Invincible Undead Legion

Chapter 620 Developing Shotguns

Jiang Mo's side has been busy cleaning the battlefield in the past few days. With so many soldiers, cleaning the battlefield is enough for a while.

The undead are naturally hard workers when they summon the legion to fight. They take the initiative to clean up the battlefield and bring back the complete corpses. All of them are sent to the unified mortuary. Finally, the soldiers of the summoning space will transport them to the summoning space.

Because of the many problems in the last battle, Jiang Mo decided to build an ammunition depot in the city. There are many undead in the city. Let them guard, carry, and use them, just to find something for them to do.

No, Jiang Mo built a small warehouse, opened the door of summoning in the warehouse, soldiers transported the ammunition out, and the undead soldiers outside handled the transport to the large warehouse.

At the same time, continue to build defense points in the city and build more attack points.

Time is tight, Jiang Mo has finished deploying everything outside, and has to deal with everything in the summoning space.

Since the last battle, Jiang Mo has been thinking about the role of shotguns. From his past impressions, Jiang Mo clearly remembers shotguns, commonly known as sprayers!

This kind of gun is powerful and has a wide range. The only weakness is that the attack distance is too short.

However, in the case of facing too many soldiers, the lethality of the shotgun is still remarkable.

In the current world, the strength of soldiers is no longer that of humans in the past. A soldier can easily lift a thousand pounds of equipment.

Holding it in your hand is like a rolling pin, so, should you consider producing a large shotgun to increase the power of melee combat?

It is really hard to study, so first research the tank shotgun.

In the last battle, a large number of soldiers attacked the city, and Guan Yu's tanks were idle, and they were not needed at all.

Although Lao Li can deal with those legions, they must be level 5 light knights. If they are level 7 temple knights, if there are so many at once, the power of Lao Li's heavy machine gun will be greatly reduced.

Once the enemy is close to the city wall and climbs the city wall, it is also troublesome to defend by yourself.

To improve the ammunition, Jiang Mo must improve the ammunition.

After finding the stone, Jiang Mo proposed the concept of shotgun again. That's right, it's just a concept. The rest is created by the stone itself.

This kind of ammunition does not need too much, but each tank must be equipped with at least five to ten rounds.

It can also be placed in the soldier's void as a spare.

Let tanks become the real kings of land battles, just like improving Zheng He's warships. In this world, what tanks consider is not how to deal with the enemy's tanks, but how to deal with the enemy's cavalry.

A round of ammunition is powerful, and it is not conducive to fighting super powerful infantry.

After hearing Jiang Mo's meaning, Shi Shi was immediately inspired.

"Yeah! Why didn't I think of that? If the ammunition is filled with shotgun, wouldn't it make the tank an infantry killer?"

"Lord, don't worry, give me a month, and I will definitely produce the finished product."

Stone thought about it, but it’s actually not that difficult. After modifying the ammunition core, after shooting it out, use the filling force to break the outer shell casing, or directly make a separate bullet core. If the method is ruled out, the production method of the ammunition can also be finally determined.

When Guan Yu heard the news, he was naturally the first to become concerned, even Bai Qi.

As long as this ammunition is successfully developed, it can increase the battle rate of tanks and fighters. How can the two generals not care?

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