Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible dragon cultivation system!

Recruiting disciples in the Lightning race is a grand event in a round area.

Especially for the creatures in the Thundercloud area.

In this Thundercloud area, the strongest is the Thundercloud race, followed by several cities such as Sky Thunder City.

However, compared with the Thundercloud race, they still have a huge gap in the strength and inheritance of the Thunder City.

Not to mention the creatures in the Thundercloud area, there are still 50 to 60 billion.

Especially because this area is very suitable for the cultivation of thunder strong, so many thunder strong come to practice.

Every time the Lightning Race recruits disciples, a large number of people arrive.

After all, compared with freedom, having a strong backer also has many benefits.

In the city of Tianlei, there are also many residents living here who want their children to join the Leiguang race.

"Quickly, there will be more than ten minutes to start, I hope I will be successful this time!"

"The last time the minimum strength standard was Level 4 of the Void Emperor, this time I don't know what the minimum strength requirement is?

"It depends not only on the minimum strength, but also on your bloodline and physique. If you can't fight over two ranks, it is estimated that it will be directly brushed down!

Ten days later, Wang Xian came to the venue for the selection of Leiguang race disciples, and at this time, a large number of people had gathered in the surrounding locations.

Some young people walked toward the huge venue in front of them, and there were tens of millions in the whole square.

Located in the surroundings, docked with various spaceships, or the powerful are suspended on the treasure, looking forward to waiting for the test of their children.

Wang Xian looked at the venue and looked at a stone at the entrance.

There is a ring of annual rings on the stone, which looks very divine.

"You are over 20 years old, get out immediately!"

At this time, he saw a young man walking towards it, but when he passed the stone, the annual rings on the stone radiated luster.

A middle-aged man sat beside him, his eyes locked on the young man, a cold warning.

"Adult, I just missed the last time the disciples were recruited, and my strength is strong enough!"

The young man's face changed wildly and he explained immediately.

"Go out, beyond the age, if you want to join my Leiguang race, go to Leiyun."

Middle-aged continued to say coldly.


This caused the young man's complexion to change drastically, and saw many people around him staring at him, and went back sullenly.

Wang Xian glanced at him and walked straight inside.

Recruiting disciples of any race is not necessary for the strong.

Compared to the strong, they value loyalty and potential.

This is also to prevent other forces from sneaking into their race.

Recruiting young disciples can cultivate loyalty and test loyalty through various tests.

But some older people suddenly appeared to join their race, and they basically would not agree.

Even if they agree, they will not be held in important positions.

Wang Xian entered, and the stone with annual rings did not respond at all, and apparently passed the test.

He swept around and smiled on his face.

At a glance, the most powerful Void Divine Emperor is eighth order.

In fact, less than two million years of practice, it is already very powerful to be able to reach the eighth order of the Void Emperor.

This requires a strong blood, or a strong physique, but also a strong heritage.

If these people are placed on the side of the starry sky, they are all rare geniuses for billions of years.

However, it is different from the starry sky over the land. Here, if you pull out one, you will be able to leapfrog and fight.

There are also a lot of people fighting in two levels.

It is not so rare to fight in the third rank.

After all, this is the center of the universe, the open center of the wild land.

Many disciples of the pinnacle race, many of them are able to fight over the third order.

Wang Xian stood in the field, waiting quietly.


Before long, a dozen figures appeared in a teleportation array in front of the square.

These dozens of figures have a pair of wings growing behind them, with a sharp nose and a body size of about two meters.

More than a dozen strong thunderbolt races arrived, and the square immediately stunned.

"The assessment will begin immediately. There is no minimum strength limit for this assessment. The assessment potential, perception of Lei's attributes, and strength in all aspects are assessed!"

The middle-aged middle-aged with sharp eyes looked down at all the disciples who participated in the assessment and said directly.

"This is an opportunity for us!"

"Must be successful!"

Some of the people who took part in the assessment were delighted and clenched their fists tightly.


At the next moment, the head of the thunder-light race strong man waved his arm, and a thunder cloud suddenly shrouded everyone in it.

Wang Xian raised his head, his eyes gleaming with luster.

This is an acquired treasure.

"The assessment begins."

When the voice of the first middle-aged man fell, a thunder and lightning struck the upper position.

A flash of lightning landed on Wang Xian, and there was no reaction at all.


But around, continuous screams sounded.

The young people who screamed and fell to the ground, were directly waved by the strong arm of the thunderlight race in front and sent out.


Five seconds later, another flash of lightning fell on Wang Xian's body. The power of this lightning was almost the same as his scraping.

But this time again a group of people fell.

The third time continued, until the fifth time, there were only more than a thousand people on the field.

At this moment, all but the Wang Xian were in distress.


Wang Xian stood there unchanged, attracting the attention of the thunderlight strong race ahead, their faces showing an astonishing look.

Around, some appraisers also looked at Wang Xian in shock.

"Okay, yes, you, 103, passed the assessment, and you can join our Thunderbolt race outside door. Then follow us, and there are some simple assessments."

Thousands of strong men of the Leiguang race showed a satisfied look on their faces and said towards them.

"Follow us into the teleportation array!"

Dozens of strong thunderbolt races immediately entered the teleportation array and disappeared.

"Go, let's go!"

More than a thousand disciples who passed the assessment followed with excitement, and transmitted through the teleportation array.


Wang Xian entered the teleportation array and immediately felt the surrounding scene change.

The majesty ahead is a palace, the whole palace suspended in a thundercloud.

They are on a high platform in front of the palace, on this high platform.

Around the location, there are many disciples of the Lightning race, with a full tens of thousands.

When Wang Xian just came here, a strong attraction came.

A flash of heat flashed in his eyes, and he immediately stared at the position ahead.

In the middle of the front, an old man of thunderlight race sits there.

That familiar feeling came from the position of the old man's wings.

Lei Yu, right there.

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