Invincible Scratch System

Chapter 561: Bing Yue collapse

"Heh, no wonder the two of you are so attached, wanting to solve the young master of the flame clan, it turns out that you are the parties involved."

After Qin Feng learned of all this, he was a little displeased. It was nothing to ask him to help solve the Young Master of the Flame Clan, but what he disliked most was that someone lied to him.

"You didn't ask if we were saints..."

Bing Yaya whispered, she lowered her head, a little afraid to look at Qin Feng's eyes.

When they did conceal that they were saints, the other party did not ask, so they did not deny that they were not saints of the Binglinger clan.


Qin Feng heard Bing Yaya's muttering with clever eyesight, and his expression was a little surprised.

After thinking about it carefully, in the short time of knowing the two, I really didn't ask their identities, only knew that they were from the Ice Spirit clan.

And the two only said their origins and names, and did not say that they were saints, it was indeed his negligence.

However, it is clear that the two of them are deliberately concealing their true identity, otherwise they would have told themselves that they were saints from the Ice Spirit clan at the beginning, and he would not hesitate to help them go to the Flame Clan to solve their troubles. .

In this way, Qin Feng's own business, the great young man in the 21st World.

"It seems that this is indeed the case."

On Peacock's back, Ye Qingcheng secretly smirked. At the beginning, she had some doubts about the identities of the two people.

Otherwise, the elders of the Ice Spirit Clan have already compromised and asked for everything. Why do these two girls still want to solve the young master of the Flame Clan? There are big problems in this, and it is not worthy of scrutiny. Just through.

"Master Qin, we didn't intentionally conceal you, because you didn't ask, so we didn't say either."

Bing Yuer smiled, beautiful eyes, filled with a little bit of fluorescence, indeed very bright.

Bingyue saw the two people talking here flirting and cursing, and immediately stopped fighting. Mother, this kid actually got on the ground first and got ahead of him!

"This kid must be a spy of the Flame Clan, you absolutely can't leave with him, unless this kid can prove his strength, only then I can believe that he can defeat the Flame Clan's young master!"

Bing Yue's eyes were cold, he was among the Bing Ling clan, with a fierce reputation, and his shot must be thunderous.

As for whether he would miss Qin Feng and beat him to death, it all depends on his mood.

"Are you sure you want to fight me?"

Qin Feng's face sank instantly when he heard the words. He didn't care what this person thought of the Saintess of the Ice Spirit Race, but if he dared to hit him with his idea, then he had miscalculated.

"Boy, I didn't want to do it, but you are not sensible!"

In Bingyue's eyes, an icy light bloomed, and Qin Feng actually dared to hit the Saint Woman of the Ice Spirit Race to pay attention, which made his murderous intent to appear.

"Brother Bingyue, Young Master Qin is my friend, what do you mean?"

Bing Yu'er's face became gloomy in an instant, the young master of the flame clan wanted to humiliate them, but Bing Yue didn't just help, but at this moment, she wanted to hold back, which made her extremely angry.

"Young Master Qin is the helper we invited to help us solve the flame race young master. You have repeatedly provoke him, what are your plans?"

Bing Yaya's face also showed a touch of anger, like this kind of person who didn't help, but dragged his legs, it really made him sick.

With Bing Yuer and Bing Yaya speaking, the atmosphere in the court suddenly became tense.

Obviously, Bing Yuer and Bing Yaya stood by Qin Feng this time, which made Bing Yue's eyes flicker murderously.

Neither of them helped him to speak, but actually turned to an outsider, which made him feel more and more dissatisfied.

"I said, as long as he can beat me, I believe he has the ability to defeat the flame clan young master."

As Bing Yue's voice fell, he was the first to attack Qin Feng. At this time, he was relatively close to Qin Feng. It was too late for Bing Yuer and Bing Yaya to stop him.


A bright fist rushed towards Qin Feng standing on the back of the peacock.

For a time, the void was trembling, terrible essence radiated out, the world was shaking, and violent energy waves spread.

When Qin Feng saw this scene, his eyes were cold, Bingyue's arrogant and domineering shot, completely indifferent to spreading to other people sitting on the back of the peacock, such behavior made him intolerable!


Qin Feng attacked outrageously, and he also made a strong move. The palm of Bingyue in front of him carried a great deal of damage, and he didn't care about hurting Vermillion Bird and Ye Qingcheng, which made him kill.


The high-ranking earth immortal seal was directly shaken by Qin Feng, and the dazzling punch that Bingyue hit was instantly shattered into the void by Qin Feng.

Bing Yaya and Bing Yu'er, both of them watched this scene in shock, all excited, Qin Feng's fist imprint collapsed Bingyue's ultimate move into the void on the spot, which gave them hope.

With the heaven-shaking seal under the blessing of the nine bans, Bingyue's killer roar was shattered, and it did not disappear, but continued to press on the opponent, the power was extremely strong.

"Small bugs!"

Bingyue sneered, and he suddenly threw a punch again. This punch shook again and again in the void, and the spreading force produced ripples after another, the terrifying power was extremely terrifying.

You know, Bingyue is the Heavenly Sect of the Ice Spirit clan. Although his cultivation is in the realm of quasi-princes, his killing methods are extremely strong. Among the Ice Spirit clan, his strength is enough to rank in the top five!


The fierce and domineering power poured out in the void, and Qin Feng's Heaven-shaking Seal was a martial art of the earth celestial top grade, displayed, terrifying to the extreme.

The terrible fist mark was suppressed, and the world was trembling violently. Bingyue swung nine fists repeatedly before overturning Qin Feng's mark of shaking the sky into the void!

"Sure enough, there are two things, but I underestimated you!"

At this moment, Bingyue grinned, and the opponent's full blow did possess extraordinary means, but he just wanted to test and didn't use his full strength.


In an instant, Bingyue waved his palm again and again, and three big handprints appeared in front of his palm, the big handprints intertwined with bright light, and once again blasted towards Qin Feng.

At this time, he put away his contempt and started to make a full shot. He realized that if Qin Feng was not resolved, then what he wanted to do next would definitely be in vain.

"Master Qin, this is Bingyue's assassin, you don't need to regret him!"

At this time, Bing Yu'er, who was not far away, spoke to Qin Feng. I don't know why, she was very worried about Qin Feng's safety. She did not hesitate to offend Bing Yue and told the other party not to be impulsive.

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