Hulkland, Logan Mansion.

The dim light shines in from the window and shines on the scratched and mottled long wooden table, and the fine dust particles appear erratic in it.

Logan walked to the table quietly, his expression calm and not showing much emotion.

The horrific wounds left on his body when the Hulk Gang came last time have completely disappeared.

Unexpectedly, when I got up in the morning, I stepped on the wooden board under my feet and collapsed, and there was some money hidden in it from nowhere. It was really strange.

But it's not a bad thing, it's not a bad thing. It will take some time to get the money from selling the pigs. This windfall can just fill the rent vacancy, and the family can live a peaceful life again.

Thinking about it, he flipped the lid on the plate and took it out. Inside was a sumptuous meal full of aroma. This was his carefully prepared dinner.

"Tell me, old man, where's the interest?!" Seeing that Logan didn't speak, the fat green man roared even more arrogantly, spitting out his saliva. This feeling of bullying the hero of the past was so good.

Scott muttered, shaking his head slightly before following his father to the table.

Logan immediately raised his head alertly, his eyes sharpening. He had heard this voice countless times over the years and there was no mistaking it.

The daughter and wife heard the sound and came over, their faces filled with happy smiles. For them, this moment was the best time in the world.

No wonder Dad Banner lets them come and beat up Wolverine every once in a while. Dad is so kind!

After waiting for half a minute, but still no one was seen, Logan simply walked over and pushed open Scott's door. The boy was engrossed in playing the game and was completely unaware of his father's arrival.

The fat green man's eyes were wide open and his mouth was open, but he couldn't make a sound. His body was stiff for a moment, and then he fell down weakly and hit the ground heavily, kicking up a cloud of dust and gravel.

Scott responded in a long tone, with a hint of laziness and impatience in his voice. He seemed to be enjoying his time and had no intention of leaving the room in a hurry.

After swallowing it, she blinked and looked at her somewhat embarrassed father, "Betsy's mother said that before the bad guys took power, you were also a superhero, and you were still in some kind of team. Is that true?"

The surrounding atmosphere froze instantly, and everyone froze on the spot, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

This ugly thing just walked up to Logan with a smile, grinned, revealing a pair of uneven yellow teeth.

They walked towards Logan laughing and joking, as if celebrating an upcoming party, and their laughter was particularly harsh around the silent wooden house.

Seeing that her father was unhappy and her mother was giving her a reproachful look, the little girl, knowing that she had said something wrong, shrank her neck, closed the comic book and began to concentrate on the food in front of her.

"Scott, dinner is ready." The old man standing at the door reminded him, with a slight warning in his words.

And not only does it provide peace of mind, the remaining money is enough to make the family's life better.

However, Logan frowned slightly, Scott, his eldest son, did not appear at the table.

Damn it, it's all the game console Barton brought.

"Buzz buzz buzz buzz"

Suddenly, there was a deep sound outside, and something was landing.

One of the fat-headed green-skinned men walked to the front of the line as he spoke. His hair looked like it hadn't been washed for several days, and it was tangled and emitting a bad smell.

A sharp arrow flew suddenly, as fast as lightning, and pierced the fat green man's head.

Just a dozen meters away, the Fantastic Four's aircraft had landed on the ground.

As soon as he stepped outside, the strong wind immediately hit him in the face, and the howling wind almost swallowed up everything. Logan stabilized his body, felt the power of the wind, and stared ahead firmly.

Several green-skinned people jumped out of the aircraft, all of them tall and fierce.

"Didn't I pay the rent a few days ago?" Logan's voice had a hint of indifference. He squinted his eyes and took a few steps forward, deliberately using himself to separate the Hulk Gang members from the cabin behind him. open.

"." The old man lowered his head in silence, making it difficult for people to see his expression clearly. He spoke after a long time, "Go back and tell Betsy her mother. She is just talking nonsense. There is no such thing in the world."

Seeing that his son was still obedient and not completely rebellious, Logan breathed a sigh of relief. He pulled out his chair and sat down, picked up a spoon, scooped up a mouthful of hot soup and put it into his mouth.


"Where did you get this book?"

The arrow penetrated his head almost instantly, entering from the left temple and piercing through the right temple. Blood and brain matter spurted out, and a terrifying line of blood spurted out.

She ate the bread in small bites while her eyes moved quickly on the page. It seemed that the story in the comic interested her very much.

"Okay, Dad, I get it."

"But we were thinking, since you haven't paid the payment for a few days, do we need to pay more interest?" He stretched out a stubby finger and poked Logan's chest hard.

I accidentally glanced at the comic book placed in front of my daughter. From Logan's perspective, I could only see the small introductory text on the back of the comic book, which seemed to mention the names of some superheroes.

He took a deep breath, trying to stay calm, and then shouted to the other side of the room, "Come out to eat! Don't make me call you a second time, Scott!"

The atmosphere at the dinner table became tense instantly. Marlene held her hand tightly, her little daughter stopped flipping through the comic book, and Scott also stopped with a solemn look on his face.

"Stay here and don't go out." Logan ordered hurriedly, without caring about anything else. He stood up quickly, opened the door and walked out.

Logan's little daughter sat at the dining table, holding a piece of bread in one hand and flipping through a battered comic book with curled pages in the other.

The latter opened his mouth and was a little dumbfounded. These green-skinned monsters were obviously here to cause trouble, and they didn't care about the interest at all.


"Borrowed it from my friend Betsy." Jade replied without looking up, her voice sounding a little muffled with her mouth full of bread.

Looking at the pimples, rough pores and oil spots all over his face, it creates a rather uncomfortable picture.

After a few seconds, Sha Matt in the crowd realized what he was doing. He stuttered and screamed in shock: "This old guy dared to ambush the Hulk Gang and turned against him!"


This caused a subtle emotion to surge up in his heart, and he couldn't help but ask:

Each of those green-skinned bastards was more than two meters tall, with strong muscles and an aura of wildness and violence. They kept squeezing their hands and making weird noises as they walked towards them.

Before he finished speaking, he heard a loud shout from the distant hillside: "Thunder Warrior, kill all these greenskins!"

The sound shook like thunder, followed by a large group of people rushing out from the hillside. Their armors gleamed golden in the setting sun, and their rumbling footsteps shook the earth.

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