Invincible Scratch System

Chapter 508: Kill the Dark Night Demon


In the sky, the gods are shining, and the barren mountains in the night, the fierce beasts are awakened, roaring again and again, and the sky seems to fall down.

The two lives are vigorous, they are in harmony with the world in the void, the sword light moves the sky, countless swords roar, as if from the ancients, terrifying and shocking!

"The world is silent!"

Suddenly, the Dark Night Demon screamed and displayed the immortal middle-level technique that he was famous for, instantly turning into a black state all over his body.

Countless black lights covered the sky like a waterfall, and his breath was everywhere in the sky.

Nine visions appeared in his figure in the void. Behind each vision is a black ring, releasing strands of black light, connecting with the sky and the earth, and the mid-air is blocked and turned into Shady!

The darkness spread out in an instant, turning the world into a gray area, Qin Feng was swallowed in an instant, and the dark night became the eternal theme color, making the world silent.

Only in the black circle, there is a black flame burning, and Qin Feng must be directly refined, on the spot, mysterious!


At this moment, Qin Feng suddenly felt that the weather around him had suddenly darkened, and his eyes were too golden. ,

There are no other colors in the world here, only the eternal black, as if being banished into the darkness.

Qin Feng knew that this was a secret method used by the Dark Night Demon Venerable, and since it was a secret method, he must have a cracking technique.

Behind Qin Feng, the divine king's vision burst into bright light, and the golden bell shrouded his body, if a huge light source wanted to illuminate this place.


Qin Feng smashed a punch, and his true energy was in front of him, turning into a bright beam, and marching forward bravely.

However, Qin Feng's punch, like a clay cow entering the sea, did not cause any waves.

As everyone knows, in the outside world, this fist pierced through the dark, the golden beam of light instantly pierced the void, and banged on a big mountain with a bang, and that big mountain collapsed, spreading extremely violent waves.

The Dark Night Mozun exclaimed, if such an attack hit him, he would be unable to withstand it, and it would fall apart instantly!

"The other party will not be the saint son of the Suzaku Holy Land, and it does have extraordinary means to get this far!"

The Dark Night Mozun was deeply surprised. What he didn't understand was that such a stunning wizard was actually driven out by the desolate ancient sacred place. The desolate ancient sacred place Qin was really gone!


In the vision of the Dark Night Demon Lord, Qin Feng's Absolute Immortal Sword used the Vermillion Bird Sword Technique to cut through the void.

However, the same thing happened, the sword floated into the distance, still without any waves, disappeared invisible.

At the same time, he stepped on the counter-xian step, surging horizontally and horizontally here. He estimated that he rushed out for more than ten miles in an instant, but he was still in the vision of the Dark Night Demon Venerable, which made him slightly frowned.

And in Ten Thousand Realms, the same scene happened, Qin Feng Suzaku's sword light swept across the sky, spreading waves of thousands of meters.

The two mountain peaks, including huge woods of thickness and thickness, collapsed into ruins under this sword, and the rocks and clouds flowed out of devastating energy!

"Mad, this kid is too evil!"

The Dark Night Demon Venerable was very shocked, Qin Feng was in his own vision, and he could still have such a terrifying means, which is so enchanting that people dare not be confident.

In the vision of the Dark Night Demon Lord, Qin Fengshen King was still boiling. He used countless techniques to move vertically and horizontally here, but he couldn't break out of this vision anyway!

This is like a small world, directly isolating Qin Feng, his Taoism seems to have lost its effect, it is really as if the world is silent.

In the imperial city outside, countless people shook, and they were all shocked to see the movement from the barren mountains.

"Qin Feng of the God King's body is trapped!"

"Faced with such a terrible enemy, Qin Feng is afraid that he can't get out this time!"

"With Qin Feng's whole body shrouded in the dark, who is the other party, actually stronger than some princes?"

Countless existence talks, and such a sight caused them all to be in an uproar. Qin Feng, who was so domineering and overbearing, was actually forced to a dead end, which made people feel incredible.


Suddenly, Qin Feng's light was restrained, his aura became completely different.

Qin Feng, who was covered in golden light, calmed down, and he was in the vision of the Dark Night Demon Venerable without the slightest panic.

In an instant, all his own light turned into Taiyin True Qi, becoming extremely similar to the True Qi of the Dark Night Demon Venerable, flowing out an extremely terrifying aura.


The Taiyin swordsmanship instantly transformed. Qin Feng held the Absolute Immortal Sword and cut through the night with a sword. He merged with Datiandi. The black Taiyin swordsmanship broke through the void. He stepped on the anti-celestial step and dashed through the night. bright!

At this time, Qin Feng was suspended in the air, his pure white robe, hunting and flying, and the hair exuding a little bit of luster, the whole person was deep to the extreme.

"Black Night Demon, I admit that I underestimated you, but you will die after all!"

In Qin Feng's eyes, Han Mang flashed, and he stepped on the counter-xian step and swung the Absolute Immortal Sword to cut it out instantly.

The Jue Xian Sword was in the void, dashing across the sky, the heavens, the earth and the people were shaking like rags, hissed, the void was broken open by Qin Feng, with unimaginable energy to smash the sky!

At this moment, Dark Night Demon Lord's face was solemn, and Qin Feng actually broke through his dark night vision, which shocked him very much!

"Fuck, Qin Feng rushed out!"

"He has done a miracle again!"

"Qin Feng is really a monster!"

Countless people talked about them. They were suspended in the air, staring at the movement in the chaotic mountains, their faces were solemn and surprised, and there were all kinds of complex expressions that were extremely surprised.

In the face of such a terrible killing, Qin Feng created another miracle, cutting away the illusion with a single sword, as if opening up the world, it was terrifying!


With a sword chanting for nine days, without the slightest hesitation, the Dark Night Demon slashed forward with the killing sword in his hand, blocking Qin Feng's absolute sword!

"Clang Clang!"

There was a earth-shaking metal trembling sound, without any suspense, Absolute Immortal Sword completely gained the upper hand, and instantly shattered the Dark Night Demon Venerable Killing Sword into the void.

After the killing sword collapsed, countless golden fragments, like meteors, swept toward the heavens and the earth, terrifying energy light shot through the heavens and the earth, making the mountains tremble, and countless ancient trees became ruins!


As soon as the Jue Xian Sword moved forward, Qin Feng didn't give the Black Night Demon Venerable any chance. He rushed past and killed it in the void.

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