Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 634 Shackles of Sin (3)

The conditions of the prison are very simple, with two rows of three-dimensional cells, one connected to the other.

Each one is separated by a thick alloy soundproof wall, which can effectively isolate the prisoners and prevent them from communicating with each other.

In each cell, there is only a simple bed, a chair, a table, and a small sanitary area with a flush toilet and a small sink.

The door of each cell is separated by a dense iron bar the size of a finger gap. The front of the iron bar is sealed with two layers of transparent bulletproof glass with holes punched in it to allow oxygen to enter and exit.

Yun Si put down her backpack, hugged the report, and slowly walked towards the corridor in the middle of the cell.

Qingming's calm gaze looked through the iron bars at the people inside, and then focused on the information in his hand.

Because the people in the cells are highly dangerous and some are emotionally unstable, they are not like other ordinary prisons and have to go out to do labor camps every day.

The prisoners here cannot go out and can only stay in their cells.

Yun Si compared the cell numbers and looked over. Some were banging their heads against the wall, some were doing handstands, some were exercising, and some were taking newspapers to the toilet.

Nothing seems out of the ordinary, just like ordinary prisoners.

But the information in her hand told her that there were chainsaw killers, rape enthusiasts, cannibals, and reproductive organ collectors here.

They are all perverts, each more perverted than the last.

When Yun Si walked through such cells, most of the prisoners in the cells looked over.

Seeing a rare and beautiful woman, many people whistled and came to the iron fence.


"Wow, what a beautiful girl. Look at her, she has such a good figure."

"Oh my God, I love her beautiful face. I want to peel it off and make it into a doll."

"Hey! Winnie, don't snatch her from me, I want all of her too."

"Hey, am I the only one who wants her feet? I bet she is so white and her little feet must be perfect. I really want to chop them off and kiss them every day."


Those people were talking to each other, expressing their admiration and unabashedly revealing their perverted desires.

In just a few simple discussions, it seemed that such a little girl who came in was about to be dismembered.

Lively and share all the parts of your body with them.

Yun Si didn't change her expression, as if she hadn't heard anything, and stopped in front of one of the cells.

Look at the cell number on it and flip through the information.

As if aiming at something.

"Hey beauty, do you want to come up and play?"

On the second floor of the cell, a man with muscles all over his body and a prisoner's uniform filled to the brim whistled loudly at her.

He behaves arrogantly and looks like a gangster.

Yun Si raised her head and looked over.

He raised his eyebrows, remained silent, and turned a few more pages.

"Number 23, Moore..."

She glanced at the information and then went up the stairs on the side.

When he came to him, he raised his lips, half-smiling but not smiling,

"playing what?"

The man in front of him was a senior fitness instructor before he was imprisoned. He especially liked to commit violence.

Especially, for weak women or girls, he will have extremely excited emotions, and then

Torture and rape them.

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