Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 688: Terrible growth!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

Between 100 and 200 meters underwater, it is the region with the richest fish resources. There are various types of fish and abundant resources, and even sharks like to hunt in this area.

At every turn, thousands of fish swim in groups. More often, 100,000 are possible!

It's just that this place is too far away from the area where humans live. The nearest coastline is thousands of kilometers away, so few ships pass by here to come here for fishing.

at this time.

A forty-meter-long man with a black body, double horns on his head, and four-clawed snake-like creatures in his abdomen, hurried through the sea. Every now and then, with a big mouth, there are countless fishes that are sucked into its mouth, and there is no room for resistance!

That suction did not target seawater, but directly acted on the fish, and seemed to penetrate a layer of nothingness.


In the distance, a shark still preparing to hunt for food, seeing this scene, flew towards the distance with a "swipe". This snake-like creature is really too scary and scared it.

It recognized itself as the strongest in the sea, but only saw each other's eyes and shuddered all over!

That is the unique flavor of the strong!

Especially the scarlet narrow eyes made the shark almost scared to swim!


Just at the moment when the shark turned around and ran away, a tail had already rolled towards it, and its speed seemed fast, but the tail was faster, less than a second, and it was pumping like a whip This shark's body.


The shark's body, if hit by a heavy hammer, swiftly rushed towards the edge, even with the seawater, rushing towards that side. But it's only momentary! The shark's huge body began to slowly scatter. Pieces of flesh and bones continued to divide.

For a moment, the whole sea of ​​water was constantly stained with blood.


Soon, the owner of the tail, the snake-shaped creature, opened his mouth again and took a large mouthful of suction. A large swarm of shark flesh came toward his mouth. All of a sudden, he was swallowed in his stomach.

There is also blood and water, which was swallowed up by it!


Soon, the creature swam forward, looking for the next target. Because within a thousand kilometers, all the swimming fish were swallowed up by it in a short period of time!

And this snake-shaped creature is not something else, it is the alien creature that escaped from the spaceship of the original Cangmen master.

Originally, it had been moving below the deep sea.

But after a long time, it found that there were few poor creatures there! Although it occasionally has powerful creatures to devour it, it is too scarce to meet the energy it needs to grow its body.

And, too dangerous!

Although it was able to win in the end, but after a hard battle, if not for its paralytic toxin, many creatures stronger than it could fall.

Otherwise, it will definitely not live now!

It traveled to the shallow waters area, and still fled here because it encountered a huge electric eel two months ago. However, it almost died.

Just didn't expect that here is its paradise! It's the best place for it to grow!

The creatures here are far less powerful than deep-sea creatures! Especially in the deep sea, I don't know when, an old monster will not emerge for many years.

Moreover, it is now fully capable of returning and slaughtering the huge electric eel! Because these two months are the fastest two months of its growth! Its body shape has changed from two or three meters to more than forty meters today!

The resources here are so rich, that almost the mouth is enough to eat the fish! Nearly tens of millions of fish have entered its belly!

This pair is still in early childhood, it is heaven!

In just two months, its combat effectiveness has changed from more than 300 to more than 9,000 today! Almost ten thousand! Roughly increased more than thirty times!

No way, the resources here are too rich and scary! Food is everywhere you go! For a creature like this, as long as it has food, it provides energy and it can grow quickly!

In particular, the eggshell that it swallowed when it was born! That's what it was born with, it was egged from the eggshell, and that eggshell also contains extremely rich energy!

It is these energy, combined with this enough food, that in the past few months, it has continuously improved its body and increased its combat effectiveness!

Let it bluntly increase to more than 9,000 fighting power!

Just like the phoenix born again, it will only inherit its origin if it devours its eggshell!

"Down deeper!"

"Put the fishing nets down!"

"That's more than twenty meters! Can catch a fart!"

Endless sea.

A fishing freighter, with the seawater constantly rising and falling, wobbled, a middle-aged man with a dark and red body, commanding a group of people in their thirties to place fishing nets in the sea.

And these people, not surprisingly, are all black and red in the whole body, and their skin is a bit chapped.

Obviously, these people, who live in the sea all year round, are blown by the sea wind.

The middle-aged man said, and cursed at the same time, and said to a thin man next to him, "Alfonso, are you sure this is the sea? Is it correct?"

"Any school of fish here and there?"

"Now the net is released for the third time! Why didn't you catch anything! All seaweed!"

"This time we took the risk to come here, more than two thousand kilometers away from the coastline! If there is no gain, we will lose our fuel money here! Maybe we have to take it here!"

This middle-aged person has no alarmist. After all, the sea is an extremely mysterious place, that is, human beings are so developed today, but they really know nothing about the sea.

They usually fish within a few hundred kilometers of the coastline, and they hardly go out even a thousand kilometers, let alone more than two thousand kilometers this time.

Once something happens here, don't even think about living! The rescue team could not be reached at all. Helicopters need to have enough fuel to fly here!

It ’s okay if the sea does n’t show power. At that time, it was a sick cat, but if it shows power, it will fall apart and kill invisible!

Only this time, there is really no way out. This middle-aged man is already hard to catch fish in the offshore, and after a long day of hard work, there is not much to gain. Most importantly, he needs money!

A lot of money!

Only when he caught more, very many fish, even extremely rare species, did he dare to return home.

Because he gambled, he owed a huge debt of more than 80,000 US dollars!

If it wasn't for the other party to see that he still had this broken boat and could make some money from the sea, he might have been thrown into the sea to feed the fish. Those people on the other side cannot afford to offend him!

(End of this chapter)

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