Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 743: Really shameless!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"League of Legends, we need to explain!"

"What the **** is this elixir!"

Regardless of the Chinese people's rebuttal, the rest of Asia has pointed their finger at the League of Legends, asking that the League of Legends must give a reasonable explanation. It's just that they may have been stunned by hatred, and Ben didn't realize what kind of existence League of Legends is.


"By BB, even without this black dragon, our Ox Demon King and Flying Mantis will come to your country!"

It's just that such a sentence soon appeared on everyone's screen. And the font is huge, scarlet, and even fills the entire screen. Let everyone's mind jump!

Because right below this sentence, there is a mark, a mark exclusive to the League of Legends!

League of Legends has spoken!


In just a moment, the entire network was silent, the continuously scrolling screen stopped, and even those who just questioned the words of the League of Legends had a heart-beating flutter!

Because with the technology of League of Legends, it is only a matter of minutes to find them!

If League of Legends really hates them, they don't know how they died.


Countless people stared at the screen, and the atmosphere dared not pant.

The Chinese people just arguing are extremely excited at this moment! The League of Legends spoke, and it seems they have been paying attention to this matter! The League of Legends is awesome. With just a few words, this group of people who have just been crooked shut their mouths!

They just hadn't used that long mouth gun.

In fact, in their hearts, they even hope that this is a member of their League of Legends, sent by the League of Legends, because this does not mean that they are safe for China!

The League of Legends has such a powerful hero, then the black dragon is not easy to be subdued? It is impossible to spread wild in China!

They Huaxia are safe!

It is entirely possible to survive this catastrophe!

"Vice ally!"

"Vice ally domineering!"

"Vice Alliance Leader!"

League of Legends base.

Many heroes who saw this scene shouted words of appreciation to Shi Xiaojun. Just that sentence, although rude, but domineering! These people are not taken into account at all!

Also, why do they question League of Legends?

They don't deserve it!

These people, since they have a good combat effectiveness, ordinary people have really not put much on their hearts. They worship only the strong!


Shi Xiaojun stood with both hands, staring at the screen, his eyes calm.

This sentence was conveyed by him through the Internet. Every word he said, the intelligent system in front of him would translate these words into the languages ​​of various countries and spread it all over the world. This intelligent system was assigned to the League of Legends by Ning Tianlin.

Especially that sentence, domineering unparalleled! Full of disdain and threats!

This is also the attitude that Shi Xiaojun wants to express to the world!

No one can be pretentious in front of League of Legends!

After several months of training, he Shi Xiaojun, who is no longer a fledgling student, has initially formed the potential of a leader.

And this picture is domineering unparalleled!

Originally, he was just a silky silk, but now, he is a decision-maker with great power. As Ning Tianlin said, he must show the attitude that a decision-maker should have.

Otherwise, he's sorry Ning Tianlin's trust in him!

Moreover, the message Ning Tianlin passed to him was that the League of Legends must be a presence of iron and blood, a presence that is transcendent to anything, what he said is what it is, and no doubt is allowed!

Whether it is a hero inside or a crowd outside, all that can be done is only two words, "obey!" Even the decision of the League of Legends is wrong, everyone must implement it without hesitation!



"No refutation!"

Ning Tianlin left Shi Xiaojun a very important impression about League of Legends!

Therefore, he Shi Xiaojun also intentionally cultivated in this area! Moreover, he believed that if Ning Tianlin was present, he would say the same.

Before he changed, he might explain and explain various reasons to prove that this thing is definitely not League of Legends, but now he wo n’t, he said no, no! Even if you do n’t believe me, you have to shut up!

Don't shut up, just wait for the sword and axe to come in!

Ten seconds.

Twenty seconds.

Thirty seconds.

Throughout the Internet site, no one spoke a word and a word popped up. Fear of offending the League of Legends and causing trouble.



Only at this time, Xu Fu, who had fallen into a pool of blood, had recovered almost. Not only his chest and abdomen, but also his skull, had grown back. And as soon as it took shape, it was a jump in shape and stood up from the ground.

Just seeing Bai Qi in front of my eyes, is a stunned mind! Eyes shrink involuntarily!

"what happened!"

"He wasn't hurt!"

Xu Fu couldn't believe his eyes. He knew that he had just used a trick. Even if he had consumed two lives and used his biggest secret weapon, he had the opportunity to seriously hurt Bai.

But now, how can Bai Qi look hurt?

At this moment, he looked at him indifferently, as if staring at a dead man!

How could this be possible!

He had just remembered that when he was about to die, he inserted the silver wire on his hand into the body of Bai Qi, and even when he died with consciousness, he saw a lot of holes in the other's body!

But now, none of them!

Could this white body be terrifying? Very fast recovery?

This. . . . . . It shouldn't be!

He knows the lethality of his dust. It also contains very overbearing negative energy, how could it be so fast!

He just had no consciousness just now, how could he know that Bai Qi had a very rare elixir to protect himself.

"Bai Qi, I can't think of your body being so arrogant!" Xu Fu turned his mind, whispered coldly to him, and at the same time swept the dust in his hand, pointing at Bai Qi, "But what?"

"Today, either you die or I die!"

"watch out!"

Then, as soon as the dust was shaken, the silver wire became longer again, and inserted towards Bai Qi! At the same time, even with the dust in his hand, he was thrown out like a sword!

This dust, he Xu Fu no longer!

With a spur of mind, let the eight-headed serpent with only three heads on the side, the most sprayed with black mist, flicking its tail, opening its mouth wide, and killing it from the white!

Just to everyone's surprise, Xu Fu, who had done all this, had turned around and ran madly in the opposite direction!


He Xu Fu had only one thought at the moment, and fled here!

Get out of this white palm!

(End of this chapter)

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