Boss Cai laughed.

"What a hidden mountain forest, the King of Yellow Clothes, how do I feel that your ambitions are still burning?"

Ma Sha did not answer, but looked at Boss Cai with a smile.

"Since your Excellency does not say, then I will take the initiative to open the skylight. I think that the future will soon usher in huge changes, earth-shaking, just like the European Shenhua said, the twilight of the gods-is the "Thor" , Just said this. It must be a change of this level. I know this news now, it is too late, so I can only overtake the car in a curve."

"But I don't want to..."

"This is not something a person who steps on at least three boats would say!" Boss Cai interrupted Ma Sha, "These four words have nothing to do with you. I don't know why this is happening at the office. It’s easy to believe that you don’t want to use superpowers anymore. In my opinion, you are the kind of person who embraces superpowers."

"So, I use superpowers to make myself thinner."

Boss Cai stared at Ma Sha and shook his head after looking at it for several seconds.

"It seems that you don't intend to tell me what you are planning. But I still want you to know that I am willing to choose high risk and high return compared to the safe and low-risk road at the office. Besides, my daughter is in your hands. I can’t help you and go to the office."

"I appreciate your kindness." Ma Sha smiled, acting like a person who really returned to the mountains and forests.

Boss Cai looked at Ma Sha patiently. He even opened a package of melon seeds. It seemed that he was going to be in a stalemate with Ma Sha while eating melon seeds.

Ma Sha was also unambiguous, and directly reached out to ask for melon seeds: "Come on, give me a little more."

Then the two of them just licked the seeds and looked at each other, and there was a stalemate for more than ten minutes.

Finally, Boss Cai said: "Well, I believe you really don't want to do anything. It's a pity, I thought there was a lot to do between us. Now it seems that we can only continue to hold the thighs of the office."

Ma Sha nodded: "It should have been this way."

Boss Cai’s trick is just like when the price of the vegetable market is lowering, pretending to leave and forcing the boss to lower the price is a routine. Of course Masha will not be on the set.

Boss Cai stared at Ma Sha for a few seconds, and sighed: "Well, you win, tell me what you want, I don't ask you what it is for, and I will help you keep it secret from the office."

"You are a businessman, how can you keep secrets from the office?" Ma Sha shook his head in disbelief.

"If it's a little smaller, it's okay. Merchants also have some secrets to use."

Ma Sha observed Boss Cai's expression. He felt that the heat was almost over now, and he could ask quietly.

"Boss Cai, I want to raise some flowers and plants recently, can you get me something to grow fat vegetables?"

When Boss Cai first heard Masati's request, he was pleased, and after listening to it, he looked bewildered.

"What did you say? Facai?"

Chapter 144 Those things about serving dishes (nine more)

Ma Sha nodded: "Yes, Facai. As a Cantonese, I like to eat Facai very much. For me, wild Facai is the representative of the taste of my childhood!"

Boss Cai frowned: "You weren't born when picking wild hair vegetables was forbidden?"

Ma Sha ignored Boss Tsai’s complaints and continued: “So, I always wanted to study how to cultivate Facai in the closest way to the wild! Since Boss Tsai said so, I would dare to make this request. I want one. The Facai planting field does not need to be too large, just tens or hundreds of acres!"

Boss Cai looked at Ma Sha like a madman: "Are you serious?"

Ma Sha sternly said: "I'm serious."

This is actually a "trial" prepared by Ma Sha for Boss Cai-of course, it is not just a trial. Facai is a kind of terrestrial algae, a type of cyanobacteria. It has a fairly good oxygen production. Transplanting Facai in the world can effectively get rid of the dependence on bottled oxygen.

Boss Cai doesn't know this. In his opinion, it must be a very difficult requirement for such a Facai plantation. As long as he thinks that this is Ma Sha playing with him, then this cooperation does not need to go on.

And if Boss Cai did not hesitate to provide Ma Sha with a breeding farm, the cooperation with him can continue.

Ma Sha waited for the result.

Boss Cai made up his mind: "Okay, I will buy a Facai plantation right away, and give it to you with full authority."

"Thank you so much, then." Ma Sha was very happy. Using Boss Cai's financial resources, he could greatly speed up his construction of the world of cars and cars. With the Facai plantation, you can arrogantly go to the plantation for a "vacation" in the name of managing the plantation, and find a corner in the plant that no one can see to summon the trolley. It is also very convenient. NS?

Moreover, since it is a plantation, there may be trucks for logistics and procurement, right?

It is natural to prepare some solar cells to provide electrical equipment to the plantation farm, right?

Of course, Masha can ask for more at one go, but in order not to attract too much attention from the office, he decided to raise this request first, and find a way to clarify the other things first. After a while, I really can’t get it. , Come to see Boss Cai for help.

Boss Cai has been observing Ma Sha's expression. He suddenly said: "It seems that this Facai plantation is not talking about playing tricks on me?"

"Of course not, I have always been very serious about telling you that it is true that I made this request." Ma Sha responded with a smile.

Boss Cai shook his head: "It wasn't until just now that I was sure that you really wanted a Facai plantation. And I still don't know what you want for this. Can Facai cope with the changes in the future?"

"No." Ma Sha gave a very annoying-but it was indeed a factual answer.

Boss Cai stared at Ma Sha and smiled: "Your Excellency the King of Yellow Clothes, I actually thought at first how clever you were, that is, you are an eighteen-year-old child. I really didn't expect it. I actually think that you are an eighteen-year-old. The child of "makes me unable to guess. Could it be that your superpowers awakened, not only have you gained superpowers, but your intelligence and other abilities have also been improved?"

Ma Sha recalled the death of Ma Dongming and the words and deeds of Ma Dongming dictated by Cai Shi before his death. He shook his head: "No, I think at least the two items of intelligence and emotional intelligence have definitely not been strengthened."

Ma Sha actually wanted to comfort the father-in-law, saying that you can't judge me, purely because you are missing key information, don't blame you. But he just thought about it.

Boss Cai changed the conversation and asked Ma Sha: "Is there anything else I need?"

"Not anymore." Ma Sha shook his head.

Boss Cai asked again: "Do you need me to lend you my driver and car?"

"No, I think it's good to take the subway."

Seeing that Ma Sha did not intend to continue making requests, Boss Cai stood up on the table, then yawned a long yawn, and said to Ma Sha, "It seems that the business is over. I will immediately investigate where there is a sale. If you find the Facai plantation, you will buy it and leave it to you for management."

"Then I'm looking forward to it."

Boss Cai stretched out his hand to Ma Sha across the desk.

Ma Sha did not hesitate to hold Boss Cai's hand and congratulated each other like an adult for the negotiation of the two parties to reach an agreement.

Then Boss Cai came out from behind the desk, and after making a "follow me" gesture to Ma Sha, he went straight to the door full of retro style.

He opened the door first, and a rapid buzzing sound came from the room.

Boss Cai looked back at Ma Sha and smiled: "How about it, let me say it, if the Faraday cage fails, the alarm will go off soon."

Ma Sha nodded, indicating that he already knew the power of this room.

Boss Cai left the study first contentedly, and Ma Sha followed close behind. For a moment, Ma Sha looked back to find his childhood sweetheart (wife), and then remembered that Cai Shi took Qianxun to "play".

So Ma Sha asked Cai boss: "You just called Cai Shi to take Chihiro-Miss Lin to play, why did you play?"

Boss Cai shrugged, and then shouted at the second floor of the artificially remodeled duplex building: "We're done. You two are going to come down for dinner!"

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