yourself at risk."

Hanprey's words actually contained some hints. He was reminding Sugawara Keisuke that even if he stayed in the cabin, the credit due to him this time would not be reduced.

After all, they have a pretty good personal relationship. Although Sugawara Keisuke said some inappropriate words before, they are still very cooperative with his work on the whole.

Therefore, Hanpuri had no idea of ​​taking credit from Sugawara Keisuke from the beginning. In his opinion, there was really no need for Sugawara Keisuke to end the game personally.

after all

This matter is risky.

Firstly, it is because the kinetic energy of the intercontinental missile is very large, and the rabbits clearly informed that this is a nuclear experiment, which means that there will be two situations at the explosion site that may endanger personal safety:

One is the surge generated when the missile explodes, and the other is the nuclear radiation generated by the nuclear warhead.

Although the nuclear yield of the experimental intercontinental missile should not be too high compared to the atomic bomb, the risks of both are uncontrollable when the missile's impact point is uncertain.

Theoretically, there should be a buffer area of ​​about ten kilometers between the location of the Chinese ships and the explosion site, but who knows whether their calculations are accurate?

If the missile suddenly takes off and moves seven or eight kilometers in the direction of the ship, then the surge alone can completely overturn the ship.

Therefore, in Hanprey's opinion, this kind of thing can be left to those cannon fodders - they are not political commissars of wooly bears.

However, in the face of Hampuri's kindness, Sugawara Keisuke still stubbornly shook his head:

"Mr. Hanprey, you misunderstood. I did not make the request for the so-called credit."

The confusion in Hanpri's eyes became even stronger:

"Not for merit? Then what are you doing?"

Sugawara Keisuke was silent for a few seconds, and a sinister laugh came from his throat:

"I just want to grab the data cabin from the Chinese people with my own hands, and then appreciate their expressions."

While speaking, Sugawara Keisuke subconsciously clenched his fists, and his knuckles even made a cracking sound.

He will never forget the conversation Wang Anyi had with him before. No, it should be said that it was the humiliation!

He admitted that he couldn't beat the opponent with his words. If that was the case, let's see the truth behind his hands.

In this current situation, he really didn't know how the Chinese could win.

Sugawara Keisuke was even imagining Wang Anyi's eyes wide open when he grabbed the data cabin.

At that time, Sugawara Keisuke can put one foot on top of the data cabin, step on the hope and dignity of the Chinese people, and proudly tell him one thing:

The Neon Navy is not the Army Red Deer. Whether it was before 1972 or after 1972, the Neon Navy will always be your nemesis?

Even Keisuke Sugawara had thought through his little moves at that time:

He built a small tent in front of his forehead with one hand, looked around, and asked Wang Anyi loudly, "Hey, where is your Mr. Zhuangjie?" ], then lowered his head in sudden realization and looked at the sea surface [Oh, it turns out it’s still at the bottom of the sea].

Wang Anyi's expression should be very exciting by then.


Seeing Sugawara Keisuke's firm attitude, Hanpri seemed to have vaguely guessed something:

"In this case, the battle for the data cabin this time will be left to Mr. Sugawara. Please be careful. During this period, all fleets will cooperate with your actions."

Sugawara Keisuke immediately looked solemn:

"Hai! With the Emperor and the Goddess of Victory above, I will definitely complete my mission! If I don't succeed, I will commit suicide on the spot!"

Hanpri nodded with satisfaction. Although he and the Neon Man were not in the same military system, as soldiers, they had a favorable impression of military orders and those who dared to issue military orders.

Of course.

This military order has a premise, that is, the direction the carrier-based ship is heading to is indeed the landing point of the intercontinental missile.

However, it seemed difficult to add this kind of remark to the military order, so both parties just acquiesced without mentioning it.

After everything is ready.

Hanpri simply poured a glass of champagne for Keisuke Sugawara to cheer him up, and then Keisuke Sugawara left the command room.

five minutes later.

A speedboat with a military flag across the sea left the command ship at high speed.

It successfully merged with four other similarly small carrier-based boats one nautical mile outside the command ship, and then headed straight for the Chinese!

at the same time.

Somewhere high in the sky not very far from this sea area.

A speeding missile also passed through the clouds and began to dive at a double-digit Mach speed.

Dongfeng No.2



I spent the whole night coding, but if nothing unexpected happened, it would need to be reviewed and would not be released until the editor went to work, so there was no need to stay up late waiting.

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