“Pa!” With a soft sound, a smoke bomb flew out of the grass, causing the eight to nervously shoot at the smoke bomb. The eight people’s Spear Art very difficult to deal with almost all hit the smoke bomb, but Smoke bombs are not other kinds of bombs. They will be detonated or invalidated when hit. It still releases smoke dutifully. As the number of hits increases, the smoke will be released more quickly. Fog, although the protective cap has a certain effect of isolating the smoke, the sight is still affected.

However, the eight people seemed to be professional killers. Instead of panic, they directly fired the laser particle submachine gun in their hands. Countless laser particles poured out, breaking the bushes into ashes.

Ling Lan is not worried because she saw Ling Qin steward throw out the smoke bomb, and she had already moved from the short grass to the bush on the right.

However, Ling Qin’s next move surprised Ling M. Ling Qin untied a thin rope that had been wrapped around his wrist from his wrist. Originally, the extremely thick rope in Ling M’s eyes. Tear, the rope suddenly split into countless ropes as thin as hair.

Ling Qin pinched one end, quickly wrapped around the trigger of the submachine-type laser particle gun, and then set the gun in the bushes. In a machine gun laser, the cat quietly shifted its direction. Ling Lan clearly saw that he was still pinching the thin line that was almost invisible to naked eye.

The other person’s round of shooting was over. Eight people saw the bushes turned to ashes. Several people glanced at each other and exchanged a few gestures. They saw two of them walking forward. It seems that they want to check the ashes of the bushes. There are people on their mission here, of course there are corpses.



这些攻击是对准留下断后掩护的六人的,其中一个反应不及时,直接被这股火力击倒。其他几人反应很快,所有的激光枪都对准了灌木丛,包括那负责检查的两人。他们疯狂的射击,不知道是谁击中了架在灌木丛中的冲锋式,让那把枪直接爆裂开来,引得灌木丛一片fire sea 。


可就在这个时候,意外出现了,凌秦从他们的侧面飞身扑了出来,同时他没忘将Ling Family 的信号弹放了出去。

他死没有关系,但凌m必须活下去。凌秦出来攻击这些人,其实很大一个目的是为了吸引所有人的注意,包括那辆悬浮车,他希望凌m能乘机逃走。而他相信,Ling Family 的死士正在赶来,只要与他们汇合,按照Ling Family 的实力,对付这些杀手根本不是问题。

一枚璀璨的信号弹高挂当空,让远方正在寻找凌m的几队人马to be wild with joy ,纷纷调转方向拼命向这边驰来。

凌秦的攻击是突然的,让人意想不到的。除了带头的那个Captain 反应及时,第一个发射激光粒子企图阻止凌秦的攻击外,其他六人根本毫无察觉。

说时迟,那时快,凌秦快速奔来的silhouette 突然扭曲了一下,就闪过了那Captain 的激光粒子攻击。

Captain 惊呼:“无规则闪动!”这可是格斗中很难掌握的闪避技能,一般拥有这技能的人,无一不是格斗之王。


“快放射镭射炮!”带队Captain 眼中狠戾闪现,带着果决与狠毒。他对着联络器大喊,与此同时,急速往后退去。

其实他们下来,很大一部分是做诱饵,吸引对方出来攻击的,真正的杀招还是那辆压阵的悬浮车。当然对于他们这些习惯黑暗生存的人,牺牲一些手下是很正常的,所以那个Captain without the slightest hesitation 地放弃了他那名被凌秦攻击的手下。

Captain 都已经做好了闪避动作,但是,悬浮车那边not at all 如他所料般发射炮弹,依然维持原来的动作,沉默一片。

还没等他回身,他就听到了一声惨呼,那名被他无情抛弃的手下,已经被凌秦用一把匕首直接刺入喉咙,发出了最后一声的惨呼。那声音中似乎带着一点不甘与愤怒,毕竟他在临死前亲眼看到自己被Captain 抛弃的现实。

凌秦那张淡漠的脸,被飙射而出的blood dyed 红,浓郁的blood energy 可以让一个正常人胆怯呕吐,但凌秦似乎很习惯鲜血的味道,他竟然用舌头轻轻地舔了舔嘴角的鲜血――好变态的steward grandfather 啊!凌m看到这里,忍不住心中狂叫。丫的她身边都是些什么人啊……


他双眼两簇无名火焰燃起,早年,他可是跟着Ling Xiao father 从战场的尸推中爬出来的,这种slaughter 实在太习惯了。可惜自从Ling Xiao 晋升神级师士后,就彻底告别了以前的foul wind and bloody rain 。不是凌秦想金盆洗手,而是神级师士是联邦最高武力的存在,没人敢承受惹怒神级师士的后果。

凌秦以为,自己多年的修身养性让他遗忘了当初的very ruthless 。没想到,今日重操旧业,依然让他热血沸腾,杀个人真是信手拈来,熟练的很。这让他很欢喜,原本禁锢在内心的凶兽在这一瞬间被释放。

凌秦笑了,原来他还是喜欢slaughter 的。

此时的凌m暗暗抹了一把冷汗,没想到严肃认真对她很慈祥的steward grandfather 也是个超级狠客,那杀人动作简直就是教科书,那笑容更是让人不寒而栗。

凌m感觉自己的小心肝正扑通扑通地乱跳……丫的,以后绝不能惹怒steward grandfather !凌m果断给steward 凌秦贴上了不能惹得标签。

凌秦发动攻击,原本就抱着必死的心去干的,所以杀死第一个敌人后,not at all 就此收手,而是又迅速扑向了第二个。

两方的武力值的确相差极大,老当益壮的凌秦,格斗能力并不比年轻时候差到哪里去,当他顺利解决掉第三个对手时,就听到那名带队Captain moved towards 联络器怒吼道:”Damn it, 我让你发射!发射啊……”

原来Captain 并不死心,在凌秦上手准备杀另两人时,依然试图联络悬浮车,命令他们放射炮弹,可惜结果很明显,回答他的仍然是一片沉默,而这片沉默这个时候让他感到了绝望。

他已经明白,作为压阵用的悬浮车肯定出了问题,现在是指望不上了。他愤怒地丢掉手中的联络器,举起手中的武器,yelled :“给我一起杀!”



前世Husband 与西医穿越庶妹合谋,害得她家族whole family 抄斩,怀胎三月也被害得落水身亡。




舒舒已有三本完结作品,《带着厨房去晋朝》《晋秀Upright Sect 》《古代闲逸生活》。



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