Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 3295 The Last World (103)

When he finished speaking, it was like a thunderbolt struck him.

Yun Si, who kept trying to struggle, stopped instantly and said blankly: "What?"

As if he couldn't believe it, he grabbed her and looked at her other hand.

"Give me your left hand and I'll take a look."

"..." Yun Si didn't say a word or move.

This shocking news made her head feel buzzing - she was at a loss.

The child...she-she has a child?

She didn't know whether she should be surprised or frightened. At that moment, she couldn't think, her mind went blank, and she didn't know how to react.

"Don't you know you're pregnant?" He asked with a frown, looking at her obviously dazed expression.

"..." Yun Si didn't answer.

I was a little panicked and confused. I suddenly became nervous and wanted to protect my belly and protect it tightly.

But there was someone else in front of her, and her reason told her not to expose her so quickly. She could only try her best to stay calm, take a deep breath, pretend that nothing happened, and replied: "...No, you are mistaken, I am not pregnant."

Subconsciously wanting to protect the child, not wanting any outsiders to know of its existence.

In her ignorant mind, the first few months of pregnancy... seemed to be unstable and prone to accidents and loss.

She was alone now and didn't know how to deal with this sudden child. She could only deny its existence first.

"Let me go first."

Ruanyang's face looked a little uncomfortable, and she looked at her seriously: "Is it possible that you plan to have this child?"

"..." Being held by him all the time, Yun Si also became a little cold-faced and said, "It's none of your business, you seem to have mistaken your identity."

"I'm not wrong!" He suddenly became very excited, as if he was stimulated by her, "What should I do before you can believe me -"

It's like this again... it's like this again! She is pregnant again, and wants to abandon him again——

The old jade pendant was handed to her hand. He took a deep breath and trembled: "This, don't you remember this? This is what you always carried with you... Now it's back to its original owner, take a look, take a look. not good?"

The object was returned to its original owner, and the cold jade pendant was forced into the palm of Yun Si's hand. For a moment, a flash of light flashed past, and it became extremely hot, like a fire.

After perming, I felt a warmth coming again.

The tight and uncomfortable feeling of blockage in her chest dissipated a little, making her feel better.

But it only took a few seconds for me to feel better, and a nauseating feeling came over me like a tide——

She felt uncomfortable, as if her stomach was churning with pain, as if someone was stirring her stomach with a stick.

The jade pendant fell to the ground with a "clack", and she couldn't help but cover her chest and retching.

"How's it going? Have you remembered?" He seemed to be stunned, holding her tightly, completely ignoring her discomfort.

"You are my sister-in-law, you are my sister-in-law..."

Vomiting, nausea, screaming, fear - all the negative emotions and despair, like a ghost, wrapped around her wantonly and greedily.

The scene of being chased inexplicably flashed before my eyes, and my body seemed to recall the fear at that time - the smell of blood, mud, the cruel smell of rust from the sharp blade...

If it had been before, Yun Si's reaction might not have been so strong.

But now... maybe because her body has become a little weak, she is vomiting violently. (End of chapter)

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