Invincible Undead Legion

Chapter 165 Stepping on a dead body

The messenger soldier didn't dare to answer, Lal glared at him: "Get off!"

"Yes! Yes!" The soldier ran away in a frenzy.

Several army commanders gathered around and looked at Lal: "My lord, what should we do? For an hour, even if the brothers tried their best, they wouldn't be able to get up. Lord Ren can't see clearly, but we can see clearly. There are more skeletons on the city wall, and the difficulty is already increasing, how can it be possible to capture it?"

Lal looked at everyone in embarrassment and refused to speak.

"My lord, you are talking!"

Lal took a deep breath, looked forward, and then looked around.

"Brothers, do you want to die or live?"

"My lord! We cannot betray the Holy See!" Several legion chiefs said at the same time.

Lal frowned: "Who told you to betray, isn't betrayal courting death?"

The commander of the Fourth Army said: "My lord, what does your lord mean?"

Lal looked at everyone: "If everyone wants to die, then continue to attack the city. If everyone wants to be a hero who defeats the undead, there is only one way!"

"What way?" All the legion commanders were anxious to death, this Lal can really show off.

Lal gritted his teeth and refused to speak, holding back for a long time before saying: "Brothers, I can't do anything about it, if I become a sinner because I saved everyone, then I will bear it alone! "

"Brothers, we are all cavalry. If we are allowed to ride horses and charge directly to the city wall, are you sure you can defeat the undead?"

The commander of the Fourth Army said angrily: "If there is no city wall, just these skeletons would have killed them long ago! Would it be so difficult!"

Lal nodded: "So, if there is a way to go straight up, it would be perfect!"

"Road? Where is the road?" Several legion commanders sighed.

At this time, the commander of the Fourth Army seemed to understand: "My lord, you mean to use the corpses of your brothers to pave the road?"

"Ah...?" Everyone was stunned!

Lal nodded, and looked at the commander of the Fourth Army approvingly: "No! You can't say that, let's put the corpses of the brothers below, see if there are any horses, and spread the horses and armor on them! How can we step on them? How about going up with the corpse? But stepping on the armor and the horse, how about the head office?"

"This...!" Several legion commanders glanced at each other: "This seems to be bad, right?"

Lal nodded: "Okay, I respect everyone's opinions, since that's the case, brothers, take down the city wall within an hour, I command!"

"Ugh!" The commanders of each legion stood upright.

"All legions, all charge, within an hour, are not allowed to retreat, even if it is crowded, people must be squeezed on me!"


"Execute the order! Otherwise, you will be dealt with by military law!"

"Yes!" All the legion commanders, covered in cold sweat, turned around and scattered, gritted their teeth, and gave the order to die!

"Kill!" The soldiers of the Holy See pushed one by one, regardless of your corpse or horse, at this time, if you don't want to be dealt with by the military law, then go up!

The legion in front suddenly became chaotic. Didn't it mean that it's not easy to step on the corpses of the brothers?

Now give an order to die, and many soldiers can't care less.

It's not that they insist on doing this, it's that they simply can't see the way ahead!

Everyone pushed one by one. At first, some people wanted to step over, but such a push did not give you time to move.

In fact, this can be completely avoided. At this point in the battle, it should be time to clean up the battlefield. However, the legion leaders did not speak. Although they did not shout and step on the corpse, they all acquiesced!

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