Chu Yuan's eyes condensed, after he destroyed the country, the system unexpectedly popped up this choice.

   This is something that I didn't have before being promoted to two stars.

   Of course he knew that although his national power had reached three stars before, his prestige had not been reached. It seemed that although his strength was strong, no one knew.

   This time, the destruction of the country and the black spirit allowed Dawu's prestige to reach, triggering the opportunity to be promoted to the Samsung Dynasty.

   Although the airspace is only part of the eternal world, its area is also extremely large.

Although there are not as many one- and two-star forces as the crucian carp that crosses the river, there are thousands of them in total, but there are only one or two hundred in the three-star dynasty, and only a few dozen in the four-star dynasty. Everybody knows.

   Dawu was still a two-star dynasty before. Although it seems a bit of an adventure, it is only a two-star after all, and there are not many people who pay attention to it. But once it gets to the three-star, even the dominator of the airspace, the dynasty, will pay special attention.

  Promoted or not promoted?

   "Promote to the three-star dynasty."

   Chu Yuan decided to be promoted to the three-star dynasty.

  The promotion of the dynasty is not only to let others know that your national power has reached three stars, but also a kind of prestige. When the people of Dawu go out, they can proudly say that they came from the three-star dynasty.

   can invisibly shock the one and two star forces.

   The various ministries of the imperial court and the various states and counties of Dawu were in emergency operation, and orders were issued for the promotion of national power to three stars. Various news spread like snowflakes.

   Not only the surrounding countries, the entire suspended space has even exploded.

Although Chu Yuan’s army of destroying the country fought against the Hei Ming Dynasty for several months, not many people paid attention. After all, the airspace was so big and there were more battles every day. Many people would not even think that the Hei Ming Dynasty would be so easily. Extinguished.

   But the news from Dawu, the Hei Ming Dynasty has been destroyed.

   "How is it possible that the Black Underworld Dynasty was destroyed after only a few months?"

   "That Dawu Dynasty has only just been promoted to two stars, how can it be promoted to three stars so quickly?"

   "Some countries with deep heritage may not be able to upgrade to Samsung for hundreds of years. What is the origin of this great military?"

   "You can't be wrong, someone has already checked it out, the Black Underworld Dynasty has indeed been destroyed, and the Black Underworld Empire City is full of Dawu banners!"

"The founding king of Dawu has died, and his successor as Emperor Chu Yuan, Emperor Wu, has only been ascended to the throne in just one or two years, and he has upgraded Dawu from two stars to three stars. The speed is extremely rare, and there has been a large number of illuminating gods in the battle of extinguishing the black and the dark. There are even many monsters in it!"


   The news spread in just a few days.

   It only took a few years to go from one star to three stars. This kind of speed is simply rare in the airspace, and all the focus is on Chu Yuan.

   But no one questioned Dawu's false news, and the **** fact that the Hei Ming Dynasty was destroyed was placed in front of them.

   The outside world was discussing, but the whole Dawu Dynasty was beaming, and the benefits came along with it. Because of the large amount of treasures in the Treasury of the Black Underworld Dynasty, the court also distributed a large amount of materials.

   "Ding! The host has made a choice, and the great military power has been promoted to three stars, and it has received three hundred fate points."

   "Ding! National power is promoted to three stars. Congratulations to the host for obtaining 30,000 Fate Points, Gengjin Destroying Flag x1, Supernatural Fruit x1, and Yinlei Cave Sky Treasure Map Two x1."

   "There are extra rewards for promotion to the Samsung Dynasty. The promotion to the second star was not triggered before. It seems that even the system thinks that the second star is just a dynasty that is not in the stream. Only when you get to the Samsung can you really have some strength."

   Chu Yuan's face suddenly burst into joy.

   That is to say, in the future, he will get a lot of fate point rewards every time he upgrades a star.

   Gengjin Desperate Banner: An exquisite artifact.

   One of the ancient Emperor Wu, created by Emperor Gengjin, possessing the power to slay demons and extinguish gods.

   Artifact Skills: Golden light destroys the gods, spurred by tyrannical mana, bursting out countless sharp golden lights that penetrate everything, and the power can be increased by using Dageng gold.

   Chu Yuan waved his hand, and suddenly a golden flag, like the gathering of hundreds of millions of golden lights, there was the word Gengjin on the surface of the flag!

  Treasure Map of Yinlei Cave: Picture two, collect five treasure maps to open Yinlei Cave.

   "Good banner!" Chu Yuan couldn't help exclaiming.

   There are supernatural powers, and Chu Yuan is already aware of its effects, and now the first thing to consider is the power of which supernatural powers should be advanced.

   Great Combat Technique!

  Compared with several other great techniques, the power of the great combat technique is upgraded in all aspects.

   Under the supernatural power fruit, Chu Yuan seemed to be swimming in the ocean of battle, seeing the ancient battlefields, the terrifying fighting will, countless powerful fighting each other, the terrible belief that invincible and invincible.

   Great fighting technique, born for fighting.

   After the effect of the supernatural power fruit ended, Chu Yuan's great combat technique also advanced.

   "Ding! The advancement of the great fighting technique is completed, and the host has the title of Fighting Mad King!"

  【Fighting madman: The fighting madman is upgraded. The king in the battle understands the nine styles of the king of war, one is stronger than the other, and the savings are up to the ninth, and there is no king in the world. 】

   "The fighting madman has upgraded to the fighting mad king, and even the seven fighting styles have also advanced to the nine fighting kings. The power of the seven fights is extremely fierce, and the power of the nine fights can even directly kill opponents such as the black king!"

   Chu Yuan looked excited, his choice was not wrong.

   "Now my realm is only the Sixth Level of Peeping It is directly raised to the Tenth Level of Peeping God!"

   "Use fate points to increase the four realms!"

   "Give a glimpse of God Seven!"

   "Give a glimpse of God Yae!"

   "Give a glimpse of God Nine!"

   "Ten God Glimpse!"

   At this moment, Chu Yuan suddenly felt a wave of majestic to vastness in the void, carrying a stream of pure to extreme energy, violently instilling into his body.

   This energy seems to have been obtained by Chu Yuan from the river of destiny energy with the fate point, and into the infinite void.

   "This is a trade for some kind of power."

   Chu Yuan experienced this power change in detail, and his realm reached the tenth level of Peeping God after consuming 16,000 points.

   Breakthrough to illuminate the gods, but you can't exchange fate points for promotion.

   This time the dynasty has been promoted to three stars, and the benefits for Chu Yuan are too great. He directly brought his realm to the tenth level of Peeping God, and he was only one step away from being able to break through to the realm of Illuminating God and illuminating his own way of God.

   As soon as the attributes of the human emperor sword increased, Chu Yuanguang's realm was comparable to the tenth level of the gods, and there were various methods that he could deal with even the powerhouse of the gods.

   The most important thing at the moment is to break through the realm of oneself, and then use the remaining destiny to break through the fast and small realm again.

"Imitated the purpose and passed my order. This time, the army of destroying the country has won merits and rewards. The loyal and brave lords have been loyal to the empire for many years. He conferred the title of the king and was named the loyal and brave king. Statistics promotion and nobility are all subject to the great martial arts, the higher the merit, the more blessing the national luck!"

   Under the order of Chu Yuan, he reached the army far in the Black Underworld Imperial City.

   [The name of the treasure map is changed to Yinlei Dongtian, which is more in line with the treasures in the treasure. 】

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